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Jeongguk was at the Kim's. Jin invited him over for dinner, which took the raven by suprise but he accepted nontheless. He can't miss the chance to be with his angel, can he?

It had been two weeks since his arrival. Him and Taehyung had grown quite close, the younger seeing him as someone reliable and trustworthy while Jeongguk being head over heels for the boy. He visited the café and got introduced to the famous Chaewon and Jackson. The girl was neutral for the male, she seemed harmless and innocent, but the guy. God, how much Jeongguk had to contain himself to not teach him a useful lesson.

Taehyung spent some time everyday at his apartment, they would talk, eat, wach tv and even play games. Turns out the younger absolutely loved board games.

Even though their relationship progressed, Jeongguk was not satisfied. He needed Taehyung...as a partner. As his lover, his other half. His plan was going awfully slow, despite his confidence about how fast he will make the little one his again.

"Gukkie, Kimchi is fine right?" asked suddenly the protagonist of Jeongguk's thoughts. Taehyung was standing in front of him, with a smiley expression and sparkling eyes. The raven was stunned for a moment but quickly got himself together.

"Of course Taehyungie." they were all in the nickname phase. The first time the brunette called Jeongguk 'Gukkie' the male's heartbeat skipped a concerning amount of beats and he sweared he felt butterflies. "Guess what, I downloaded Thor:Ragnarok, so when you have time, come over and we can watch it. I will even get you fried apple crisps."

Taehyung smiled softly and the suggestion and nodded.

"Thank you Gukkie. I'll make sure to bring some wine like last time!" it was no suprise that Jeongguk was the wine-type. Taehyung preferred that too, and last time he gifted the raven one of his favourite ones.

The little brunette took a seat next to Jeongguk on their couch and leaned back. He closed his eyes and relaxed.

The ravenette was watching him with fond eyes, looking at him like he was his whole world. Which he was to say the least.

He suddenly got an idea. He didn't know whether it was too soon or not, but he desperately needed some improvement.

While admiring Taehyung and his beautiful body, he placed a hand on the boy's mid-thigh and started caressing it. He didn't mean it to be sexual, no not yet. Just a small touch of affection.

Tae's breath hitched as he felt a warm palm on his thigh. He opened his eyes and looked at the culprit. Jeongguk was looking at him smiling, his hand still caressing, occasionally squeezing.

The brunette leaned his head onto the raven's shoulder and closed his eyes again. Continuing his resting.

Jeongguk's heart was racing while he had the widest smile ever on. He went on with his action and looked at the boy contentedly. He's been wanting to live these moments with Taehyung for so long, and he still can't believe it.

He turned his head a bit and placed a small kiss onto the younger's forehead, then another one on the top of his head. Tae just smiled, and nuzzled his face more into the older's shoulder.

"Are you tired Tae?" Jeongguk whispered.

"Yeah. Being a university student isn't fun, it just drains my energy and gives me more anxiety" the boy complained.

"Hmm. I was thinking.. maybe after dinner you can come to mine and we can talk a little. If you want to, you can even spend the night. You don't have school tomorrow and as far as I'm concerned you don't have to go to work either." he wanted Taehyung to say yes so badly. He decided to make a bold move tonight.

"Oh I would like that." the brunette yawned. "But ain't I a burden? I don't want to disturb you Gukkie"

"You are never a burden baby, never" Taehyung blushed hard at the nickname. What was this feeling? Why is he reacting like this?

"O-ok, if you say so"

Jeongguk chuckled and patted the boy's thigh.

"Now let's go and eat, I know you are hungry"

"Aren't you too?" asked Taehyung while tilting his head.

Jeongguk smirked.

"Oh I am. But for something else"

Lol make sure to store these fluffy moments in you for the hard times, cause shit is about to go down.

Thank you all for reading<3
I hope you enjoyed^^

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