A Two Headed Pink Dragon Scale

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She looked pale and worryed. What was wrong? It was rare to see Nya this pale. Was it something to do with Kai? For a minute a just stare at her but then I stand up and walk to her.

"What's wrong?" I look behind her consurned just in case if there was something or someone there.

"Uh I- well, it's just I'm worrying about them." She takes our her phone but sighs and puts it back. "Jay hasn't answered me. I texted him as soon as he left. He responded so I was ok. Then I texted him three more hours ago. No response. Even still. Then I tried calling Lloyd. Nothing." Everything must have been overwhelming her. She couldn't lose both her brother and Boyfriend.

"I'm sure their fine. Don't worry." I put my hand on her shoulder for reassurance. She smiles a small smile and walks away, thanking me on her way out. I watch as she leaves and then close my door. Jay and Lloyd weren't answering her. Either something bad happened to them or their just unable to ancwer and we are overworrying again. I hope their ok, I need them to be ok. If they are gone then I'm losing them and the cure, then I'll also lose Kai, along with Nya from the pain. She would leave or, maybe even do something worse. This was just to much for everyone at this point. Maybe sleeping it off would be a good idea. Slowly I go back to my bed and lay down hopelessly. That's when I realized how tired I was. I begin to close my eyes slowly and as soon as I do, I'm out like a light.

When I woke up it was because of Nya. She had ran into my room and dragged me off the bed.

"Come quickly!" Then she ran off. Consured and slightly confused, I follow her as fast as I can until we get to Wu's room. Why here? Was he ok? Quickly we walk in and see Lloyd and Jay sitting down with Wu. Pixel and Zane were examining something by the bookshelf.

"Jay! Lloyd!" I rush over to them. Nya ran up and hugged Jay for the longest time ever and Wu explained everything to us.

"They got the scale. Now for the drink." Slowly he looks at me. "Cole, I know this will be hard but you need to cut Kai." My eyes go wide when he says that.

"What? Why!?" Then I remembered. We need the blood of the victim. I look down sadly and Wu nodded to me. He knew that I know what to do.

"And Jay," Wu sighs and calls Jay over to him. He whispers to Jay and I can see his eyes go wide when Wu's finished.

"...ok..." Jay says half angry, half sad. What did Wu tell him? Suddenly we all hear a loud crushing noise. It was Zane and Pixel.

"Why are you guts so loud!?" We all look to the door and see Kai. We was wearing red sweatpants and a largish black shirt.

"We cant let him know!" Nya whispers to us. We all look at him, trying to think of a response. As I do, my eyes drift off to his hand. The pinkish purple mark was still there. I let out a small sigh and Zane walks up to him.

"I am so sorry. We are just working am I little surprise for you." He laughs nervously and we decide to all play along.

"Oh come on Zane! Now it's not much of a surprise is it!?" Jay hit his forehead gently and sighed. Good job Zane. That was a good plan to make sure Kai didn't thunk to much of it.

"A surprise?" Kai looks at Zane confused. "What for?"

"Oh uh-" Zane was stumped. Damn. I look to Nya quickly and she thinks of something on her feet.

"Well I'd like to keep that a secret at least since Zane already told you we're making a surprise." She looked as calm and possibly, slightly irritated as well, but I could see that she was relieved that she thought of something. When she looks to me I mouth the words good job and she smiles.

"Damn you." He says laughing. "Well, it better be great since it's for the best." He says with a smirk. That's the Kai I know. A small smile form's on my mouth but it fades as soon as he looks me in the eyes. That's when I see a pinkish purple shine run across his eyes for a second. The curse of the flower. Kai would never truly be himself with thah curse.

"Uh, actually your not the best since a blue Ninja exists." Jay says smugly, making Nya laughs silently. He always did know how to make her smile.

"Says who!?" Kai looked at him astonished.

"Uh! Your sista!" Jay had a large grin on his face. Things seemed so normal, yet my heart felt so off.

"Oh you little-" Kai and Jay began chasing each other around the place while the rest of us talked.

"Pixel and Nya, you two will make the tea and do the flower stuff, Zane will continue with the scale, and Cole and Jay already know what they must do." We all nod to Wu as we walk out of the room. Jay and Kai had ran out a while ago already. Kai had probably given up on trying to catch him. I walk along the wooden floor slowly as I begin to think of the tea. It'll soon be made. The tea to help Kai and cure him. Everything will be back to normal soon, and I'll have my normal Kai back. The one I love. A small blush forms on my cheeks but I quickly rub it off. No. We can't have my emotions get in the way. I make my way to my room but before I can get there I hear a large bang come from upstairs. A wave of concern and fear spreads through me for a quick second. It was from Kai's room.

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