The Tea

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Cole's POV:

I head down to the kitchen after I had gotten a text from Pixel. She said they needed to talk with me. When I get there I see Nya, Jay, Pixel, and Zane. All were talking before then saw me.

"Ah, Cole." Pixel walks up to me. "We have everything now. We just need..." She doesn't say the word, but I knew what she wanted. Wu had told her.

"I have it." I smile at her as she takes the tube from me. Zane had the scale crushed up already and it seemed like the flower peddle was ready to go. On the table I also saw another tube. One with a clear liquid in it. "What's that?" When I ask, everyone looks to Jay and Nya.

"Um... my tears." Nya says with a nervous laugh.

" Wait how did we-?" I look up to Jay. He looked guilty. Now, I didn't know what he did, but I'm not sure I wanna know either. All I do is shrug and look back to Pixel who was making the tea. We all watch as she first pores the scale in hot water, then as she slowly pores in the tears and blood at the same time. Finally, she sprinkled the flower in. The flower that caused all this mess. She then puts the mixture onto the over in a pot.

"Now we wait for it to heat up." Pixel puts away the book she was getting the instructions from and then leaves. "Nya, take it out after thirty minutes." She calls our behind her before disappearing. Nya sighs and goes to sit down. Zane had disappeared, and Jay leaned on the wall.

"Where's Lloyd?" I say just noticing that he was gone.

"I think he's with Kai. Maybe you should go see them. By the time you see them, talk, and come back with them, the tea should be done." Jay looks to Nya. "Right?" She nobs and I start walking away.

"Ok, I'll be back." I wave as I walk away and to Kai's room. Just a few minutes and Kai would be fixed. Everything would be fixed. I just couldn't help but smile as I get to his door, but before I could open the door Kai opens it. He steps back, surprised bur laughs it off when he sees me.

"Oh! Hey Cole." Lloyd was sitting on Kai's bed and smiles to me. A smile back and look to Kai who was looking at me, mesmerised. Quickly I look away and walk in.

"Hey guys... I uh, just was bored and wanted to talk I guess." A nervous laugh leaves my mouth as I realize how bad this sounded.

"That's fine. We were just talking about all our missions I heroically completed." Kai looked so proud with himself but Lloyd burst thay bubble.

"Don't you mean the missions that we heroically completed while you stayed powerless." Lloyd raises a brow at Kai and smiles.

"Well uh.... anyways!" Then Kai throws himself onto his bed. Seeing him in it reminded me of what we did and a strong blush comes to my face. "You ok Cole?" Kai says, his eyes narrowing on me seductively.

"Y-yeah." I see him pant the spot beside him and Lloyd and go to sit there. Then I look to the clock. It's been ten minutes already. Just twenty more minutes before I can bring them. It stayed silent for a long while until Kai got up.

"Just gotta head to the bathroom." He walks to his bathroom and closes the door. Immediately me and Lloyd look to each other.

"So what's happening?" He said in a hushed voice.

"We've made the tea. We just need to wait twenty minutes before he had drink it." We continued to whisper about the situation until Kai interrupted us. Me and Lloyd were awfully close together so when Kai saw us he raised a brow at us.

"Trynna steal my man Lloyd?" He says jokingly. I feel my face go red when he says that and I gets away from Lloyd immediately. His man? Me? Really? I try to hide a smile that came to my mouth but Lloyd saw right through it.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He smirks at me and I glare at him, embarrassed. God damn it that was amazing but so embarrassing at the same time. His man? I couldn't get used to that, sadly, it'll be gone soon though. When I look at the time again I realize it was time to head to the kitchen.

"Uh... um! How about we gets some drink?" I say looking at first Kai, then Lloyd. Me and him get up and Kai follows us as we all head to the kitchen. It was almost time. Time when he could be back to normal. It was clear that both me and Lloyd were eager to get to the kitchen, only problem was that I didn't know if Kai noticed or not. I really hope he didn't, and did the rest have a plan to get him to drink it? God, I should have asked before I left. When we all get to the room everyone was at the table already.

"Oh, hey guys." Kai heads to the fridge to get a drink but Zane stopped him.

"Oh, uh, how about you come sit here with us before that." He smiles awkwardly and Kai listens. Kai goes ans sits with the rest of us and Nya brings out the tea, which they had put in a red cup. Probably to make Kai wanna drink it more.

"Zane had made a new tea thing and wanted you to try it out since we were gonna give you your suprise after this." Nya smiles an innocent smile. She was getting better at making sure Kai didn't think anything wrong of it all.

"Uh, ok." He raises a brow at the tea. "Why is it pinkish?" We all shrug and look to Zane.

"Oh uh, strawberry." He says thinking on the spot. Luckily Kai isn't the brightest when it comes to Zane's weirdness, honestly, none of us are, but that's good honestly. Makes it so that he can get away with a bit.

"Ah, ok." Kai takes the drink from Nya and brings it to his lips. We all looked at him eagerly. How would we tell if it worked? After he drink it he let's out a breathe and looks at us. "That was uh, weird." He wipes off the drink from his lips and pushes the empty cup away. It wasn't that much tea, just enough for him to drink. Did it work though? He didn't seem different. "So, what's the gift?" We all look at each other. None of us knew if it worked. Then I look to Wu. He was looking at the ground thinking.

"Well Kai," He goes over to me and pushes me to Kai. "Your gift, is a kiss from Cole." I feel my heart beat faster when he says that. What was he doing? Quickly, I look to him but all he does is nod to me. Wait, it was to see if Kai was under the spell still. I look back to Kai and reach for his hand. He doesn't pull away, all he does is just look at me. There wasn't a smile on his face, but he wasn't sad. There was the face of someone mesmerised by love. The tea didn't work.

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