[TW: plane crash, description of injuries, blood/gore, trauma, panic attack, character deaths, ...]
[ TL;DR - TW: everything (: ]S8 EP24
- DAY 1 -
TIMOTHY WAS LAYING ON the ground, his face covered in dust and soot. Lexie's hand was faintly trying to wipe the dirt off his cheeks-her hand was dangerously cold.
Meredith bent down urgently next to him with a voice of deep worry. "How is she?"
"Awake a-and responsive," he replied while feeling the faint pulse. "Lex, h-how are you doing?"
"I'm... I'm great," Lexie responded, her voice shaky, and her eyes were darting all around.
"Hey, Lexie, look here. Look at me, okay?" Timothy whispered in a hushed tone, trying his best to compose himself. Her eyes met his with a smile that he returned. "We're gonna get you out of there, and we... we're gonna be alright, okay?"
She nodded, and a faint 'okay' escaped her lips; he was close to losing himself.
Timothy pushed himself up from the ground and felt the wave of dizziness in his head again; Mark held him up before he stumbled on his steps. A concerned look was on the former's face because he could see the small bleed at the back of the younger man's head.
"S-She's tachycardic and short of breath," Timothy informed with a grunt, his soiled hands supporting him on his knees.
"We have to find Derek," Meredith blurted out, panting, her eyes locked with Mark's, "A-And Norah. We gotta find them both."
"Go find them," Timothy voiced out, lifting his head to the older resident. "Find them... Mark, find her, please."
"Sloan..." Cristina gulped and took in a deep breath. "You and Mer... Take care of each other." Mark nodded and headed off along with Meredith, the both of them desperate to find their partners.
"Cristina, we gotta... We gotta get Lexie out of there," Timothy choked out.
Cristina looked down at the younger man, who looked beyond troubled and still in shock. "Tim, Pop it back in," she stated, turning her dislocated arm to him, "Pop it back in." Timothy nodded and held her arm; she let out a grunt at the pain. "Wait. Wait. Wait... Okay, do it."
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." he mumbled before applying force on the joint, hearing a loud crack and a pop; Cristina's shout rang through their ears while her fingers dug into the younger man's shoulder.
❦ ❦ ❦
"WAKE UP... WAKE UP... Please don't be dead... Wake the hell up, you bloody git..."
Derek's eyes fluttered open when he felt a hand slapping his face. Through the faint outline in front of him, he made out the person who was hovering above him. "Norah?"
"Oh, thank fucking god," the brunette breathed out before slumping down on the ground next to him. "No, no, stop-don't move."
He blinked in confusion before feeling a rush of pain in his body. Following her finger that pointed on his other side, he turned his head to it. His eyes widened in horror when he saw his hand stuck in the middle of a large metal that once belonged to the body of a plane. "Oh my god..."
She had got up from the ground, her blood squeezing out her wound a little, but she could not feel it. She walked over and tried freeing his hand from the metal piece. The sharp edges were almost cutting through her skin, but it had barely rattled.

You Promised | Mark Sloan ✓
Fanfiction❝I'm not going anywhere, because you're the one.❞ She was the fall he had always desired. He was the warmth she never knew she needed. They were love at first sight that neither realised... Warm and fuzzy. Friendships and romance. Traumas and memori...