Terror Night

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Nya walks in with a cloth and a bucket of cold water in one hand, and then had phone in the other. She looked stressed and sad. I can't understand how it feels to have someone leaving you. Especially someone who's your greatest family and the person who took care of you. A small sigh leaves my mouth as she puts the bucket down.

"You ok?" She sits beside me and looks at Kai.

"...yeah..." My eyes stay on Kai. He looked so peaceful now.

"You know Kai, he gets threw everything. He'll be fine." Nya was fiddling with the sheets on his bed.

"Sounds like your trying to convince yourself that as well." My eyes felt tired but not because I needed rest, because I was worried.

"Am I that obvious? I know Kai is strong and we can get threw things but what happened if one day he can't? What happened if...." She trails off into silence.

".... if this is the time he can't get threw it...?" I look towards Nya and she just nods. We were both worried, Nya just struggled to hide it more now. She was usually not that worried about Kai, but now, it was like she would explode either worry. Years of hiding this, was she always this worried about him? Now she just can't hide it. Suddenly Nya gets up and heads for the door.

"I- I'm sorry I need to head to the bathroom." She rushes out and closes the door, leaving me alone with Kai. I sigh and watch his fist clench. He tossed around recklessly and groaned quietly. Was he having a nightmare was was he just in pain? I grab the hand that had been poked and look at his pointer finger. Around the area that was poked what a faint color of the rose that grew darker closer to the spot. My hand tightens around his and I feel a shaky breathe leave my mouth. His hand was usually so warm, now it just felt like ice. Thus didn't seem right. The master of fire having ice cold hands. Even if  he wasn't the master of fire, he always would have that fire in his eyes, his heart, and his very soul. Suddenly I feel his hand wrap tightly around mine as well. It was like he was awake, like he was trying to hold on. Kai. Oh why I'd give to have him do this awake, just not with the power of the flower. I sigh and bring my hand away from his as I get up. He was under the control of the flower, I can't have this Kai play with my heart. If I were to let that happen and I reveal something, what would happen then? Nothing good I'm sure. I just need to remember that he would never want this. My fist clench and I hear a noise at the door. Nya and Lloyd walk in. When they did Nya had a glass in her hand and Lloyd was talking to her, but when he saw Kai he looked down in silence. It was as if he was looking at the dead. That's how he was treating it.

"He's not dead you know..." I don't look at them, but I can see their every move from the corner of my eye.

"I know..." Lloyd goes and sits on the side of Kai's bed and looks at him. "How has he been doing?" Nya just looked to me.

"He's been switching from peaceful to reckless. It's off and on." I tried to sound serious but my voice was hesitant, almost shaky.

"I see..." Lloyd looked to Nya and got up. "Just remember to sleep you two." Then he was off. Who knows if I'll even be able to sleep thinking of what will happen if we dont help him. Nya puts the glass she had on Kai's side table and then sits with me once again.

"I cant remember the last time I've felt like this... being one of the only people losing something or someone right now... usually it's everyone when we save the world but now I..." Nya looked up and closed her eyes as if she was trying to not cry. So what was why she was so stressed. When bad stuff happened everyone in Ninjago would suffer, almost everyone would lose someone. She had to be strong but now, it was just her and a few others, now, she didn't feel the pressure of having to be strong for Ninjago, this was for herself. There was nothing to occupy her. All she could do was think of Kai.

"Yeah..." I know how she feels. It hurts but if I tell her I relate to her she'd be to stubborn to understand where I'm coming from, that I just want to help. How does Jay deal with her? Then again, Kai's kinda the same, and I deal with him just fine. Guess love can make you do anything. Oh what am I thinking now!? Love? Really? Kai? Me and Kai? No, I can't have that. Plus, he'd never like me, and the only reason why he's gonna like me now is because of this stupid plant. I clench my fists hard and Nya looks at my hands. She gently puts hers over them and I calm down.

"He's gonna be ok, we can get threw this... right?" She looks up at me and I don't have an answer. We were both unsure of this. I look down and close my eyes tightly. She let's go of me and I hear her sigh. "Lloyd right... we need sleep... I'm heading to bed... you should too." She gets up and pats me on the shoulder before leaving and closing the door. I sigh. How could I leave him? What if he wakes up out of no were and I'm not here to help? What if he gets reckless again? There's no much at risk, even if they are just small. I tighten my eyes and small tears fall out. Why am I crying? Am I that scared to lose someone again? I take a deep breathe in and stand up wiping my face. The cup stood on the table full. Nya must have filled it with her powers without me noticing. She was always quite stealthy. I chuckle to myself but frown instantly. It feels wrong to be happy with Kai like this. I sit back down and lay my head on the bed. I'll just rest a bit. That's all I'll do, and if he wakes up I'll be able to know. Taking deep shaky breathes in and out I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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