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Smut warning

Steve and I sat at the royalty table in the front of the great hall. We both hadn't eaten anything. I just sat and drank my wine. Steve talked with his mother.

Steve and I were married.

"Eat something. You have a long night and you're going to be needing some energy." My mother said. "And put the wine down you're going to make a fool of yourself."

I saw tea being handed to Steve. Well...

This was it.

Steve glanced at me for a second. I excused myself. Steve followed, still drinking his tea. I slowed my walking once we were in the hallway. The music and laughter dimmed out as we walked away.

I couldn't breathe in this corset.

Steve looked around the hallway before leading me into his room.

"One round then we're done." He said as he finished off his tea. I knew he was already uncomfortable.

He kissed me softly. "Go to your room. I'll see you in a bit." He said.

I walked out and went to my chambers. My maids were waiting.

They sat me down and took out my hair and took off my corset.

"Are you excited?" One asked gleefully.

"No." I replied. They shut their mouths. I felt bad.

"I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you all." I said.

"It's alright princess. The first night hurts the worst. Then you'll be okay."

They made me change into my nightgown, and I wasn't allowed to wear undergarments. I got into my made bed. And soon Steve came in.

He was in a tunic and pants. He looked at my maids.

"Once I'm inside of her I want you three out. Then you can go tell our parents that we are completing our task tonight as we should." Steve said. They all nodded.

Steve got into the bed.

He quickly took off my nightgown, leaving me naked. I covered myself a bit. Steve took off his clothes.

"Stop covering." He said.

I didn't know why he was being stern. I think it was because he was trying to make it look like he was dominating. And make it look like we haven't had sex before.

He got back on top of me. I spread my legs for him. He lined up before pushing into me rather quick. I yelped.

"Out." Steve said sternly. The girls scurried out as I gripped onto Steve's shoulder for dear life.

"I'm not lubricated enough." I said. It stung. It also didn't help that I was sore.

Steve pulled out. I sat up.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I wanted to cover myself and go to sleep.

He pulled me back down and kissed my neck. I liked his warmth, but I couldn't do it.

"Steve I can't do it. I- umm. I-"

"Sweetheart breathe. What's wrong?"

"Please just finish in me so I can go to bed." I whispered. He nodded.


Steve laid with me in bed. He had finished in me. He was still obviously uncomfortable with how hard he was.

My head was on his shoulder. I kissed his jaw softly.

"What can I do to help you?" I asked.

"Mmm mmm. Nope." He said.

"Steve you're obviously uncomfortable." I whispered. "Please let me help you. Anything."

He sighed softly. I smiled and slowly moved my hand down to touch it, brushing over his little trail of hair and reaching his cock.

He relaxed more.

"I don't know what I'm doing." I said as I held his cock. I swiped my thumb over his little bead of ejaculation. He chuckled

"Here." He whispered. He put his hand over mine and started slowly moving it. "This much pressure. You can speed up if you'd like."

I smiled as he guided me.

"Steve." I said.


"I want you to teach me....about things in the bedroom." I whispered.

He moved me to lay down, getting on top of me again.


"Just please don't make me too much more sore." I whispered.

"I can't promise you that." He said and kissed me.

"As long as we can sleep all day tomorrow..."

"Yes." He said. I smiled.


Steve and I laid in bed again. He had taught me everything in the books. We were both tired.

He kissed my breasts lightly. "By the way...even if you couldn't breathe I was trying really hard to be respectful today." He whispered. I giggled.

"As in..."

"These look amazing at all times." He whispered. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said. He bit my nipple lightly. I moaned.

My hands were on his hair. His hair was messy now. He looked up at me. He looked so perfect under the sheets.

He was all mine. Oddly enough.

"I forgot to ask you this. Do you have mistresses?" I asked. He sat up and shook his head.

"Never have and never will. It's something my father stands upon. He never had them, and I never will either." He said. "I'm just not a virgin."

"Clearly." I whispered. He smiled. "Did you have someone?"

"A dukes daughter from seventeen to twenty." He said. "Do you know the carters? I..their daughter and I- yeah."

"Margaret?" I asked. He nodded.

"Her father is friends with mine." I said. He nodded.

"We had a time until I found out that she slept with your brother."

"What?" I asked.

"He didn't know we were together. No one knew but Bucky. So I didn't blame Tony. And she came onto him."

I stared at him. "Did you love her?"

"Yeah I suppose. I don't anymore. I can't see myself with her anymore. It was more of a puppy love than mature. I knew that she would also try and do anything with anyone if she got bored. I knew I would hurt myself more if I tried." He said.

I nodded.

"Did you have anyone?" He asked as he laid his head on my shoulder. My hand stayed in his hair.

"No. My first kiss was a stall boy when I was fifteen. He braided my horses chair so I thought he was in love with me." I said. "I was incorrect. But he kissed me back. I think it was because I was a princess. And I guess I have had men that have tried. Or have touched me. I've been sexualized from a young age. Ever since my first cycle I was taught to show off my chest and wear a corset and heels and do my hair everyday. I don't know."

He rubbed my waist. "And for that you can't accept that you're truly beautiful." He said.

I scoffed. "I never...I mean I think I am sometimes I just-"

"It's alright."

I sighed. He moved to kiss me softly.

"You look exhausted. Get some sleep beautiful."

"Alright." I said. He moved to pull me in.

"Goodnight." He whispered.


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