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When I look back to Wu he was staring at the ground, silent. This ment that Kai had loved me originally. My heart felt like it would explode.

"We shall leave you to it." Wu leaves the room, the rest following, and left me and Kai alone. When I look back to him he was looking at me confused. He must be wondering why I looked the way I did. I was confused myself. He had loved me to whole time? My other hand goes to the back of his cheek, the tips of my fingers touching his soft hair. His eyes looked at me with longing. Longing for me to say the words I wanted to tell him so badly, but what's if that doesn't work either? What if I think I love him, when really I don't? He would never go back to normal. My heart rate increased as I thought of the terrible possibility. Then he would die in a years time.

"...Kai..." I stare into his eyes, hoping for him to be ok. Slowly I move my face closer to his until our lips were almost touching. "...I love you..." Then our lips meet once again. I stay like that for a minute, to scared to see him again. What if it hadn't worked? When I finally get the courage to see him again, I back away. His eyes had been closed while we kissed and opened slowly, looking at the ground. Then up to me. He looked confused. "Kai are you-" Suddenly he collapse to the ground. "Kai!" I hold him in my arms as the rest rush in from hearing my scream.

"Oh my god Kai!" Nya rushes over to check hus pulse.

"What happened!?" Lloyd stayed close but didn't sit.

"I-I dont know! I just kissed him and then he looked at me and then he just....!" I look at him with worry, waiting for Nya to tell us if his pulse was ok. She looks up with a smile.

"He's fine." She says letting out some air from her lungs. Everyone was smiling. "This must be the curse wearing off." She smiles at him gently. Out of everyone here, she was one of the people who were the most relieved.

"Let's take him to his room so he can rest." Wu looks to me and I nod, picking up Kai bridal style. He looked so peaceful now. When we get to his room everyone but me and Nya leave. It started with us here, and now it's ended with us here.

"From now on, he'd better listen to us." Nya laughs a little at what she said. I laugh as well and my eyes soften when I look at Kai.

"Yup. I told him not to touch it." A smile formed on my mouth. Now this would all be behind us. Suddenly I feel someone touch my shoulder. Nya wasn't smiles as much anymore.

"Are you gonna tell him everything that's happened? Wu told me he probably wouldn't remember much." She was meaning the kiss snd stuff. I look away a stare at the ground. My hand was holding his and the grib tightened.

"... yes ..." I look at him lovingly as I ancwer. "Now that I know how he's actually felt, I think I should." Nya smiles at me and gets up to head to the door.

"Take care of him Cole." Then she was gone, leaving both me and Kai alone in this room again. His breathing stayed soft and calm while he layed on his bed. I was scared to breathe myself. It would be a shame to ruin his slumber. My other hand went to his face to move away strands of hair that covered it. His looked so cute a peaceful. Now that everything was ok, I didn't have to worry as much. I rest my head on his bed and smiles to myself. A smile that soon fades. How would I tell him what's happened? What if he's so shocked by it all he won't wanna talk to me? I close my eyes and shake my head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. Everything would be ok. I just know it. Kai is ok, I know how he feels, I'll tell him everything that's happened. Well, maybe not the thing with the hickeys. I raise my head and blush as I remember what had happened again. Seems like I'll never get over it. A small giggle leaves my throat. Kai would freak out if I told him that. Suddenly I remember Skylar. I guess he'll know no matter what now. I sigh at what I think she'll say. They'll run into each other and Skylar will start asking about how that time with the hickeys went. Kai won't know what she's talking about so she'll explain it to him. Then I get talked to about it and embarrassment comes. That's exactly how it'll go. Nothing is safe with Skylar. Not unless isn't super important, but this, this wasn't life threatening so I bet everyone's gonna know. God damn I wish I didn't freak out in the store. All I had to do was ask someone who worked there. Then Sky wouldn't have had to know. I groan in embarrassment and look at Kai. He had the most adorable smile on while he slept, sending butterflies to my heart. I can't wait for him to wake up, I can't wait to hear his voice again, and I can't wait to hold him again. Right now, Im so scared to even move my hand away from him. I dont want to wake him out to early. Based off what Nya has said, he likes to sleep and hates when people wake him up. He truly is a sleeping beauty. I rest my head on his bed again and close my eyes. Kai. The only wonderful thing on my mind. No, not the only wonderful thing, the only thing at all on my mind. He was the only thing I could ever let in at the moment as I drift off to sleep.

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