Chapter 10

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The Titans have been in an on-going meeting with the Commander and a few high ranked Towers ever since their arrival. However, things were going nowhere really. Just back and forth spats and insults, no solutions, no improvements. They yelled at one another for hours on end. Eventually Fallen King managed to get the subject back on track explaining, with  Commander's approval, the discussion they had before hand, silencing some rather loud voices.

"So, Tower, you did not have anything to do with this?" asked Swordmaster with a look of disgust some would shiver at. He hated being any where near these pests that have forsaken his kind for so long.

"I told you before, I had nothing to do with this. I was not even in this base at the time. The Commander before me was a rather magical woman. Known for her spells and tricks, called a witch of sorts by many." answered the Tower leader himself, trying to keep his composure.

"I do not believe you! All you Towers ever do is destroy!" yelled Sinister slaming his fist on the table.

"We destroy?! Look at yourself in the mirror you monster!" spat out Warden, jumping up from his chair.

"Enough! We will not get anywhere if this keeps happening! We barely just started having a proper conversation for crying out loudly!" ordered Commander pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration as he leaned into his chair. Before sighing and straightening his posture, he added.

"I never got to ask you, where did you find out about it? I doubt any of my soldiers would talk to you willingly."

"From Gravedigger and that child of yours." responded Fallen with an even yet cold tone..

Commander snapped his eyes back up at him with clear anger, "You better have not touched Scout!"
It was now Commander's turn to be agressive, he could over look any sort of insult and keep himself from saying something worse but when it came to Scout that was where he drew the line.

"Relax, I have not touched the boy. I heard them talk and Gravedigger confirmed to me it was you who had told them"
Now, everyone knew Fallen was an expert at keeping his composure but his demeanor was pretty intimidating even to Sinister, who ever since he had found out about his brother, blew up almost every day in a fit of rage.

"Get the kid in here."
Fallen gazed towards the sound of the voice, it was Swordmaster of course. Void Reaver always tried to stay away from confrontations so he has yet to say a word. He could tell Swordmaster was beginning to think this was a joke, he had never fully accepted Gravedigger even if the boy was part of their family officially for a long time now.

Commander sent Accelerator to bring him in and soon enough the two of them walked through the door. Gravedigger could feel all the eyes fall on him and he despised it with his whole heart. All that comforted him was knowing Scout was right outside the door waiting for him. He looked to his cousins for some reassurance but was only met with a confused stare from Ducky and with Frost Spirit refusing to make eye contact.

"Child, when did you find out about Krampus?" asked Commander.

"U-umm, S- Scout told me the story of the great triumph"

Swordmaster scoffed, "Of course.. he put his trust in a Tower" he mumbled.

Commander lifted an eyebrow, "What was that?"

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