77┃lover and family

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S8 EP14

MARK WAS LISTENING TO her light snores while she lay on his bare chest. Within a whim of decision, he sat up all of a sudden, causing her head to slip off his chest, and she landed on his lap, a soft 'oof' escaping her lips.

"What the hell?" Norah mumbled while rubbing her eyes.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you, too," he grinned and greeted her with a kiss on her forehead. "Oh, hey, come on, are you sleeping already?" he muttered when she started snoozing off.

"I need the sleep before Kai starts to fuss."

He pulled her up from the bed, and she let out a sound of protest before bringing her legs over to straddle him. Her arms reached under his and around his body, her head lying on his shoulder.

"You're a big baby," he chuckled while hugging his arms around her with a tight squeeze.

"Our little baby refused to stay down, so I couldn't get much sleep last night."

"Well, you won't tonight, either."

She lifted her head to send him an unamused glare. Wrapping her legs around him, she shifted closer to his body while he backed up and leaned his back against the headboard.

"You're hugging me like a koala," he pointed out with a chuckle. "Not that I mind."

"Just let me cuddle and sleep," she mumbled.

He let out a long 'hmm' before stating, "I want more than cuddling, though."

"Hm-kay," she shrugged and got up from him, rolling over and landing on her feet. He stared at her speechlessly when one second ago she was all sleepy and cuddly, and now she had gotten out of bed with a sly grin on her face.

"Okay, I wanna cuddle now," he grumbled while pulling the comforter over himself, staring back at her in disbelief.

"Nah. Suck it up, love," she winked at the hunger behind those blue eyes that had gone dark.

"Oh, hell no, Laurie. You come here and su-"

When Kai started to cry, she waved at him with a smirk on her face; he pulled the comforter over his head, silently swearing under it.

❦ ❦ ❦

"IS IT CAMPING?" ARIZONA queried while she and Mark walked into the hospital. "I mean, does she think I'm going camping on Valentine's Day?"

"I don't know," he shrugged before cooing Kai that was strapped onto his front. The boy made a noise before resuming his sleep.

They walked through the hallway where the sides were decorated in pink, red, and many, many flowers-it was almost impossible to miss the occasion.

"Well, she's trying to surprise me. I'm telling you, the surprise is gonna be, I'm gonna leave her on the side of a mountain," Arizona rambled on. "I mean, do you think camping is sexy? It's not sexy."

"You can't take a baby camping. Sofia's gonna hate it," he pointed out as they approached the girl's father. "But lucky for you, Sofia has three parents."

They walked to where Timothy was waiting for the elevator with Lexie standing a gap behind him. The two attendings shared a look at the noticeable tension in the air between the two residents.

"Do you have plans tonight?" Arizona asked the resident, and before he could reply, she cut him off, "Because if you do, cancel them. You're taking Sofia tonight."

"Oh, sure," Timothy agreed with a shrug.

Mark raised a brow at the younger man's agreement-without-hesitation. "It's Valentine's Day. Don't you have plans with the eye doctor or something?" he asked curiously, and Arizona nudged him to shut up. "Ow-hey, just asking!"

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