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The two were currently at Jeongguk's apartment, as promised. They ate the dinner Jin prepared, the raven thanking him and asking whether it was okay for Taehyung and him to have a sleepover. Jin happily smiled and agreed, he was so glad that his little brother had such a good friend.

"You know Gukkie, I just realized that you haven't met Jiminie yet!" Taehyung exclaimed while both of them were sitting on the elder's couch.

Jeongguk's eye twitched as he firmly held onto one of the pillows.

"Who is that?" he asked without any emotions in his voice. He didn't want to lash out on Taehyung, but the younger was making him angry and upset, unaware though.

"He is my bestest friend in the entire world! I can't believe I haven't talked about him to you yet, oh my god! He will be so mad if he finds out." the ravenette clenched his jaw. He did not give a single fuck about Jimin or whatever his name is.

"He is at our apartment a lot, he almost lives there. He even spent the night at mine last week, I'm suprised you didn't hear our constant laughing"


Jeongguk felt an unsettling feeling placing itself on his chest, not wanting to leave. It was suffocating him, as if its only purpose was to make the raven snap.

He was silently listening to the beauty's rant, while observing his body-language. The gestures he made while talking about that Jimin, the mimics, the word-choices. It was obvious that this boy was important to the brunette.

"-how about your friends Gukkie?"

The raven looked at him. He slowly smiled sweetly and took a sip from his wine. He hated the taste. He hated wine, but since it was Taehyung's favourite and he wanted to impress him, he acted like it was his preference too. Though, he was totally the whiskey type, he drank wine. The middest drink there is.

"My friends are.. well you could say interesting. They are all different, with a total variety of opinions, yet we stay together. They are like my family, my brothers."

Taehyung was awed as he listened to Jeongguk talk about his loved ones. It was endearing.

The brunette wanted to ask about the older's family. Like, the blood-famiy, but he didn't have the courage to. He felt like it's a sensitive topic for Jeongguk, so he kept quiet. The raven will tell him when he wants to.

"That's so sweet Gukkie."

The said male chuckled at that. Their friendship with Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok was anything but sweet.

"Yeah, you could say that I guess."

Taehyung blushed at that. He knew Jeongguk wasn't the type of person to be described with "sweet" and probably neither are his friends. But the way the raven talked about them with so much adoration and respect fluttered the younger's heart.

"Do you want to watch the movie darling? Or do you want us to just talk?" another nickname. Taehyung fought with his everything to prevent himself from blushing - failing miserably. His face took up a deep red shade and a shy smile formed upon his lips.

Jeongguk on the other hand was overflowing his happiness as he watched his angel act so adorable, all because of him.

"W-what's up with the nicknames?" the little one asked unsure. He didn't want the raven to think that he doesn't like them, he just wanted to understand.

Jeongguk smirked and put the glass on the small coffe table. His plan reached a critical step that he wanted to execute tonight. He had to, he couldn't wait any longer. He was painfully and dangerously impatient when it came to his angel.

"Don't you like them? Darling?"

The brunette was shocked by the tone the raven was using. It wasn't the usual sweet, soft voice. It was dark, sensual and low-key scary.

"N-no, that's not what I meant! I-i just asked... I like them."

Good answer.

"I call you nicknames because they fit you. You are mesmerising and very dear to me, therefore these words of endearmeant show it."

Jeongguk scooted closer to the now tomato red-faced boy. He rested one of his palms on the brunette's soft thight and started caressing it. The smooth material felt good under his hand, but he wanted to feel the angel's skin. That honey skin he possessed.

Taehyung on the other hand, didn't know how to act. He had absolutely no idea what he should do in a situation like this.

He lived moments like these once. But those were forced, he did not want them. Right now, it felt all too familiar. The memories of those traumatic experiences, that he dig so deep in his mind, slowly started coming back up.

"You are so beautiful Tae. So exceptionally gorgeous."

The raven's hand now stopped. It was just resting on the thigh of Taehyung.

The step he wanted to make was to kiss the boy. To show him that he had interest in him. So the boy can know that he likes him. Even though "like" was an understatement.

"G-gukkie can we please watch the movie?"

For fuck's sake.

Looks like the raven had to contain himself for a bit more. He forced a smile on and nodded. He took the remote, put the movie on and leaned back.

His hands remaining on the soft thigh.

No matter what my darling, I'll succeed tonight. Even if you yourself try to sabotage me.

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