S3, EP11&12
THE MENTAL IMAGE OF A bloodied hand haunted her at night.
The flashback replayed in her mind like a videotape, over and over and over again. She eventually got frustrated with it and turned over on her bed-yet again. The only thing that was able to soothe her mind and stop her from dumping herself off her window was the rhythmic ticking of the clock.
Tick... tock... tick... tock...
❦ ❦ ❦
"DR GREY, I'D LIKE YOU to stick with Mr O'Malley this week. Yang, pit. Karev, Sloan." The six interns had just finished their rounds and were heading off in different directions as Bailey assigned them with their work. "Lawrence, prep Heather Douglas for surgery. Stevens, you're shadowing Lawrence."
The pair nodded and walked off towards the girl's room. "O'Malley, you take the rest of this week off?" Bailey asked. George nodded a yes, and the resident continued, "Might as well take today off too. Spend some time with your family."
"Dr Bailey, as things progress with my dad... You know, sometimes we, with families, we coddle them we sugarcoat things," George prefaced. "It would help if you were straight with me as things progress."
"Thank you," George smiled and walked off.
Norah yawned as she headed down the corridor with Izzie walking next to her. "You wanna prep her?" the former asked.
"Yeah, I'm giving you a chance. Are you complaining?" Norah cocked a brow at her, "Just try not to kill her while you do so."
Izzie scowled at the brunette, rolling her eyes. "That's not funny."
"Never said it was," Norah shrugged.
❦ ❦ ❦
Tick... tock... tick... tock...
❦ ❦ ❦
NORAH PLOPPED HERSELF down on a chair in the nurses' station as she looked for Heather Douglas's chart. She pulled it out from the drawer and began reading over it while she spun in circles on the chair with a coffee in her hand.
Addison, who was standing beside her, stared at the intern curiously. "Does the spinning help?"
"I'm using a centripetal force to rush blood into my brain," Norah replied, though not answering the attending's question.
"That makes no sense."
"I know."
Mark came out from the elevator, soaked from head to toe, looking pissed off. Alex had a suspicious smirk on his face as he walked up to the plastics attending, handing him a coffee. "Bone dry cappuccino," the intern stated.
"At least something's dry around here," Mark complained. "Does it ever stop raining in this hell hole?"
"Not really."
"Great. Good to know." Mark took a sip of the coffee and nearly spat it out instantly. "What the hell is this, Karev? Vanilla?" he bellowed. Several eyes turned to him, and the intern in question looked rather pleased with himself. "Are you trying to poison me? Or are you just trying to make my day a little bit worse?"
"Mark," Addison addressed, but the plastics attending merely spared her a glance.
"Coffee cart must have screwed up," Alex shrugged. Norah was impressed at the boldness of his action; Mark, however, was less than amused as he walked up to the intern.

You Promised | Mark Sloan ✓
Fanfiction❝I'm not going anywhere, because you're the one.❞ She was the fall he had always desired. He was the warmth she never knew she needed. They were love at first sight that neither realised... Warm and fuzzy. Friendships and romance. Traumas and memori...