Chapter 14

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After five months...

"Kim, you look amazing!" Liz compliments her daughter who tries on a slip-type wedding dress that contours her slender body.

Michelle is also there and thinks the same. Like Kim looks amazing in that dress.

Only Kim doesn't seem very satisfied and asks to try on more dresses. After a few more, she stops at one that is totally different from the first sample. Princess style, wider.

"I like this one," Kim admires herself in the mirror.

"Are you sure?" Her mother asks, sharing a skeptical look with Michelle.

"Yes, Kim. The first dress you tried on looked great on you. You have such a beautiful body. Such a dress would look much better on you."

Kim, looks at her reflection in the mirror, thoughtful. Thoughts flood her mind. She knows why she makes this decision and she has a well-founded reason.

"No," she nods, with a slightly absent look but a convincing voice. "I want this dress."

"Whatever you want," says Liz, not wanting to debate which dress would look good on her daughter.

In the end, Kim didn't tell her what dress to get, when she was planning her wedding. It's fair enough.

Kim looks once more at the dress she is choosing to wear on her wedding day. She thinks it suits her perfectly and Mick will surely be speechless when he will lay his eyes on her.

After a few hours...

"Hey babe! I'm home!" Kim shouts, walking inside the house.

She throws off her shoes and strolls steadily down the hall, worried that Mick won't answer. Mick was supposed to be home at this time.

Since their engagement, Mick asked Kim to come and live together in his house. Of course, Kim couldn't refuse, and they've lived together ever since.

The brunette stops in the bedroom, where Mick is sitting in bed, leaning his back against some pillows, looking thoughtful.

"Babe?" Kim steps towards him, holding some shopping bags.

Mick winces, as if waking from a dream, looking confused at Kim.

"Oh, hello honey," he tells her casually.

"Are you feeling alright?" Kim sits on the bed, her eyes are filled with anxiety.

"I have just a little pain," he smiles weakly.

"Didn't you take your medicine?"

"I'm going to take it now," Mick gestures to a container of pills on the bedside table, Kim also watches it. "It's just that today the pain is a little higher than usual."

"Oh..." Kim is really concerned now. "Let me see," she places her hand on his back, rubbing different spots. "Does it hurt here?"

Mick nods in the affirmative.

"But here?"

Mick nods again, wincing a little.

"It's not good," Kim shows her worry. "You need to see a doctor. I think something is wrong."

"But the sexiest doctor in the world sees me now," he grins lustfully and grabs her hand.

"I'm serious," Kim smiles weakly, her face a little red. "It could be something serious. I'm going to call mom. Until then..." The brunette grabs the pill container and hands it to Mick. "Take your medicine."

He follows her as she leaves the bedroom, probably going to the living room where the phone is and to call her mother.

Kim rushes to the table where the phone is. She grabs the receiver, dials her mother's phone number and waits for Liz to pick up the phone. It doesn't take long and she hears her mother's voice:

Liz: "Oh... Hello!"

Kim: "Mom! It's me, Kim. I called you because I'm very worried about Mick. He complains of back pain. Pain that intensifies. I did a quick examination, but I would like you to see him too."

Liz: "Oh my God... Okay, Kim. First, you need to calm down. You sound very shaken. And second..."

Kim can no longer hear what her mother is saying.

It sounds as if something from plastic has fallen into the bedroom, where Mick is.

The pill container!

She can also hear Mick groaning.
Kim throws the receiver, which lays upside down, her mother's voice in it, calling her.

In the bedroom, Kim sees the pill container, lost on the floor, the pills scattered everywhere. And Mick in visible pain.

"That's it!" Kim approaches the bed. "You really need to see a doctor! We're going to the hospital now!"

Mick is faced with not being able to complain because she is right. Something is wrong with him and he doesn't know what.

After a few hours...

At the hospital, Kim holds Mick's hand, more troubled than ever. Mick looks like he's in a lot of distress, but he tries to relax so as not to worry Kim even more.

Liz felt this when she provided him a consultation some time ago. Her daughter and future son-in-law are waiting for her return to tell them the diagnosis.

"I hope it's not something very serious," Kim tells Mick even though she feels and knows that something is very wrong, she's just learning in this medical field just like her mother.

"You'll see that I'll be fine," Mick smiles at her, inside he's dying of pain.

Liz enters the salon, dressed in her white medical gown and with a clipboard, and a not too relaxed appearance.

Kim increases her concern because she knows that they will not receive good news.

"So what's wrong with him?" Kim asks as soon as Liz steps inside.

Mick follows Liz, the woman heads towards the bed where he is.

"Unfortunately, I don't have good news," sighs Liz, looking them both in the eye. "Mick, your condition has degraded. I'm afraid you need surgery. Laminectomy surgery. I could do it tomorrow. It must be done as soon as possible."

Kim feels like she's suffocating, squeezing Mick's hand. Her face turns ghostly white. Only Mick has a calm look.

"That's crazy," Kim complains.

"It will be fine honey," Mick whispers to her.

"That's right," Liz tells her daughter. "Kim, you also know that..."

"Yes, I know that a laminectomy surgery should not be complicated and is quite safe. But," she looks at Mick with wet eyes. "I'm still worried. There is always a small chance that a complication will occur."

"I don't think that will be the case," smiles Liz. "So Mick, do you want the surgery?"

"Of course," he nods. "I will do that. Nothing scares me,".he smiles at his fiancee.

Kim smiles back. But the concern doesn't go away.

They should be happy that their wedding is near. But none of this matters any longer when Mick's condition deteriorates. Kim forgets about the wedding preparations and her wedding dress. Now she only focuses on Mick.

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