Tale of the Princess Flower

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When I finally get there I rush in with Kai and take him to the living room. Everyone was already there and Nya gasped at the sight of her brother.

"What happened?" She rushes over to him as soon as I lay him down on the couch.

"We went to get the flower like Wu said and he grabbed it and then he accidentally poked himself on th-"

"He what?" I was cut off by Wu entering the room. "He got poked by the thorns? Oh dear." Wu walks over to Kai and looks at him seriously.

"Yes but is he ok?" Nya had her hand over Kai's forehead. Everyone could tell no one cared more for Kai then she did. Jay walks over to her and puts a hand over her shoulder.

"For now..." Wu sighs and walks over to a spare chair.

"For now? W-what do you mean?" I look at Wu, eager for an answer.

"How can we help?" Lloyd was quiet but stoke wirh determination.

"He's burning up! Zane!" Nya calls Zane over to cool him off. Jay stayed with Nya to calm her down while Wu explained to me, Pixel and Lloyd about everything.

"This flower.... do you know why it's called the Princess Flower?" He takes a sip of his tea and we all look at each other.

"No sensei... we don't. Please explain to us." Lloyd was the first to sit, then me and Pixel followed.

"Well.... long ago prince's would find this rare beauty's for their princess they were to save. It's told as a sign of love."

"Yes, those ancient times, if a prince could get one it could take any girls heart. It seemed they loved this flower." Pixel had seemed to know everything there was about this flower.

"Yes indeed, but...." He sighs. "That's only what people want you to hear..."

"What do you mean sensei?" I looked more eagerly at him hoping it would get the answer out of him.

"The true tale is that the princesses didn't love the flower, but feared it." My eyes go wide as he says that.

"But why? What does it do?" Lloyd looked almost as eager as me. He must have also been anxious based on his hand movements. Twisting at his skin.

"This flower. It did have the power to get a person heart, only it wasn't out of their free will. Every prince would find a flower, knowing their princess wouldn't love them and poke them. After the princess was poked she'd have to be starring at the prince to fall in love with him. This was the start of many kingdoms but the princess would always die a year after, but why then the prince's would have already convinced the princesses to have children so there was alway someone else for the thrown." Wu sighs and takes another sip of his tea, making me angry. "The side affects can be.... suprising right after the poke. It can also be dangerous for Kai. We need to give him a cure to thus before the year ends, or else we'll lose Kai.... forever." I look down in rage. Lose Kai? No, I can't have that. Not now, not ever.

"But sensei, what do you use for a cure?" Lloyd gets up. He was ready to start looking.

"I.... I am unsure...." Wu looks down hopelessly.

"What!? You don't know!?" I get up quickly. "No, there- there must be a way!"

"Cole..." Lloyd trys to get infront of me but I push him back.

"Wu please, please, there must be a way." I watch him sigh and look up at the rest.

"Pixel, come with me. We will begin searching threw books with Misako." When he says that hope begins to overtake me. "Jay, Zane and Lloyd, you three with be incharge of getting anything we might need when we need it. Nya will stay with Kai as much as possible. Cole." He looks me in the eyes. "Do you still have the flower?"

"Yes sensei."

"Good, and who was the first person Kai looked at after he was poked?" I stay silent for a bit before ancwer his question.

"Me...." When I say that I hear Jay laugh.

"Wait wait wait! So-" He was overtaken by laughter. "Kai, he-" He was struggling to talk. "Kai's gonna be in love with Cole? Haha!" Jay was laughing like crazy until Nya elbowed him in the stomach. "I- I'm so sorry I just-" He begins to laugh again so I ignore him and look to Wu who also looked like he would laugh a bit.

"I uh," He was holding back laugher but became more serious in an instant. "Ok, then Cole you'll also stay with Kai. Maybe you'll help him." Wu then starts walking to the exit with the rest except me, Nya, and Kai. He looks to us before leaving and waves. Then he was gone. I stand still for a bur before rushing back to Kai.

"Is he ok?" I don't keep my eyes off Kai.

"He's not burning up but we should get him to bed. Can you do that? Nya had already gotten up.

"Of course." I pick him up bridal style and Nya raises one of her eyes brows at us. "What?"

"Oh nothing. Anyways, I'll get some stuff he might need. You take him to his room." With that she was off. I sigh and start walking to his room. I've been in there many times but it feels special every time. It had a beautiful red on the walls and the softest bed ever. I lay him down on it and kneel at the side of his bed. Nya was scared he would overheat so I don't put the sheets on him. All I do is look at him, praying in my head he'll be ok. I hear him groan and he moves onto his side that's facing me. He looked in pain for a quick second but after he had the face of ease and relaxation. Kai. The boy who is now forced to love me. I didn't want him to like me like this. Not with a flower. Why couldn't it just be from his own heart? Oh what am I thinking now? He would never love me like that. We're friends, and that's all we'll ever be.

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