Misson Mistake

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Kai's POV:

I rush over to the swamp area Wu told us about in my red motorcycle, which I had just got. God, Pixel is gonna kill me if I mess it up but then again, what bed could happen just getting a flower right? Nothing at all. We'll be fine. Cole follows closely behind in a car Nya made for him a while ago. He hadn't broken it yet surprisingly so Pix hasn't had to make him a new one.

"Kai we should stick together." Cole was talking through the communicators we had but I was already so far ahead, I didn't wanna stop for him.

"Your no fun, let me go for this." I smile to myself and drive off faster. In my mirror I can see him speed up as well.

"In that case I'll just catch up with you." He then gets off the communicator. The smile on my face grows. Wu had sent me and him to get a flower. He called it the Princess Flower. Didn't tell us why though. Whatever, I'm sure we'll get our answers soon. Cole had caught up to me surprisingly and was right beside me. We look at each other and he smiles at me as we enter the swamp. The both of us drive in for a bit before stopping at a large cave. I walked over to it and look at the walls. It had large scratches and marks everywhere. One image on the wall had a heart in it and two people. Weird. Maybe it was a make-out spot for some people, but then again, who would wanna make-out in this shimmy area. I lift my food from some goo I stepped in and kick it off. Ew. Cole walks into the cave. It wasn't big honestly, just a small crease. Nothing was in it either.

"Ugh there's nothing here." I look to Cole who was looking at some more pictures. When I walk over I see the picture he was looking at had a lady and two boys. The lady was in the clouds while one of the boys sat down and the other layed his head on the other boys shoulder. Cole sighs but freaks out when he sees I'm near him.

"Holy shit!" He jumps back and trips. I laugh as I help him up. "Say something next time!" I just laugh some more.

"Ok, ok, cool your jets Mr scaredy cat." He walks past me to the cave and looks at the wall. It was empty. No drawings at all. I watch him put his hand up to the wall then suddenly his hand begin to glow a soft orange-ish yellow. "Um Cole...?" I step back a step and he punches his way through the wall. Dust was everywhere making it hard to see. I cough and close my eyes. "Try and warm someone next time you do that!" I cough some more and swing my hand infront of me to get the dust away.

"Hehe, sorry." He didn't seem affected by the dust and went straight into the whole he made. Just great. I quickly rush after him and we enter a larger cave. It had a bluish tint to it and majority of the floor was part of the water there, only it was clean. I gasp at the sights of it. Nya was right. It was like a hidden treasure, and in the middle of the water was what we came for, the flower.

"Now we just get it and get out. Easy." I walk infront of Cole and head for the flower. The water wasn't that deep so it was easy for me to get it. When I got to the rock I was just about to grab it when Cole yelled something at me.

"Wait! Remember what Wu said! Don't-" Before he could finish I had already grabbed the flower. It looked like a rose, with a pinkish purple color. Wasn't that big but was pretty strong. I had a struggle getting it out.

"What were you saying?" I turn around to look at him and start walking.

"I was going to say don't poke yourself with the thorns because Wu said it could be dangerous but I don't think that'll be an issue... just in case though I think I should have it." He goes to grab it from me but I pull back.

"Nah, I think I'll have it." I throw it in my other hand and I can see a bit of anxiety form on his face.

"Kai listen, be careful. We don't know-"

"Careful is my middle n- ow!" I throw down the flower and put my pointer finger in my mouth. When I take it out there was a small dot of blood.

"Idiot! I told you not do poke yourself!" He runs over and grabs the flower that still had some of my blood on it.

"I'm fine! Wu was just... over..."

Cole's POV:

Suddenly Kai passes out on the ground. I slide under him before he hits the ground and I look to the flower, then back to Kai. Why doesn't he listen? I grab a bag and put the flower in it before I pick up Kai bridal style. When I did he curled up by my chest. Was he still somewhat awake?

"Pixel." I say into my communicator. "Get the whole team back, Kai passes out, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"Kai passed out?!" I could hear Nya in the back ground.

"Oh dear. Everyone's already here, we wait for your arrival." With that Pixel gets off the communicator and I start walking over to my car. I put him in the backseat and look to his motorcycle. We'll gave to get it later. Then I jump into the car and start driving as fast as I can to the team and base. Every now and then I could hear Kai groan quietly. If it wasn't in this situation I would call it kind of, cute, but who knows if he's in pain or not. The speed increases as I imagine what could happen to Kai. I take a deep breathe in and out to calm my mind and I drive faster. Kai will be ok. He will be ok. I'll make sure of that. He needs to be ok. I can't do any of this without him. He needs to be here with me, with all of us.

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