Lover's Awakening

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I slowly open my eyes and look at the clock on Kai's desk. 4:30. Way to early for the rest to be up. I then look over to where Kai was but he's gone. Panic fills me.

"No!" I look around anxiously. Where was is? My heart rate increases and my head was everywhere until I feel someone behind me hugging me. When I let go I quickly spin around to see someone I didn't expect to see. Kai.

"You awake!" He looked happy but something was off about him.

"Kai... y- you ok." I smile at him slightly and he gives me the cutest smile back. My heart then feels a sense of relief and happiness. Happiness so overwhelming that I go and hug Kai out of nowhere. He didn't move away, all he did was wrap his arms around me one again and rest his head on my shoulder as we hugged. That's when I remembered it. He was under the cure of the flower still. I quickly get off him and look away. When I look back he looked confused. Suddenly I hear something at the door and we both look to it. Then Jay and Nya rush in. Looked like Jay had spent the night with Nya calming her down.

"Oh my god... Kai!" She jumps at him happily and he seems to give a normal reaction to her.

"Hey sis." He hugs her for a second and then they let go.

"Your ok?! Are you feeling anything wrong?" She was inspecting him like crazy. Jay chuckles a bit as he leans against the wall.

"Uh, as good as I can be, but my finger is so sore like damn." He looks at his pointer finger. "Holy! Why is it like that!?" He looks at it dazed before Nya takes it.

"That's uh.... interesting... let's go gets something for it, doesn't look like it's swelling so that's good." She starts walking out of the room and Kai follows. When he exits the room he manages to make eye contact with me for a second. The only thing weird was that when he did, his eyes glowed a slight pinkish purple for a second. I rush to the door and watch them walk off as they talk.

"You good dude?" Jay looks at me questioningly.

"...yeah... sorry um, so you and Nya slept together?" When I said that his face grew a slight pink and he looked around frantically.

"Slept together!? Well yes- or no! What do you mean by that?" His freaking out calmed me down from Kai for a bit. I laugh.

"You were with her in her room to calm her and the two of you fell asleep right?" I raise a brow when he sighs.

"Y-yeah. That's what's happened. Sorry." He laughs a bit and we head out the door. In the kitchen was Nya, Kai, Lloyd, and Pixel. Kai had something covering his finger and a cut of water in his hand. Wu, Misako, and Zane were nowhere to be seen though. When we walk into the kitchen everyone looks at us. Nya and Pixel were sitting on the table, Lloyd was leaning on the wall, and Kai sat on a chair at the table.

"Finally, you two took quite a while up there." Nya looked to Jay. "You weren't cheating on me with rocky here were ya?" Jay looks surprised at the question. I laugh a bit but when I look to Kai I see him look down to the ground, slightly angry.

"What!? No! Cole is weird!" I look at Jay quickly when he says that.

"Hey!" I look at him harshly and he runs off to be near Nya, giving her a kiss. It was very rare for me to see Nya show affection like that to Jay, but not rare at all to see Jay give her that kind of affection. He was almost obsessed with her. Everyone shared some laughs and then the room goes quiet. Lloyd looks to Nya and she nods.

"Yo bro, let's go for a walk. Fresh air might help ya." He nods and the two of them head out leaving all of us together. Everyone immediately looks at me.

"Umm..." I back away slightly before Jay walks up to me.

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THE THING WITH KAI!?!?!" Jay was always way to loud.

"Get out of my face!" I push him away and Lloyd gets off the wall.

"Jay's right though. If Wu is right, Kai should be in love with you." Jay giggles when Lloyd says that and I glare at him.

"I... I dont know." I sigh.

"Well has he acted differently at all?" Pixel got off the table and got out a paper and pen.

"No, but, I don't know. He well, hugged me from behind when I woke up and he, acted more I don't know, nice to me? No, affectionate to me maybe." As I say all this she writes it all down. Probably to help them know what their dealing with.

"But he seemed completely normal with us." Jay looks to Pixel as she then writes what he said down. She put down the pen and thought for a bit. Silence filled with room for a bit.

"Let's go see Wu." Lloyd grabbed the paper off the table and we all started walking to Wu's room. When we got there Misako and Zane had there heads burryed in books and Wu was looking at scrolls. "Sensei?" When Lloyd says that the three look up at him.

"Lloyd." Wu smiles and then looks to me. "Cole... how is Kai?" He gets up and walks towards us.

"His ok I suppose..." I look to the ground. Lloyd gives him the paper.

"Pixel wrote down how he somewhat acted towards us and Cole." We all watch as Wu reads the paper and sighs.

"We are trying our best to find something but-" He was cut off by the sound of books falling. We all look to the sound and see Zane holding up a book.

"I found something!"

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