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"And then Minnie and Wonyoung stood up for me and the guy left. It was so creepy Tae! He just wouldn't leave me alone and kept asking for my damn number" Taehyung was listening to Chaewon's storytime while he was cleaning one of the tables. He felt angry, he hated people who couldn't take no as an answer.

"I'm glad they were here for you. But you know Chae, in situations like this, if the person is making you uncomfortable just kick them in the nuts. Customer or not, you have every right to. Okay?" he was talking from experience. Though he never kicked someone in the nuts yet, he knew what the girl was feeling. He got asked for his number multiple times too, sometimes the person understood rejection, sometimes not.

"But that could get me fired!" the young girl said with big eyes, but a small smile. He appreciated Tae so much.

"Trust me it wouldn't. Jisoo would understand, in fact she would beat up the person herself." they loved their boss. Jisoo was kind and sweet and she always prioritized her workers' health and well-being.

Tae went behind the counter and started organizing the cookies. He didn't know why he was feeling a bit disappointed. It's not like him and Jeongguk knew each other for long. But still, he was secretly waiting for the raven to come through the door and smile at him. He wanted to share his thoughts with Chaewon but he was afraid the girl would judge him for getting attached to someone so quickly.

"Will you tell me on your own or will I have to use my ways" asked the young girl suddenly while raising an eyebrow. Tae looked at her with a confused expression. "I see that something is troubling you. Is everything okay?" she asked softly.

The boy sighed.

"Have you ever gotten attached to someone in just the spam of two hours?"

Chaewon was taken aback. She expected everything but this. Tae wasn't someone who trusted easily. She remembers how the boy avoided and acted all shy towards her and Jackson for months when he started working at Dahlia. But looks like someone managed to skip this zone.

"Hmm. Did someone get your attention Taetae?" the girl asked smiling.

Taehyung's ears turned red.

"N-no! This person is just really nice."

"Of course. Tell me about them" she demanded cheerfully. This person must be really special if Tae already likes them.

"I don't know Chae" he looked down while fidgeting his fingers "He is just so fun to be around. He is kind and respectful. He shared his brownies with me and we had such an awesome conversation. He just moved into the apartment next to ours."

"Ohhoho so it's a boy" Chae wiggled her eyebrows. She had a suspicion that Tae wasn't really into women.

"Chaewon, for me it's really not a big deal what the gender of my person is. I just want someone whom I can love and loves me back, I couldn't care less what's between their legs." the boy truly didn't care. He has never been in love so how would he know?

"I see. So this boy, is he handsome?" she already knew what the boy's answer would obviously be but wanted to hear it from him.

"First of all, he is 28, so I wouldn't call him a 'boy'. Secondly, yes he is quite good-looking. He looked scary at first, but when I spent some time with him he slowly became more and more attractive. But please Chae, I'm begging you do not start nagging. I simply enjoy his company, I do not like him, alright?" it was true that the young boy thought of the elder as someone good-to-be-around and handsome, but he couldn't think of him as a potentional crush. He saw Jeongguk as a friend.

"Then why are you overthinking about him?" asked the girl with squinted eyes.

"Because it's weird how fastly I became comfortable around him. But anyways, it's not that deep. He is a great friend, I will introduce you someday." Taehyung wanted to change the topic. Chaewon got the hint and their day went on.

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