Tears Of Fear

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As I walk though the city a few girls walk up to me and ask for pictures. I agree and continue with my day. It wasn't that bad honestly, and one of them were really nice. My hand trails along the walls of stores as I walk, that was until I got to a mirror store. Yes, a mirror store. Don't know why it's here, but it is. When I look into it a see a mirror staring right back at me. That's when I see it. This jacket didn't help hide the hickeys that much. Damn it. I needed a new plan. Quickly, I pull up the jacket to try and hide it more and I walk along the road more. Soon I come across a makeup store. Kai used makeup to hide his. Thinking about him made me blush like crazy after what we had just done. Sure it wasn't anything to bad but still. Hesitantly, I walk into the store. Of course, I was the only guy there. This was awkward now. Slowly I walk through the store until I find what I think was concealer. I was probably staring at all of them for a good thirty minutes before I hear a familiar voice.

"Sup Cole. Didn't expect to see you here." When I look up to see who it was I see Skylar. Of course she was here. I can't give anywhere embarrassing without someone I know being there.

"H-hey..." I say embarrassed. Why did she have to be here?

"You have no idea what your doing do you?" She looks at me, a brow raised.

"Well um...." It takes a minute for me to respond. "Yeah...."

"Ok well tell me first why you need it and I'll help." She was now leaning on the wall, picking at her nails. I cant tell her why I need it. She would tell everyone, right? The worry I was feeling much have shown since she put her hand on my shoulder. "I won't tell, don't worry." She smiles at me and I take a deep breathe in. That's when I show her the hickeys. Her eyes go wide as she looks at me. "From who!?" She whispers grabbing onto my arm.

"Non of your business!" We were basically yelling in whispers now.

"Guess you don't want help." She lets go and starts walking away.

"I- wait-...." I take a deep breathe in. "...Kai..." She stops in her tracks and look at me, smiling. Slowly she walks back to me.

"Kai?" She seemed way to happy about knowing this.

"Yes...." I'm surprised she could hear me cause of how quiet I was. "But you cant tell anyone!" I watch as she raises her hands in defense.

"I won't, I won't." It was like she couldn't conceal her smile as she talked. "Now let me help." It took a full hour for me to understand everything she talked about and to get what I wanted in the right tone and stuff. A lot more work then I thought. I thank her as I leave the store and head home. Now just to figure out how to put it on well. As soon as I get home I run straight to my room and into my bathroom. Luckily no one bumped into me on the way so I was safe. Another hour goes by as I work on covering up the hickeys. Girls must have struggled a lot with thus. Anyone who used even the littlest bit of makeup probably struggled a lot actully. A long sigh of relief leaves my mouth when I finally finish and then I go to lay on my bed. Sky said that I shouldn't touch it for ten minutes after putting it on so it doesn't wipe away, which is pretty hard for me, especially when I wanna itch my neck. Suddenly I here something walk past my door, muttering to themself. Curious, I walk over to my door to see who it is. That's when I see Jay walking down the hall.

"Uh, Jay?" I see him flinch when I talk and looked back.

"Oh uh, hey Cole." He says with a nervous laugh.

"You ok?" I could see him fiddling with the skin on his fingers. Was he stressed or worryed? Was it something to do with Kai?

"Y-yeah! Uh, I have to go!" Then he runs off quickly. Why was he so worryed looking? Maybe something had happened to Nya. Shaking all the bad thoughts out of my head, I head back to my room and lock the door. Knowing Jay, he'll figure out how to get better in no time.

Jay's POV:

This was not good. Not good at all. I couldn't do it. Like, I knew how to do it, but I just couldn't. Why did it have to be me to do it? Why couldn't Cole do it or something? A sad sigh comes out of me as I hold the doorknob of Nya's door. There one thing that could make Nya cry. If that doesn't work, then I guess the tea wouldn't work. Why did Wu choose me for this? As soon as he whispered to me that I had had make Nya cry for the tea guilt filled my heart. I never wanted to make her cry, but this was to help Kai. She would want this, right? Slowly I open the door to her room and enter it. She was laying on her bed reading a book she loved. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked there.

"Sup Jay. Need something?" Nya sits up and puts her book down. Hesitantly, I walk over and sit with her. God I hope this makes her cry at least a little. Or else I'll probably be killed by her. The tube was in my pocket, all I had to do was make her cry. I take a deep breathe in and look her in the eyes, grabbing her hands. "Jay...?" She was getting worryed which make me feel even more guilty for this.

"Nya...." It pained me to continue. "...I'm sorry.... Kai is...." I had to take another deep breathe when I saw her face go pale. She could tell what I was going to say. "... Kai's dead...." I could see her very heart break in her eyes. It broke my own heart knowing it.

"....what....? B-but we had a year! She gets up quickly but I pull her back. "No! That's not true! How!?" She looked angry but broken.

"We don't know what happened-"

"What do you mean!?" She was trying to hide her sadness with anger. "How do you just not know!?" She rips her hands away from me and stands there, trying to hold tears back. Slowly I get up with her. My arms wrap around her as guilt had consumed my heart. She hugs me back tightly and I hear her sob silently. I pull away gently and bring my finger to her eyes, wiping a tear onto my finger and putting it into a tube. "W-what are you...?" She looked at me through tears, confused. A small smile form's onto my mouth.

"Nya he's not dead." Her eyes go wide when I say that. She was both relieved and angry.

"What!? Your confusing me!" She grabs a pillow and throws it at me.

"Nya! I needed to do it to help Kai. We needed a tear from a family member. Remember." I watch as her bady gets less tense. She stared at me for a minute before metling to the ground. "Nya? Nya are you ok!?" I sit down with her as she holds her hands over her chest and smiles slowly. Then she pushes me away.

"So you had to being my brother into this!? You have me a heaet attack!" Her tears were already gone. I laugh nervously.

"I'm sorry Nya. Wu said I had to do it..." I look away from her, still feeling guilty. It stays silent for a while until I feel her hug me again. My arms hold onto her as I smile in relief. "I love you Nya." I smiles softly as we try there for a few minutes. Finally thay was over with.

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