Blood of LoveBites

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I rush up to his room but freeze in from of the door. There was no sound. Nothing. My hand slowly moves to open it as a million thoughts go through my head. Was it even a good idea to come here again? Even after what I had just thought? Making a decision I open the door and look inside. There was no one. Slowly I walk around the room but still find no one. That's when I notice the bathroom door in the room. It was closes. Was he in there? I begin to make my ways there but suddenly it opens and I jump back. My body eases though when I see that it's just Kai. That's when realization makes me tense again. I'm so stupid! Why do I keep coming to see him? He was wearing the red sweats and black shirt still. A good look for him. When he sees me a smile appears ok his face giving me false happiness.

"Sup Cole." He says will a small laugh. "Whatcha need?" He says laying down on his bed slightly. I can feel myself getting warmer and warmer by the second. My mouth opens but no words. What is wrong with me? "Worryed again? Yeah, this time it was soap. No need to worry." He looks at lovingly, making me more tounge tide. Hesitantly, I wall over to him, nodding and sitting beside him. I look away but he stares at me still. Already I could feel my face getting red. Red. I need to get the blood. When I remembered thay I felt normal again. This was my opportunity to get it for the cure. Just then, guilt came to me. How? How could I do it? Slowly I look at him. He was playing with his pillow, fluffing it and hugging it. Almost like a child. Weird, but cute in a way. A smile form's on my mouth. Then he looks at me.

"Uh-" My mind clumps into one as I try to think of something to say bur he just giggles. Then he slowly gets closer. What was he doing? Soon he was so close that we could feel each other's breathe. "K- Kai- mh-!" Suddenly he had connected out lips. My eyes go wide as I try to understand what was happening. When he separated then I just sit there, speechless. "I- Uh, you- w- wha- why-? K- wait- what just...." My words form into studders, embarrassing myself. Without saying a word just hugs goes to hug me. Slowly, I do the same.

"I love you Cole." Those words stuck a needle through my heart. He loved me? Did he really? I was tempted to say the same back, but then I think again. He doesn't. The curse is making him love. A small, sad sigh leaves my mouth as I hug him tighter. Oh how I wanted to say it back. It was terrible knowing he did this and that he doesn't even have a will or anything to this. Suddenly my thoughts get stopped by a sharp, sucking and biting at my neck.

"Ah- Kai!" I push him off and grab him by the hands, forcing him onto his back so he couldn't do anything. What was he doing? He looks up at me, lovestruck. "Kai, what are you doing?"

"T-" He doesn't finish the words. All he does is gaze off into my eyes. My heart bear faster and faster as my brain caught up with everything that just happened. Thats when I realized the position I'm in. Shit! Quickly I get off but he just throws himself back on me. Now he was sitting on me, looking at me in the eyes. Slowly he moves to my neck, making me breathe heavily. My hands wrap around his arms as if they're gonna push him off but they do nothing, and his hands move to my chest. I close my eyes as he begins to suck more, definitely leaving a hickey. This wasn't good. Not a all. He was biting at my upper neck and a small groan leaved my mouth. God damn this really wasn't good. Slowly I open my eyes, looking around for something to help. He gets off my neck and looks at me for a bit happily. Then an idea pops into my head. If I can just make a small cut on his neck with my teeth then I can get the blood. There was a tube in one of my pockets so I already had something to put it in. Hesitantly I put my hand on his cheek. Seeing him glow bright red made me smile a bit as a go to kiss him. His lips were soft and he tastes of strawberry suprising. My other hand moves to his waist and then my mouth moves to his neck. I can feel him grab onto my back as a bite slowly at the thin skin there. Hearing small groans and pants come from him made me want to continue but getting the blood was important. Then again, having a small bit of fun wouldn't hurt. My bites and sucking gets rougher by the minute until he was basically having small, quite moans leave his mouth. A sweet melody of pleasure from him. I can feel his grib tighten and I move my hand down a small bit under his waist. He giggles through pants causing me to blush a bit as a bite but when he push him down I can't help but look up to smirk. Kai was ok hus back, panting in small, silent breathes with one eyes open looking at me. It made my heart flutter seeing him like this and imagining the both of us right now. I bring my hand to his chin and pull it up for another kiss on the lips. A small peck. When I try to get up he holds me back with a longer look. It was a look of wanting more. My hands trails around his body and I connect out lips again and force my tounge into him. He grunt softly and quickly as my hands move around him gently. Minutes go by and I feel my head spin. Nothing was on my mind more than Kai was right now. My tounge explored every part of his mouth until I broke the contact, then going for his neck again. First as a soft kiss, then more rough. I could feel his heart beat faster as his pants increased. My hand rubbed on thigh and my other one in his hip. His hands stayed on my chest as I bit sharply into his skin. A loud gasp escapes his mouth and I move a little away. When I see his neck there was a small cut made by my teeth, yet he didnt seem to mind. A guilty wave spread over me for a second but then I remembered the blood I needed. Trying not to make it obvious I slowly grab the tube from my pocket and as I go to kiss him again I bring it to the cut. It didn't bleed much, but I'm sure I got enough for the tea. Still kissing him a put the tube in my pocket again. Suddenly Kai pushes me onto my back. He sat on my and moved back and forth on my lap as he kissed my neck gently. My hand layed on his hip and neck, while I closed my eyes. A small smirk began to form on my face as he got faster but faded immediately when we hear people outside the door. Quickly I push him off and get off the bed. Hickeys layed on my neck. That would be hard to get away. When I look back Kai was sitting on the bed, looking at me in confusion and longing. I look away slowly and look around. There was a black jacket that could cover my neck in the corner of the room. That would help for me but what about Kai? I look back over to him trying to figure out what to do but then he gets up. He moved over to his dresser snd grabbed a small tube of something. It was concealer, but, he didn't wear make up, did he?

"... Do-" I try to ask but he interrupts me.

"No I do not, but, you never know when something like this will come in handy. I get lots of bruises and this helps. Stole it from Nya. She didn't notice. We have around thr same skin tone, so I'll use this." He brings the tube into the bathroom to start covering up the hickeys I created. "It's different from your tone though so you need to find a way to hide those." A small chuckle leaves him mouth.

"Yeah." I say slowly. Then a sudden blush comes to my face as I realize what I had just done. Oh God. What had I done? No, no, no. This wasn't good. That wasn't Kai thinking. What have I done? No, no, no. Not good at all. Oh God. "I- I'm sorry I have to go now." I grab the jacket, quickly put it on, ans rush out of the room before he can say anymore. God that was a mistake. Sure I liked it but still. That wasn't Kai. That was the flower. I hit my head in stupidity. God, what is wrong with me!? I told myself not to go to far, now there's this! Why did I do that? Just why? It looked like everyone had gone from the door so I when to Ninjago City. Maybe being there would help me calm down. Oh I hope this helps me calm down.

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