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I get to my room and lock my door. This was overwhelming me. Honestly this was all just my fault. If I had been the one to just get the flower then everything would be ok. Why didn't I grab it first? Now Kai is stuck loving someone he clearly doesn't wanna love for a while. I flop onto my bed and look up at the room. Kai's room was on the second floor above mine. Was he ok? I heard a sudden bang and got up immediately. Ok now in worried. I quickly run up to his room making sure no one sees me and head in. Kai was standing in front of a small statue he had on the ground. It looks like he had fell. He quickly looked up at me.

"Oh Cole. Hey. Um, whatcha doing?" He goes and picks up the statue. So he was ok, good. I sigh in relief to myself before answering.

"I was just... I dont know, sorry. I'm just overworrying." I shake my head as if I'm trying to work my brain and he laughs.

"Seems like everyone's doing that." He puts his statue back and walks towards me but I step back. "You ok?"

"Y-yeah." I look away from him. He seemed normal so far. Nothing to bad. "Um how's your uh finger?" He looks down at it.

"Oh, yeah, well, I doesn't hurt."

"Well that's good." We both laugh a bit and then silence fills the room. I look up at him catching him looking at me dreamily. "Kai?"

"Oh um yes?" He looks at me happily. Here was the unusual Kai.

"Nevermind. Sorry." I rub the back of my neck and turn for the door but Kai grabs my hand.

"Your not leaving... right?" There was a sense of longing in his eyes. I hesitate before enter turning towards the room again

"I guess not now." My heart races as he gives me that cute smile again. He let's go of my hand and walks over to his bed. The cup he had on his side table was empty and the bucket and towel was gone. Nya must have taken it. I watch as Kai lays on his bed. He had a happy loving look on his face. A sad frown forms on my face. This isn't how Kai acts. This flower made him act differently. Why? A question to ask Zane later. Slowly I go and sit on his bed. When I do he looks up at me lovingly. I didn't have the guts to look at him but I could hear his soft breathing. Suddenly I feel something glide over my hand. When I look I see his hand over my own. He was holding gently, still looking at me. I look him in the eyes but pull back completely a minute later. Why was I such a wimp? Why am I scared?

"Are you ok?" Kai looked consurned making me want to hold his hand again to make him feel better, but I'd better not. If I start now, where will it go. What if I go to far in something and when Kai is better he hates me? I can't do anything he might not agree with, so I can't start with this.

"Yeah, I need to go, get rest." I get up quickly and leave, closing the door. Jay, Lloyd, please. Come back soon. I rush to my room bumping into Wu on the way.

"Oh Cole, are you ok?" He stops me in my tracks.

"Um yeah, fine, just fine." I look down and try to get away but he says something before I get away that makes me with I stayed.

"Kai cares for you a lot originally. If it comes to he loves you originally you need to figure out what you want to do and if you have feeling as well." Then Wu was off, and so was I. Kai doesn't have feelings for me so why can't everyone just shut up about it? It makes me feel worse then before. I sigh and open the door to my room. It wasn't much but it helped when I needed my space. Slowly I head to my bed and then flop down on it. Soft and fluffy. Just how I like it. Chen was the worst for giving me that rock solid bed. Just remembering it annoys me. Slowly I turn and see a picture on my side table by my bed. It was of me, Jay, Zane, and Kai. The original. Wu had taken the pictue for us and we all took a copy. If you looked really close you could see Nya is the window of the monastery. A small laugh escapes my lips as I remember how mad she was that she couldn't be in the picture because she wasn't a Ninja. Well, now she is, yet she didn't seem to happy about it. As I thought of Nya more, the more quickly Kai popped into my mind. One of our first missions was to get Nya. Kai was so determined to get her back. It was honestly amazing how determined he was. So caring. Quickly I shake my head to get the thought of him away. I need to stop thinking of him. This wont be good. An angry sigh leaves my mouth. Why oh why was this happening? This is why I never leave on missions with just one person. This happens! They could at least put me with someone that listens! Well, now, that sounds like I'm blaming Kai. It wasn't his fault. Honestly I'm happy I was put with him. I just wish he were ok now, and not cursed with this stupid thing.

"Cole..?" A sad voice had come from my door. Quickly, I get up to see who had been talking here. When I do I see her. It was Nya, and I could tell something was now wrong.

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