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*Knock knock*

The moment Jeongguk heard the faint sound at his door, he immediately broke into a huge smile. He went to the door full of excitement but when he opened it, his smile faltered.

"Oh, it's you"

The man at the door scoffed.

"Wow, don't be so delighted to see me"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes annoyed and crossed his arms.

"I'm expecting someone Yoongi, this is not a good time"

The male smiled mockingly and looked the raven up and down.

"I see. Your boytoy is coming over?" chuckled the blonde man, enjoying making his boss angry.

He smiled victoriously when Jeongguk's face morphed into a furious expression.

"Don't ever call him that again, Min. I'm warning you! He is not a fucking toy" to say Jeongguk was angry was an understatement. He knew exactly what Yoongi will clap back with and he already wanted to punch him for it.

"Ooh really? Cause as far as I can remember, it was you who said he is just a mere toy and nothing more" faked Yoongi a confused face.

"Don't test my patience Min, I swear I will punch you in your fucking face" his fists were already clenched, his shoulders tense. The blonde knew it was time to stop the teasing.

"Damn, I was just joking man. The fuck are you so aggressive for, jeez" and without a word, he went inside the apartment.

Jeongguk closed his eyes tightly and let out a long breath. He closed the door and went after his friend.

"What do you want?" the raven threw the other a beer and sat next to him. Both were lazily sitting on the sofa and Jeongguk couldn't help but think about how he wants Taehyung there with him right now. Without Yoongi's presence of course.

"Well Hoseok is out of town, Namjoon is busy doing god knows what, - or who -, and I was bored. But now I regret that I came here, I should have known you're a committed man now" came Yoongi again with that mocking voice.

"You can tease me all you want fucktard, no one can take the fact that Taehyung is mine away from me." he sipped his own beer. "Or are you envious? You should find yourself a bitch for the night if you're so sexually frustrated"

The blonde looked at him with a bored expression.

"That was so lame coming from you"

Jeongguk snorted and laughed. Just when he wanted to answer, a knock was heard on his door. His eyes immediately widened and he looked at Yoongi who was sitting there with a nonchalant face, drinking his beer peacefully.

The raven didn't want Taehyung to meet his friends. He didn't want the boy to be scared, as he knew his friends weren't Taehyung's type of people. But looks like he didn't have a choice.

"I swear to god Yoongi, if you say anything to him or scare him in the slightest, I will beat the shit out of you" he threatened and Yoongi nodded. The blonde knew how important this boy was to Jeon. He would never mess it up for him.

Jeongguk opened the door and the moment he laid eyes on his darling he smiled with all his love.

"Baby, hi" he said softly and pulled the boy into a hug. He breathed his scent in and buried his face into Taehyung's hair.

The brunette was giggling softly, hugging the raven back and caressing his back. One hand holding a bag of sushi.

They broke the hug and Jeongguk leaned down for a kiss, as a way to greet him. It was a quick peck, but Taehyung adored these types of kisses. He found them sweet, innocent yet so domestic.

"Hey Ggukie" smiled the boy. "I brought some sushi. You sounded sad on the phone so I wanted to lighten up your mood" Jeongguk's heart was beating so fast at the gesture, he feared it might jump out of his chest.

He lead the boy in and mentally prepared himself for what's to come.

The moment Taehyung saw Yoongi, he froze. He didn't expect to find a stranger there. The man was slouching on the sofa, a beer in his hand and he was scrolling his phone.

Taehyung felt his pulse quickening, panic rising in him. He wasn't great with strangers, he hated these situations. He didn't know what to do, what to say. He was on the verge of crying, when he suddenly felt a warm hand on his waist, caressing it. The sweet touch was paired with a butterfly kiss on his shoulder and the brunette instantly relaxed.

"Tae, this is Yoongi, a friend of mine" he softly said. "He stopped by, but he is leaving soon" and he sent the blonde a strong look who was already looking at them couriosly. Well, mostly at Taehyung.

"O-oh" the brunette mentally slapped himself for being so awkward. He wanted to make a good impression with Jeongguk's friends, as he remembered how high the man spoke of them. "Hi. I'm Taehyung, n-nice to meet you" was this okay?- he asked himself.

Yoongi's lips curved up and he waved at him.

"Hey Taehyung, I'm Yoongi, I've heard a lot about you" Yoongi almost burst out laughing when he saw Jeongguk's glare after the expose.

"Really?" looked Taehyung at Jeongguk with sparkling eyes, and all the anger in the raven suddenly vanished.

"Of course baby, talking about you is my favourite hobby" he smiled cheekily and kissed Taehyung's temple, earning a deep blush from the boy.

"Well aren't you two sickeningly adorable" came from Yoongi. Taehyung laughed at that and slowly made his way towards the sofa with Jeongguk's hand in his.

They sat down and Jeongguk, as if it was a reflex, instantly wrapped an arm around Taehyung's waist, pulling him as close as possible. His other hand found it's way to the boy's thigh and squeezed it a bit.

"So Taehyung, I heard you are in university"

Taehyung's eyes lit up and he started nodding enthusiastically.

"Y-yeah! I'm an art major" he shared happily, just thinking about art made him giddy. "And I heard you work w-with Ggukie?" he was still quite shy though, he was terrified that he would say something wrong or weird.

Yoongi, with an exeggarated expression, put his hand over his heart while looking at Jeongguk.

"I can't believe grumpy, old Jeongguk mentioned me" he faked a sniff. The raven looked at him with dark eyes, shaking his head in a threatening matter.

"Don't you have business to attend" Jeongguk tried his best to talk in a way that wouldn't scare the little angel in his arms.

"Ggukie don't be like this" Taehyung smiled at their bickering.

"Yes Ggukie don't be like this" came the whine from Yoongi and Jeongguk swore if Taehyung wasn't there, he would have punched his front teeth out. "Anyways, I truly have to go. It was a pleasure to meet you Taehyung, I hope I'll see you soon again" the brunette smiled at him and gave a small wave.

"You know where the door is Yoongi, bye"

The said man just chuckled and left, saying goodbye once again.

"He seemed nice" said Taehyung. Jeongguk gave him a small smile and pulled him completely on his lap. "I... I wasn't too weird, right?" asked Taehyung in a small, insecure voice. Jeongguk's heart clenched and he looked down.

"No, baby, not at all. I'm sure he liked you, don't worry" the raven would do anything to assure Taehyung and get that beautiful smile back on his face.

Though Taehyung couldn't help but notice the way Yoongi's voice seemed way too familiar to his ears.

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