Chapter 2

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Molten's injury proved to be worse than they had originaly thought. Therefore, after a long debate between Commander and his troops it was decided that for the next few weeks the titans would remain at the base with them. As an apology for the the injury sustained by the child so as to maintain the peace treaty intact.

Safe to say a lot of angry glares and sassy comments were served that day. Neither side liked the idea. The soldiers especially made sure to let it be known, trying rile up Fallen King during the first few days in a futile attempt to start a fight.
However, things did start to calm down towards the end of the week.

Gravedigger stayed in his room for the most part, he couldn't bare to see his disapointed father nor his weakened brother.
He sat up on his chair looking out the window to observe the training grounds. Some fought with guns, some with hammers and some even with swords. There was one soldier who stood out from the rest, he seemed a lot younger than the others.
With a tiny pistol in hand he kept trying to hit the targets, failing miserably.

The recruits soon switched from weapons to physical training. Gravedigger watched as they lined up to face this obstacle course. It started off with a thick wooden pole, a good 20 feet tall. They had to figure out a way to climb it, get the flag at the top and run to the next wall.
His curiosity peaked as soon as the young soldier attempted it. He made it around half way, using only his arms wrapped around but he slipped and fell off. The more muscular, battle worn troops got through it real quickly, leaving behind the boy to watch in awe. The rest of the day was boring, the one time he left the room was to visit his brother and that was about it.

Night came around and no matter how hard he tried, Gravedigger could not fall asleep, he twisted and turned but nothing happened. Snatching his hoodie from a hanger, he sneaked down the hallway leading outside. With no one in sight he stood before the obstacle course to give it a shot himself.

He analized the pole for a minute or two. He backed up, taking a running start, he grabbed onto the sides and pushed himself up with his legs. He smiled as he reached for the flag and threw it on the ground.

"Woah, I've never seen someone complete it so fast!"

The boy flinched, almost falling off. He snapped his head in the direction of the voice. It was the young soldier.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"

Gravedigger jumped down, watching him evenly. The boy approached him carefully, eyes never leaving one another.

"You are really good at climbing! I wish I could do that!" He smiled warmly.


"Do you have a name?"


"It's okay if you don't want to talk!"



"My name's Gravedigger"

"Mine's Scout! Nice to meet ya'!"

He put his hand forward for a handshake. Gravedigger reluctantly took it.

"Why are you up so late 'Digger?"

"I could ask you the same thing"

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