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"Order 34 ready" yelled Taehyung out behind the counter. He smiled at the woman who came rushingly and wished her a great day.

"I'll take a break Jackson, call me if it gets too much" he told his colleague and went in the back room, which was for the employees. He flopped down on the sofa and thanked his boss internally for getting them the most comfortable sofa in existence. God bless you Jisoo, thought the brunette.

Ten minutes went by with Taehyung just sitting and relaxing when the door opened and Jackson came in. The brunette looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Chaewon is here and there are like 3 people in right now" massaged the man his temples while sitting down next to Taehyung. "Have you already had lunch?"

"Not yet, I was just sitting here doing nothing" sighed Tae and leaned completely into the comfort of the sofa. "Today is so tiring. That guy sucked all the power out of me" he groaned. "Thank you for telling him off by the way." he sent a smile to Jackson who just waved his hand while his eyes remained closed.

"Anytime, you know it. I hate such assholes" Taehyung nodded to the statement. He hated people like that too, who couldn't take no as an answer. He even told the rude man that he had a boyfriend, even though him and Jeongguk weren't official yet, he knew they would be very soon. They already acted like it.

"Wony should have been here too. I swear to god she literally enjoys when things like this happen" the brunette laughed. "She loves to argue with them"

"Well no shit. Not only is she terrifyingly gorgeous but the confidence she has with that face scares them" huffed Jackson out. Taehyung laughed harder at that, it was true.

Meanwhile, Jeongguk just stepped into Dahlia café, wanting to suprise his baby. He spotted Chaewon and went over to her.

"Hey, do you know where I can find Taehyung?" he asked while his eyes were searching for his beloved.

The girl smiled at him and shook his head.

"I just barely arrived, I think he is in the back room with Jackson, they are having a break. You can go in, it's the room on the left" she explained and excused herself when a customer came up.

Jeongguk however wasn't pleased with that answer. He had his hands in tight fists. He barfed out a low thanks to the girl and made his way towards the said room.

He heard laughing, more precisely his Taehyung's laugh. The anger in him started to increase even more. He pushed the door open and what he saw made his blood boil.

His Taehyung was sitting next to that fuckass Jackson, both of them laughing while looking at something on the brunette's phone, way too close for Jeongguk's liking.

The two looked up when the raven stepped in, Taehyung's eyes lit up and his smile grew. Jackson stopped laughing and scooted a bit away from Tae.

"Ggukie, hi" said the youngest softly while standing up. The said man just stared at them blankly.

Taehyung didn't understand why the raven was acting like this and he began to grow nervous and anxious.

"Come on Taehyung, we are going home" let Jeongguk out coldly.

"I-i can't go yet, I still have my shift" pouted the boy, while uncomfortably shifting on his legs. He didn't like the atmosphere in the room.

Jackson suddenly cleared his throat.

"You can go home Tae, Chaewon and I are enough now." he smiled at the boy, while doing everything in his willpower to avoid Jeongguk's piercing eyes.

"Are you sure?" Tae wasn't convinced, plus he was getting kinda scared of Jeongguk's behaviour.

"Yeah, go ahead. It's okay, really" gave the man a tight lipped smile, feeling uncomfortable under Jeongguk's stare.

"Alright then, bye bye Hyung. See you!"

He went towards the raven haired man who was still busy glaring at poor Jackson. Taehyung carefully took a hold of his hand and started walking out of the room.

"Are you okay Ggukie?" asked the brunette and quickly gave a smile to Chaewon while him and Jeongguk were walking out of the café.

The raven didn't answer, just kept silent while keeping a poker face. The younger softly pouted at that and looked down at his hands. That's when he realized that he left his jacket in the back room.

He bit his lips in nervousness, not wanting to make the raven even more angry. But either way, he needed his jacket, his wallet was there.

"Ggukie.. I have to run back, I left my jacket there. I'll be quick"

Just as he turned around, a harsh grip on his wrist made him halt.

"Jeongguk?" the small voice of Taehyung made the raven feel a little bad and he let out a soft sigh. He shouldn't act like this. He is a better man now. At least he'd like to think so.

"Get in the car, I'll go back for it" his voice was still rather nonchalant as he gave Taehyung the keys and walked away before the brunette could answer.

Taehyung stood there confused, not understanding what happened to the man who always managed to make him feel the most comfortable he has ever been.

"Did he have a bad day?"


Meanwhile, the ravenette was already at the café, with his signature pokerface on. He told Chaewon what he was there for and made his way towards the back room.

What he thought was a simple open, was actually a huge slam as Jackson sat there with wide eyes. When he saw Jeongguk, he immediately muttered a seires of curse words.

Niether of them said anything, Jeongguk was silently standing with his hands in his pocket, while Jackson was sitting on the sofa, his eyes nervously roaming around the room. He couldn't help it, the tall and bulky man had such a strong and intimidating aura.

"Taehyung left his jacket here" the flat voice of the ravenette sent shivers down Jackson's spine.

"Oh, right" he had no idea what to answer.

"You know Jackson. I find it hard to believe that you are so stupid" Jeongguk suddenly started walking around the room, like a predator circling its prey.
He steps were calculated and slow, almost as if he was a jaguar, hiding in the shadows, waiting to attack.

A huge gulp was visible on the threatened man throat, and it made Jeongguk smirk.

"I mean, being kind to him is one thing. As you fucking should. But tsk. Don't you think you are overstepping?" Jeongguk kept his eyes on the sitting man, feeling annoyed that the guy couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Didn't your mother teach you that not looking people in the eye when they are talking to you is disrespectful?" he raised his voice, not caring if anyone heard him. "Oh right. I forgot, you don't have a mother" the mocking, dark chuckle made Jackson shut his eyes. He took a breath and finally looked at Jeongguk.

"I apologise. It won't happen again" he bowed his head and kept it low.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes at that.

"Now that you made him attached, don't you dare make him sad. You fucked up your mission and I will not forget that. But for now, I need you to keep being his friend and keep an eye on him." said the raven while rubbing his temples. He had enough of these illiterate idiots.

He was clear with his orders. Keep an eye on Taehyung and befriend him. No unnecessary skinship, no unnecessary talking, no unnecessary compliments.

"Noted boss. I apologise again. I should have known better."

"Write a report of the past month and submit it to Namjoon. Don't even try to hide anything. I'll find out either way." with that, Jeongguk took Taehyung's jacket and walked out. Not even bothering to hear Jackson's reply.

The said man sat still on the sofa, a sad look on his face.

"I am so sorry Taehyung"

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