12┃he's a whore

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S3 EP4

"LAWRENCE, YOU'RE LATE!" Alex smirked as he called out behind Bailey.

"That's because you took my parking space, you prat!" Norah scowled at him. "And you woke me up in the middle of the night, just so you could crash on my bloody couch!"

The five interns walked behind Bailey down the hallway, bickering with one another. Norah kicked Alex behind the leg before accidentally walking into Meredith, who stopped all of a sudden; he laughed at her.

"Oh, crap-sorry, Mer, my bad."

"Woman troubles?" Cristina asked the sick-looking friend.

Meredith had her hand over her stomach with a pained expression on her face. "Men troubles. I think this dating two guys thing is getting to me. The stress of it," she groaned, "Finn, Derek. Derek, Finn. I think I'm getting an ulcer."

"McDreamy and the vet are making you sick?" Cristina questioned, amused.

"Did you do the both of them?" Norah raised her brow, "At once?"

"No, of course not," Meredith looked at her before sighing, "I just need to make a choice and get it over with."

The resident and five interns rounded on Shawn Sullivan, who had bypass surgery and was soon allowed to get discharged, then with Addison on Rebecca, a mother who was refusing to have a C-section done on her. They left the patient's room with Norah tagging behind the group.

"You alright, Dr Grey?" Bailey asked the intern, who was still grunting in pain.

"Yeah, Dr Bailey, I just..." Meredith groaned as she walked over and sat herself down on a bench, "need to make a choice is all."

Derek approached the group and walked up to Meredith. "Dr Grey, I am clipping a basilar tip aneurysm. Any interest?"

"I want in!" Norah's arm shot up in the air.

Addison walked past them, giving Norah a brief nod, and walked up to Bailey. "Dr Bailey, can I get..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes met the man shaking hands with Webber, and her jaw dropped. "Oh, my god..."

Derek followed her view and did a double-take as he saw the man on the other side of the glass; the rest of the interns, too, noticed the person wearing a white coat with Seattle Grace's name stitched on it. "Oh... my... god..."

George wondered out loud, "Is that-"

"McSteamy," Cristina smirked.

Norah burst into a fit of laughter at the unexpected yet hilarious situation. She immediately smacked her hand over her mouth before the attendings and resident could glare at her. Next to Derek, Meredith threw up on the floor, causing everyone to shift their attention to her while Bailey hurried over.

"No, Mr Sullivan, don't light that!" George shouted alarmingly as he tried to walk past the group. Mr Sullivan did not hear the intern's yells and lit his cigarette, causing an explosion fuelled by the oxygen around his neck. The man's upper body caught on fire, and he fell onto the floor, hitting his head.

"Somebody get a fire extinguisher!"

"Call a code red!"

❦ ❦ ❦

"MAKE SURE HE HAS AN airway," Mark instructed before turning to the patient. "Sir, can you hear me?"

"No, he's out," Bailey informed, "Hit his head."

"Small hematoma in the occipital region," Norah added. "Aren't humans the most idiotic species in the world?" Bailey glared at her as she squeezed the ambu bag over Mr Sullivan's face. "Right, wrong timing."

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