73┃definitely did the job

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S8 EP3

"IT'S UP!"

The fifth-year residents marched up to the OR board excitedly. It was the day of their first case as lead surgeons; the attendings will only be observing beside them, only to jump in when absolutely necessary. They quickly scanned the whiteboard, grins surfacing their looks.

"OR 3, yes!" Cristina exclaimed in joy. "I love OR 3."

"Wait, bowel resection?" April narrowed her eyes at the board before turning to Alex, "I thought you had a Peds case."

"I switched last minute," Alex muttered.

"Oh, hey, I've got OR 4," Norah pointed out while she savoured her sacred cup of coffee. "It's the widest, most spacious, so less... tight. My favourite OR-wonderful!"

She grinned at the board where the nurse had just finished writing her name, where she would be clipping an aneurysm-all by herself.

"Mark's fine with you standing hours for an aneurysm?" Meredith queried.

"Eh, Mark doesn't own me. I own him," Norah shrugged back at her, sipping on her coffee. "And he wouldn't dare fight me, so..."

Cristina raised a brow when Jackson's name got written on the board. "Oh, plastics. I thought you were the Gunther," she snickered, "Wasting all your capital on boob jobs, huh?"

"Plastics is not all about boob jobs, you know?" Norah defended sharply.

"Oh, sweetheart, you hate plastics," Cristina smirked back at her.

"It's a cleft lip. I'm changing a kid's life today," Jackson corrected with an annoyed tone before nudging his head to the next name written. "Look at Kepner. She's fixing a bum knee," he snorted and turned to the resident, "Way to shoot for the stars, kid."

April ignored his taunt and took a step forward before turning to the residents in a line. "Okay, guys. Uh, you also start teaching skills labs today. I made up a schedule for the month," she informed.

"Ooh, that'll be fun." Norah was the only one who seemed interested in it.

"The schedule is up on the board in my office," April stated; the residents did a double-take at her words.

"In your what?"

❦ ❦ ❦

RELUCTANTLY, APRIL pushed open the door to her office, allowing the other residents to enter. Their eyes widened in surprise at the cozy-looking place.

"When did we get this?" Cristina questioned.

"Uh, we didn't," the redhead smiled awkwardly as the residents took over her office. "It's for the Chief Resident, actually."

Alex walked over to the couch and lay down on it at once, puffing the pillows under his head. "This is good," he commented, "I can sleep on this."

"Yeah, I got that on Craigslist," April deadpanned. "I-It's mine."

"Hey, scoot over," Norah nudged Alex's legs away. The latter sat back up to allow her space, and she dropped herself on the couch, which was, in fact, soft and comfortable. "Oh, this is good."

Cristina walked up to the bulletin board, her eyes narrowing at the names listed out in rows and columns of five. "Uh, why is my name on this?" she questioned.

April hurried over and instructed the residents in the room. "These are this month's intern skills labs," she announced, "Each of you has been given one skills lab to teach."

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