Chapter 12

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After four days...

Mick holds hands with Kim as they both head to his house after coming back from their holiday in Germany.
Kim will spend a few days with Mick at his home.

The front door is open and two teenagers, a girl and a boy jump with their arms in the air and shout:

"Surprise!" Mick and Kim startle, taken by surprise.

Kim is the most scared as she doesn't know them. While Mick smiles softly. The two look at Kim in astonishment. Like her, they don't know her either.

Mick goes and hugs them both, the teenagers are still aghast.

"What are you doing here?" Mick asks them.

"We wanted to surprise you," the boy says. "We knew you would come home and we missed you."

The girl smiles weakly at her father, Mick smiles broadly at both of them.

"Stormy, Les Paul," Mick looks fondly at his children, then looks at his girlfriend. "She is Kim. Kim they are Stormy and Les Paul..."

"Your children," the brunette interrupts him, smiling warmly, realizing who the two teenagers are.
"I'm so excited to meet you," Kim approaches them, her smile growing.

Stormy and Les Paul do not seem very welcoming, measuring the young woman from head to toe.

"How old are you?" Stormy asks her as if this is all that matters.

Kim directs a confused look at Mick, and answers:

"I just turned 24."

Stormi gives her a disliked look, and the air in the room becomes suffocating to Kim.

Kim knows how Stormy feels right now. She is only a few years older than Stormy. She is already forming an opinion about Kim. Does she think she's a gold digger? Because it is said that young women are attracted to older and rich men.

Mick can't help but notice the tension around him. He tries to make everyone feel good and invites everyone to the table where they chat.

His daughter and son brought food, generally desserts to celebrate their father's arrival.

His children don't have many dialogues with his girlfriend, and it's not just Kim who sees this, Mick too.

After a while, the children separate from their father, hugging him tightly.
The boy smiles weakly at Kim and leaves, followed by his sister who stares intensely at Kim, nodding her head.

As the car where Stormy and Les Paul fade away, Mick checks on Kim, how shattered she looks.

"Hey," he takes her in his arms and looks deep into her eyes. "Are you ok?"

"Yes," she smiles forcefully.

"I am sorry for my kids... They are probably still not used that we are dating. I will talk to them later."

"No. There's no need. Who can judge them? Maybe they just don't like me? It's too early for them to form an opinion about me. Let time pass. We will see along the way what will happen."

"I don't like to see you sad, honey," Mick brushes a strand of her hair.

"I'm not. I'm fine," she shakes her head smiling. "Shall we go inside? It gets cold, don't you think?"

Mick smiles at her and walks with her into the house.

"Maybe you will meet my youngest son too," says Mick suddenly. "He lives further away."

"It wouldn't be a bad idea," smiles Kim.

They both fall on the sofa in the living room and talk.

"Anyway, what do you think about them? Leaving aside the cold manner with which they welcomed you."

"They seem like good kids. And they look so much like you. Especially Stormy. She looks like the female version of you."

"Do you really think so?" Mick chuckles.

"Yes," Kim smiles widely.

"Maybe one day you will give me a daughter just as wonderful as Stormy."

"Would you really want to?" Kim seems stunned by his remark, her face flushed.

"Of course I want to, honey," Mick takes her hand and kisses it. "That's if you want to."

"It would be wonderful," says the brunette sincerely. "It's just that... At the moment I would like to be focused on the future of my career. Maybe in a couple of years? It would be so wonderful to start a family together. I can already imagine what a good father you would be to our children, as you are with Stormy and Les Paul."

"Children?" Mick moves closer, feeling Kim's quickened breathing. "How many children do you want, honey? Do you want many of them?"

"At least two," Kim giggles, her cheeks getting redder.

"Don't make me do them right now," grins Mick.

Kim giggles and captures Mick's lips, laying them both on the couch, their hands exploring each other's bodies.

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