68┃not perfect

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S7 EP17

NORAH WATCHED MARK messing up his attempt of following a recipe online to make breakfast. "Mark, love, it's salt. You're holding sugar," she pointed out, tossing more chips into her mouth.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and quickly swapped the sugar in his hand with the salt shaker in front of him. "Why're you eating chips for breakfast?" he queried while letting the pan sizzle.

"You're cutting the bread like you're performing a rhinoplasty or something," she deadpanned, "You know, I'm kinda fine with the bread crusts now if there's enough sour cream to go with it."

"I thought you prefer barbeque sauce over sour cream?"

"Well, to be fair, I didn't like bread crusts, either," she shrugged, munching on her chips, "But I guess 'negative negative equals positive', aye?"

He raised a curious brow at her before snatching the bag of chips away from her hand. "No chips for breakfast."

"Yeah, yeah... Dad," she grumbled, and he smirked. "We should get Tim over sometimes since he's often over at Callie and Arizona's place anyways."

Mark pondered on the suggestion before nodding in agreement.

He carefully sliced the crusts off the sandwich he had just made. It seemed to be the only thing he was best in making-the perfect sandwich that had all the right amount of ingredients to her liking.

Norah's eyes widened as she sat up on her seat. "Hold on, crap-did we get anything for the baby shower?"

He lifted his head to her with his mouth gaped open. His eyebrows furrowed as he lost his words, thinking hard, only to come up with nothing. "Uh... Did, um, did we...?"

"Oh god, this is bad," she exhaled, biting down on the sandwich while he nodded in agreement.

"Would they notice if we didn't bring anything?" he queried, and she narrowed her eyes at him and his suggestion.

"I... I don't think so," she admitted after a moment of thought. She took another bite of the sandwich before speaking through a mouthful, "And you are horrible for even coming up with that. That's my niece or nephew we're talking about!"

"Uh-uh, don't talk with your mouthful," he grinned, and she threatened to shove a pickle down his throat. "But you love me for my horribleness, hm?"

She smiled and rolled her eyes at him, swallowing down the bite of the sandwich. "Mark?"

"Yes, Laurie?" he leaned against the island, gently caressing her cheek.

"I love you," she spoke, and he leaned down to press a kiss on the side of her neck.

He turned his head to her ear. "I love you more." She grinned and lifted his head from her neck, the both of them resting their foreheads against each other.


"Yes, Laurie?"

"The bacon is turning black."

"Oh, damn-"

❦ ❦ ❦

NORAH STOOD IN THE room with Meredith, Derek and Webber as they checked on Adele, whom Webber asked for a consult from Derek almost a month ago. The brunette was tapping her pen on the clipboard with a checklist and additional notes in her hand while Derek examined Adele.

"When are the two of you finally getting married?" Adele asked the couple in the room. Norah lifted her eyes from the clipboard in her hand as she gave both Derek and Webber a worried look.

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