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I walked down to Nats room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said groggily. I walked in and saw her sitting up. Bucky was asleep next to her.

"I'm sorry. I just-"

"Charlotte you look white as snow." Nat said. Bucky stirred.

"No no no. I will not pass out again." I said as I sat down. Nat came over with some water.

I drank a bit. After I did Natasha moved my hair from my neck.

"Good god did Steve attack you?"

"What?" I asked. "No nothing happened I'm- no."

I moved my hand over my neck.

"Did Steve do something?" She asked. Bucky sat up now. I looked at her with confusion.

"No. No we had intercourse because I need to be pregnant, I made my tea, and then I went down here."

"So if everything sounds normal, why are you here?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." I whispered. Wall crumbling.

"Did Steve say or do something?" Nat asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

Bucky stood up and put a shirt on.

"Bucky no-" I said. "He didn't do anything."

"He has done this for years. He's mad or sad and he ends up pushing someone away or hurting them. You have done everything for him and he needs to realize that." Bucky said.

"No because then he's gonna be mad at me." I said.

"No he won't. And if he is, he needs to learn to treat his wife, and his queen better."

He left. My hands were shaking.

Nat moved to hug me.

"I'm only going to say this once because I know you've had your guard up all week and I can see it crumbling. You can't fix everyone around you. You can't help them all. You're allowed to grieve too."

I shook my head. "I'm not going to grieve because other people have lost more and I can't do it I really can't not when everyone's watching me and-"

"You just lost both your parents, your father-in-law, and became queen all in one week." She said. "That's what you should be grieving about."

I sighed and looked at the fire. Nat moved a chair to sit next to me.

I heard Steve burst through the room.

"You wanna fucking talk Charlotte we will talk!" Steve said.

"Hey! No. You leave her the fuck alone Steve. This is what you do every single fucking time something bad happens. She is in pain too. She just lost not one, but both her parents. She is standing beside you at that throne. She is helping your mother get to sleep every night after you do. She is helping her brother who also just lost his parents. This is the first time she has come to anyone. She has forced herself to not show any fucking emotion because she wants to be there for everyone else!" Nat said as he came in.

He shut up quickly. I stood up and looked at the dead silent room now.

"You're too self centered to realize that. It's apparent that you fucking mauled her in bed tonight. Get over yourself because right now you are nowhere near husband, father, and most importantly king material."

Steve glanced at me. I looked down.

There were merely three bricks standing on my wall.

"My parents funeral is tomorrow. I want everyone to get some sleep." I said.

"Charlotte stop doing this!" Natasha said. I left the room.

I quickly grabbed my dress and a cloak and threw them on before running out to the stables. I grabbed my horse and mounted, before going out to the fields.

The horse had my blanket on its saddle.

I went all the way out and unmounted, keeping Daisy close.

The moon was bright, so I could see more of where I was going.

I sat down under the tree and held in my tears.

I wasn't going to break.

But eventually I did. Hot tears streamed down my face. I let out a long sob. I couldn't do it anymore. I really couldn't.

The night air lightly blew. I stayed there.

For god knows how long.

Until I heard another horse. Steve came out through the branches. He quickly unmounted and ran over.

I didn't look at him, I just kept crying.

Steve came over and stood in front of me, before kneeling. He had boots, a pair of pants, a tunic, and a vest on.

"Charlotte." He said.

"Charlotte June." He said. He moved my chin to look at him.

I stared at him. He rubbed my tears.

"Everything that you have done, I have overlooked. Every step you have taken, you have done it so that I don't have to worry. Every move you make is for everyone around you. And I'm sorry."

I shook lightly. Steve sat down and pulled me onto his lap as I sobbed again.

I curled up in his lap.

"You're aloud to mourn your parents. I'm sorry for saying that. You're allowed to feel stressed. Our intercourse should not be about you and I should've listened to you. The least I could've done is make your tea. It's you that's gonna be carrying the child. I'm such a cunt to you. Bucky probably explained to you how I've done this for years and I'm ready to break this habit."

I nodded. He pet my hair down my back.

"You deserve none of this. You don't deserve to lose your parents or force to marry or take care of both my mother and your brother or become queen against your will. You are such a precious soul Charlotte. You don't deserve any of this."

I sighed and rubbed my hand up and down his chest. He looked down at me.

"I love you. And I shouldn't treat someone I love like that." Steve said.

"I love you too." I whispered.

He sighed and kissed me softly. I closed my eyes and let him.

"Let's get you back to the castle."


The Throne: A Prince Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now