27┃she didn't deny

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S4 EP13

"YOU DO KNOW YOU'RE distracting me just by sitting there, right?" Mark spoke, lifting his eyes from the petri dish to the resident at the other end of the long table.

Norah chuckled as she went in circles on the chair. "I'm not sitting-I'm spinning."

"You know that's not what I mean," he shook his head. She merely shrugged while he resumed working in silence.

"Lawrence, don't you ever stop spinning on chairs?" a voice asked, causing Norah to come to a halt on the chair. Both the resident and the attending turned their heads to look at the woman leaning against the doorframe.

"Addison!" Norah exclaimed with a wide grin pulling her face, "You're back?"

"I'm not back, just here for a case," Addison smiled, "Just coming in to check on my patient's skin flap."

"Well, amazing, right?" Mark stated. "I pulled a couple of stem cells from the baby in utero. Six weeks later, I have grown skin," he turned to the woman behind him, "Like god."

"What happened to your hair?" Norah queried.

"Dyed it," Addison replied, "Wanted a fresh start somewhere new."

"Looks good. Hot," the resident commented, "Though red-hair Addison is still superior."

"Why are you on plastics? I thought you hated plastics."

Norah chuckled. "Meredith and Derek have clinical trial patients. So, I'm off Neuro for a while, I guess," she shrugged, "But yeah, I still dislike plastics."

Mark shot her a glare before he continued focusing on the skin in the dish. When the resident's pager went off, she took a look at it and grumbled under her breath.

"Ugh, those bloody ducklings..." she muttered with a sigh as she got up from the chair. Pushing the chair back under the table, she walked over to Mark and Addison and picked up the coffee on the table.

"Hey-that's mine," he protested.

"You grow skin. Like god," Norah quoted him. "Coffee's mine now." She took a sip of it while he scowled at her. "See ya, Addison."

Addison eyed the other attending curiously-he never let people take his coffee from him.

She looked at the way his eyes lingered upon the resident's-how behind the scowl from the coffee are eyes of adoration. His gaze trailed along with her until she left the room, then he returned to the skin flap on the table.

"Ducklings?" Addison questioned.

"Hm?" Mark lifted his head momentarily, "Oh, she meant interns."

❦ ❦ ❦

MARK WAS LOOKING FOR Norah while he wandered the hallways, peeking into windows after windows. He passed by a few nurses glaring at him, but he did not really bother to care. Eventually, he found the resident sitting inside a room in front of a computer.

She had been looking up some additional information about the special case of their patient. But now, her face was lying on her arms folded on the cold desk.

He walked into the room and moved her from the chair to the couch against the wall. She stirred, but he managed to soothe her back to sleep.

He switched off the lights in the room and adjusted the air conditioning before sitting on the chair that she had been sitting on. The empty coffee cup on the table got switched with a full one. The clock on the table got moved on top of the drawer next to the couch.

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