13┃my way with words

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[CW: slight panic attack/PTSD]

"SHE'S LOSING IT," MEREDITH complained as she shoved her bag into her locker. "She almost battered and deep-fried an eight and a half million dollar cheque this morning."

"That kind of money, I'd buy my own hospital," Cristina said.

"And I'd stock it full of sick people," Norah added.

"Just imagine the vavuloplasties and ruptured aneurysms..."

"You both are a psycho. You know that, right?" George stared at the two women in fear.

"Okay, I'm not the one with an eight and a half million dollar cheque I won't cash," Cristina defended.

"Stop talking about me. I'm fine," Izzie interjected as she sat on the bench, looking at the contents inside her locker with a box on her side. "I'm cleaning out my locker, and I'm going home."

"Brilliant," Norah shrugged, closing the door of her locker.

Izzie turned to the brunette, her eyebrows knitted together. "Do you have a problem with me?" she questioned; Norah lifted her eyes to the blonde as she tied up her hair. "Because you've been actively ignoring me ever since the night Denny died."

Norah stared at her for a moment before shrugging again. "Brilliant."

❦ ❦ ❦

THE INTERNS GATHERED around Bailey, waiting for her to assign them their work for the day. "M&M in fifteen minutes, people," the resident informed.

"Wait, we get to go to M&M?" Alex asked in disbelief.

"Even if we haven't started our rounds?" Norah reconfirmed.

"Even if," Bailey nodded. "I want all of you at the M&M today."

"Yes!" Alex cheered out loud, and Norah nudged him in the elbow.

Bailey, who was about to walk away, turned back and scowled at her interns; the smile on Alex's face instantly died off. "People die in this hospital," the resident scolded. "Once a month, we gather to discuss how our actions as physicians contributed to the deaths-this is a serious exercise."

When she got called away, the interns gathered around at once. "George, Alex, you get good seats," Cristina instructed, "Mer, Norah and I will get snacks." And off they went to separate directions.

❦ ❦ ❦

"PATIENT #34986 DIED last month from complications following a heart transplant," Webber announced through the microphone. "Dr Burke will present." The interns looked horrified as Burke walked up the lectern.

"Isn't patient #34986..."

"Denny Duquette," Norah confirmed, feeling a bitterness build up in her stomach.

"8 million dollars," Cristina grumbled. "8 million dollars could get us on a plane to somewhere far, far away."

Burke cleared his throat and started, "Patient #34986. Cause of death was an embolus that dislodged from the suture line and caused a CVA with brain stem herniation."

Many people raised their hands for questions, and Burke called on one of them. "So the company line is he died from a CVA?" asked a woman.

"There is no company line. That's how he died."

"Let's get back to this patients need for an emergent transplant," an older man interrupted. "You're saying the patient's left ventricle had been weakened by the LVAD malfunction?"

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