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We all look at him amazed. He had found something. A cure. Kai would be ok. Quickly, we all run over to Zane as he goes threw the pages.

"Here in this book. On these pages it's all about the Princess Flower. The tale, the affects, what happens in a year," He pauses for a bit. "and a cure."

"What is it then?" Lloyd looks at the book eagerly.

"Ok, so, as you know the Princess Flower will make a person fall in love with the first person they see after getting poked. Then it talks about the area of the poking becoming a pinkish purple. After that it explains the affects. That's when I found something very interesting." Zane flips threw the pages. "Here," He clears his voice. "After some princesses got poked, their fathers would try and find cures to help them. One day a young King found it. It was a mixture of the victims blood, a peddle from the same flower, a tear from a family member, and then," He pauses once again. "the scale of a pink, two headed dragon." We all look at each other as Zane continues. "Then we must melt the dragon scale and crush up the flower peddle and put them into a tea we made with the blood and tear. When it's finished we will need to give it to him." We all jump up except Zane, Wu and Misako.

"Let's go then!" Lloyd was ready to head out but his mother stops him.

"Wait... Zane." Misako looks at him and he nods.

"A pink two headed dragon is very rare to find.... most are one... only one exists." All our hopes get lost after he says those words. "We can find it in a mountain far from ninjago." Lloyd still looked determined.

"Then let's go." He wanted to help Kai, but I had a feeling Zane had more to say.

"Lloyd, those dragons are dangerous and..." He sighs. "And I might not even work..." We all look at him alarmed.

"What....?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "But you said you found a cure!"

"Let's just listen to Zane fully!" Pixel looked stressed. "Continue Zane."

"Thank you Pixel." He looks to the rest of us. "Yes, it might not work, but there's a reason. If it doesn't work it's because the person they are cured to love is the person they actually love. Normally if you love a person already then the spell won't work if your using it on the person that already loves you, but if your using it on a person that already loves you and neither of you know they love you, then it'll still work. See, the spell makes it so that the cursed one shows their love, not just think it. That's why it works as well."

"And how do you fix it if it comes to that?" When Lloyd says that I blush.

"Wait! You think there's a chance of that!? No no no no no! Not a chance of that!" I step back a bit.

"I know but we need to know it all just in case." Lloyd looks back to Zane and I hear Jay giggle.

"The way to fix it if this happens is if the person they love confess feelings for them, and they have to truly love the person under the curse to break it. So if it is true that Kai had already loved Cole, then Cole would have to love Kai back truthfully and tell him to break the curse." Zane closes the book and sighed.

"Thank you Zane. Jay, let's go find all the stuff for the tea." Lloyd puts his hood up and Jay follows him out the door.

"Good luck ninja." Wu watches as they leave. "Now, I think me, Misako, Pixel, and Zane deserve a break. We've been searching all day." Everyone nods as Wu heads to his bed. We all exit the room and I head to the kitchen while everyone heads to their rooms. I sit at the table and rest my head on it. Kai couldn't possibly love me in that way normally. The tea will work. I know it will. It has to, as disappointing as it is, it just has to. I sigh and hear footsteps come near me. When I look up I see Nya but no Kai.

"Where did Kai go?" I look around for him.

"He was tired still so he's in his room. How did your guys' talk go?" She grabs a glass of water and sits with me.

"Zane found the cure."

"What!? Really!?" She looked happy. "What is it? Are the others looking for it?"

"Yes, their looking for the ingredients. The cure is a tea we have to make." I feel a weird pain in my heart.

"What aren't you telling me?" She looks at me with suspicion and I try to not make eye contact. I can't tell her the other part.

"I'm just... tired. I'm heading to my room." I get up and quickly head to my room, leaving Nya in the kitchen by herself. She can't know the rest. Not until it's needed, and I know it'll never be needed. Ever. Kai doesn't love me in that way normally, he never will. The tea will work. I know it. I just know it.

Princess FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now