A Loving End

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Kai's POV:

When I wake up my head feels like I just got off a roller coster. I groan and roll around, feeling something leave my hand. Suddenly I hear a sound and I look up slowly. It was Cole.

"Mm... Cole?" He looked happy. "What happened? Why am I here? Why are you here? Mm... and what happened to the flower?" I sit up and hold my head. God damn it what had happened?

"Kai!" Quickly Cole hugs me and I feel paralyzed. Why was he so relieved? What happened after I passed out? He backs away slowly and looks me in the eyes.

"What happened?" Worry started to control me. Why did he look so relieved?

"T-the flower. You poked yourself after not listening a-and then you passed out. The flower cursed you and if we didnt fix you then you could have died b-but your ok, and it made you act different and the flower was for princesses to fall in love with the prince a-and you saw me so then we kissed and it got out of hand but thr tea didn't work so then I had to confess and-" He was rambling like crazy.

"Cole slow down. What? W-we kissed while I wasn't able to think?" I see his face go red and he looks down in embarrassment. Was that really true?

"L-listen, stuff got out of hand and then I got carried away and I was worrying b-but I've figured it all out." He was holding onto my arms.

"What do you mean by confess then...?" I look down while asking the question. Honestly, I didn't know if I wanted to hear the answer. He blushes and sighs.

"W- well, we made a tea. It was supposed to cure you but... it didn't...." He takes a deep breathe in. "A-and that ment that you had actually loved me even without the curse." My face goes red. He knew!? "So then the only way to get to to normal was for me to feel the exact same way.... and to tell you my feelings..." My heart was beating like crazy. That ment he liked me. He actually liked me. I stared at him blankly and he stayed silent. "K-kai-?" Suddenly I jump onto him, giving him a hug.

"...thank you..." I felt like crying with joy but stopped myself. His arms wrap around me as well and we stay there for a few minutes. He was the one to pull away.

"Don't thank me." He moves some of my hair out of him face and smiles at me. "I- I'm just sorry for kissing you when you couldn't think for yourself...." He looked like he felt so guilty. It honestly hurt my heart to see him like that.

"Then how abour we fix that." Before he could react I press our lips together. When I pull away he looks at me, surprised. "Now you don't need to feel bad." A smile gently to him and he trys to hide a blush that came to his face.

"Y-yeah." He was smile so much. It was a good look for him honestly. I kiss him again and get up.

"Let's see the rest." Without saying a word he gets up, grabs my hand, and we walk out to the kitchen. Everyone was there eating and when they see him the whole room goes silent.

"Kai!" Nya rushes over to me, Jay staying behind her. She hugs me so tight I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Nya, g-good to see you too." I say half laughing, half trying to breathe. Lloyd comes over to us as well.

"Soooo, tell him Cole?" Lloyd grinned as Cole's face goes a slight red.

"Obviously!" Jay was being loud as always. "Look at their hands." Everyone looks down at our hands and I feel my heart beat faster.

"Oh my god... really!?" Nya was the most excited. "Yes!" She puts her fist into the arm and I can't help but smile.

"Damn, that went quick." Lloyd looked at our hands amused. I could feel my face being as red as ever. God this was embarrassing. Suddenly I feel Cole's grub get tighter. When I look at him he just smiles. He was reassuring me. I smile back and look to the other, leaning my head on Cole's shoulder.

"Now isn't that cute." Zane says while poring a cup of coffee, probably for Nya. Pixel giggled in the background and Wu hid his smile under his hat.

"Well I'm happy this has finally happened." When Cole said that butterflies filled my stomach. He was being so bold about this already. We really were serious. My smile grows and I feel the blush in my cheeks stay. Suddenly I feel a kiss on my forehead. Guess there was no need to hide anything. I giggle and we head to the table to eat. Finally. He loves me back. I couldn't have asked for a better time in my life.

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