I could be a better boyfriend (Lucy Bronze)

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! TW: mentions of cheating, abuse ! 


"Are you coming Matt?" I called for my boyfriend, who took his time upstairs again. 

"Yeah I'm coming. Don't rush me!" He came down, looking everything but pleased. He wore sweatpants and a t-shirt while I wore a dress. Seemed like he didn't put a lot of effort into his outfit. "You really want to go there dressed like this?" I looked at him, hoping that he'd say no.

 "Well yeah. First of all, it's a party with your 'football friends' I didn't want to go to and now you're making me wear clothes I don't wanna wear. What a great girlfriend you are." 

His voice was louder than normal and it scared me. I knew that he would never hit me or something like that but he simply wasn't himself these last couple weeks. He stormed out of the door in the direction of his car. I was left inside, tears prickling in my eyes. I blinked a few times to get rid of them. 'Pull yourself together' was my last thought before I took my purse and went outside. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I turned to Matt's car and saw him smiling at his phone. When he looked at me, he quickly put it away, the happiness leaving his gaze within seconds. "Well come on! Hurry!" Confused by his quick change of mind, I sat down in the passenger seat. "I thought you weren't happy about the party. Where's your rush coming from?" I said while buckling up. 

"Are you the only one who can be happy 'bout something now?"

"Well no but-"

"Then why are you asking?"

I didn't want to push him any further so I didn't answer. "That's what I thought." He drove off much faster than he was allowed, letting me feel his anger towards me.


In the club I immediately looked for my friends. "I'm gonna talk to some mates." was the last thing I heard from Matt before I saw him disappearing in the crowd. Maybe that's why he was smiling earlier. "y/n! Over here!" I instantly noticed Keira waving at me excitedly. I smiled and made my way to the table, where Leah, Lucy, Keira and Beth were waiting for me. "Hey guys!" I hugged each one of them and sat down next to Lucy. "Didn't you want to bring your boyfriend?" Leah asked, emphasizing the word boyfriend a bit too much. "Yeah he's here just not with me. He's with his friends." The disappointment in my voice was more present than I wanted it to be. "What an idiot. Who wouldn't want to spend his time with you?" Lucy, being my best friend for 10 years, immediately took my side. 

"We live together so I get that he wants to spend time with other people too. I know that you don't really like him but I swear he's a good guy." I didn't need my best friend's validation to date someone however it always felt better when she had a good feeling about the person. And this time, she definitely didn't. I won't say she hated him but she clearly disliked him. Every time his hand rested on my waist, she would glare at him which eventually led to him doing it less and less. Or when he kissed my cheek, she would kiss me goodbye at the exact same spot. She's been doing that for a couple weeks and Matt started acting weirder some days after. Something was up with both of them, I just had to figure out what it was. "Ok I'll trust you on this one but you have to promise me one thing." I nodded, signaling her to continue. 

"As soon as he starts to raise his voice at you or anything like that, you'll call me. I will pick you up, no matter where you are or what time it is, alright?" I chuckled at Lucy's overprotectiveness. 

"I promise. Although he would never do that." I just lied straight into my best friend's face but it was because I was sure that it was only some mood swings. Everyone had those right? I took her hands in mine and stroke my thumb over the back of her hand. "Thank you for caring about me though." I leaned forward and pressed a light kiss on her cheek. Just after that, a sharp pain struck the back of my head. Someone had pulled me back hard by my hair. "I come back because I forgot to ask you if you wanted a drink and I see you kiss another women! You're cheating on me?! Are you insane?!" I was pretty sure you could hear him shouting in the entire club. All of the tables around us went quiet and no one dared to speak, not even me. I just sat there, head leaned backwards, tears running down my cheeks. I was petrified by the shock and the pain. "Answer me!" He came closer until his face was inches away from mine. I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting a slap or a hit, which came a few seconds later. "I said answer me!" My cheek stung where he smacked me yet I still looked at him with tear-stained cheeks. "I- I didn't-"

"Y'know what? It doesn't matter! I've been seeing another woman who's way better than you ever will be! We're so done!" He threw me on the floor and left without saying another word. I didn't know what to do. My mind was blank and the only thing I felt was my head aching and my heart breaking. (that was an unwanted rhyme) I heard someone yelling for the police, Leah asking for an icepack and then felt someone sitting down beside me. "Hey are you okay? I'm here, right next to you. I won't leave you. Everything is going to be okay y/n, trust me." I broke down in Lucy's arms and she held me the entire time I was crying, not caring that her t-shirt was getting soaked in my tears. After some minutes I felt something extremely cold at the back of my head. "Here's the ice pack. Does it hurt?"

"A little. But it's ok. He was just angry and reacted that way. He-"

"No y/n! I know I promised you to stop but right now I just can't. You can't keep forgiving him, especially after what he just did to you! You have to stop this! Ok, maybe he misunderstood something but that doesn't excuse the fact that he physically hurt you! That's not love y/n! And I know what I'm talking about be-" She stopped mid sentence and looked at me. "Come on, I'm taking you home." I shook my head which gave me a massive headache causing me to stop and close my eyes. "I don't want to go home. He's gonna be there and.." I couldn't continue to speak still horrified from earlier. "No not your home. My home." She replied while helping me up. We got to her car and she drove us to her house. Inside, I realized that I didn't have anything to change into. "Lucy? I can't sleep in that dress." She opened her closet and gave me a hoodie and some sweatpants. "Thank you." I kissed her cheek and went into the bathroom to change. When I came out, Lucy sat on her bed waiting for me while scrolling through Instagram. I lied down beside her and instantly closed my eyes, feeling the tiredness overcoming my body. "Good night darling." was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.


I shot up, drenched in sweat. It was a nightmare, thank god. "y/n? What are you doing up at this time?"

"I'm sorry Luce, I didn't mean to wake you up. I just had a nightmare, go back to sleep."

"No way I'm going back to sleep now. I know how you 'handle' your nightmares. You don't sleep all night and then you're tired the entire day. Not happening tonight." She opened her arms, signaling me to lay down next to her. I did that gladly and was now laying in Lucy's arms, feeling her breath in the crook of my neck. "Go to sleep." she murmured while being half asleep herself. I smiled and fell asleep knowing that I had my best friend aka my crush aka Lucy Bronze by my side. 

This part was completely dedicated to the one and only Lucy Bronze. I swear this woman was my gay awakening!

Don't forget to eat, drink, sleep, etc. <3

Ily byeee <3

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