Chapter 29

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Gravedigger fiddled with the book in his hands. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened a few days ago... How his uncle got hurt... By the very book he now so carelessly toyed with... But why? Why his uncle ? Scout read it... He, himself, carried it.... Why did it react this way to Krampus? Would it do the same if his father were to touch it? Would it if Commander....? Why?

It was the last question that replayed the most in his head... Why?... Why did they find out only now about Krampus, three whole years later? Why did he and Scout of all people embark on the journey? Why was he the one to cast the spell when magic was never something he had practiced? Why did that figure talk to him only after the accident? Why... Just why?

He leaned against the wooden frame of the small window... The same one through which he had laid eyes upon the figure that fateful night..
He flipped through the pages... No fire... No flame... Nothing. The more he looked through it, the more it appeared to have not been just a spell book... No... This was somebody's journal.. In different parts it had thoughts and feelings written out... This was someone's life long writings..
At the bottom of the paper was a signature but it was blurred by the years aging the ink... Only a letter was somewhat comprehensible a capital 'V'... V? Who is this V person?
Were they a Tower...? A Titan?
Was it the figure?... It was too small to be a Titan... And yet too unnatural to be a simple Tower... Wierd...

A small "Grave?" coming from behind made the boy turn around in a flash... He didn't even hear the door open.. Let alone the steps of his older friend.
Scout sheepishly walked forward into the light of the evening sun as he approached his companion.

"Are you ok?" he asked, tilting his head. The expression on Grave's face and his jumpy nature from the past days worried him to no avail... Grave wasn't like this..

"Yeah, fine." was all the boy mumbled in return. But Scout wasn't pleased. He could tell it was a lie from a mile away, so he pressed onward.

"Grave... I am worried.. You are so quiet ever since... Y-you just..blanked when Mr. Krampus burned his hand.. For a second I thought...t-thought you died.." he paused his confesion, trying to surpress his shaking hands,"... Your eyes were so still and... - and empty.. And-and then you woke up and you looked so shaken..What happened? "

Grave sighed softly, closing the book. He signed for Scout to come closer, warily looking over his shoulder as if someone was waiting to bust the door down. He pulled Scout into a small hug as he began," Scout could you promise me to not tell anyone about what I am going to say to you?"

"Y-yes.. I promise!" blurted Scout, he felt himself tense even more.. This had to be bad if Grave wanted it to be kept a secret from his family...

Grave nodded more to himself than to Scout as he chose his words, "A few days ago, I woke up in the middle of the night.. I don't why really... I was tired but something scared me... I thought it was a nightmare... A loud noise drew me to this window, so I peaked out and...there it was. An odd figure staring at me with bright pink eyes... It was clad in black so I couldn't see what or who it was.. Then I blinked and it was gone.. "

There was a small silence between them as Grave locked eyes with Scout, who looked as uncomfortable as he felt. He shifted a little as he held Grave in his arms..."T-That's creepy... Maybe it was just a dream...? " he asked, hopefully.

"That is what I thought too! Dad didn't hear it so I assumed I just imagined everything! But then..." he felt himself stop, a lingering sadness covering his voice, "Uncle got hurt and... I don't really know what happened.. For a moment I wasn't in the room with you anymore... I could barely hear my uncle's scream... Everything went up in flames... None of you were around, the book was in my hands and the same thing happened... I looked out the window in the living room and there was the figure again. This time closer, it appeared to have horns sticking out of a hat, the face was covered, only the eyes I could make out to have the same burning pink as... As the crystal on the cover.. " he showed Scout the book again as he continued," For the first time, it didn't run away.. It spoke to me... It said goodbye.. a female voice was what I heard.. Next thing I knew, you were shaking me awake... back to reality... That wasn't a dream."

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