Us, together? Maybe.. (Leah Williamson)

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Requested by iateurcum with the prompt 1. Enjoy ;)

Having Leah Williamson as your best friend is one of the best things that could happen to you. She's caring, beautiful, nice to everyone except the ones that aren't to her, helps you with everything, pays attention to the little details, gives the best hugs ever, answers your calls at 2 am, strokes your hair if you can't fall asleep.. You get what I mean. But exactly those things are the reason why I fell for her. And I can tell you, I fell hard.


"Kiera is going to that great Italian restaurant with Lucy tonight and asked me if I wanted to come!" Leah shouted from the living room where she sat in front of the TV, watching Lord of the Rings. I stood in the kitchen, doing the dishes that were left from the lunch we ate not even 15 minutes ago. "What am I supposed to do with that information now? Have fun!" I replied and turned my attention back to the dirty plates in the sink. I heard the tv stop but didn't think much of it. Leah was probably going to the bathroom and didn't want to miss anything of the movie, although she already watched it a hundred times. That was until I felt a familiar pair of arms wrapping around my torso from behind. My breath hitched but I melted into the embrace, feeling her head resting on my shoulder. "So, did you come to watch me do the dishes? How thoughtful of you." I laughed and she lightly hit my arm. "No of course not." After a small pause, she continued. "But that wasn't what I meant earlier y'know?"

"What did you mean then?" I said, still not knowing what she was talking about.

"When I told you about the invite, I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me." My eyes widened a bit at that response. I knew that Keira and Lucy were in a happy relationship, plus they knew about my crush on her. They only invited her because they were sure that she would ask me to accompany her, not wanting to be the third wheel. "I am fully aware of the fact that they are together but are you? You know that they're gonna act all sweet and couply while we're only going to sit there and wait for the evening to end, right?"

"And that's why I want you to come with me. If you don't, I'm gonna be so bored the whole time." She whined and I just couldn't say no to her. "Ok ok but only this one time." She leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek but stopped half way. "What?" I asked her, confused by her actions. "I may have to ask you for a big big favor. But I promise it's just this one time and it will never happen again."

"Now I'm curious. What's the question?"

"Could you, maybe, only if you want to and only if you're comfortable with it-"

"Spit it out Lee."


"Ok and now you're going to repeat that but at a much slower pace so that I'm able to understand it."

"Could you act like you're my date?"

The plate I was holding slipped out of my hand and fell in the sink. Luckily it didn't break but it was enough to make Leah immediately regret her question. "I promise it's only this once and it's just because Kei won't stop teasing me about not having had a date in so long and-"

"I'm not going to date you! "

"Oh come on it's just one night! And you don't have to act like we're complete enemies. It's not going to be weird, I swear. We've been best friends for what, over 10 years now? It's the only big favor I've ever asked you for, please, do it for me." She looked at me with puppy eyes. Those eyes may be the one thing I hated about her, they made me say yes to everything. I groaned in defeat. "Ok fine." Leah's face lit up with a big smile and she hugged me tight. "Thank you thank you thank you! We'll meet there at 8 so be ready at 7:45. And I owe you big time now!" She placed a quick kiss on my cheek and ran back to the living room. I stood there, totally regretting that I accepted her stupid offer. I was absolutely in love with her but that was exactly why I was not looking forward to this 'date'. It was going to remind me that I would never be going on real dates with her, holding her hand, kissing her in front of our friends. It was going to be another person but not me and that broke me heart. Just tonight, just for Leah, I thought to myself. After I finished doing the dishes, I looked at the time. 5 pm, already?! I had to shower and get ready in less than 3 hours? That was gonna be difficult considering the fact I had no idea what to wear nor what to do with my hair. Great.


I had finally picked out an outfit and styled my hair. I was only waiting for Leah to come out of the bathroom. If she took five more minutes, we were going to be late. "Leah! Come out of this bathroom right now or else-" I stopped talking when the door opened and revealed a stunning looking Leah. My jaw dropped and she smirked. "Or else what?"

"N-nothing. We're only going to a restaurant right?"

"Yeah why?"

"I'm totally underdressed then." I replied while gesturing at my black shoulder free top and my jeans. "Nope. You look absolutely lovely darling." She said, emphasizing the word darling a bit too much for my liking. "Ok let's go, we're late because of you." She just linked her arm in mine and lead me to the car. Obviously, I was driving. I didn't want to hold Leah back if she wanted to drink alcohol with her friends. No one spoke during the fifteen minute ride to the restaurant. As we got there, Lucy and Keira were already waiting for us. Keira saw us and waved excitedly. I waved back but leaned towards Leah while we walked to the table. "Not more than 3 hours or I'm going home without you." She nodded and we sat down in front of them. "So y/n. You're Leah's..?" Keira asked not really knowing in what Leah and I were. Before I could answer, Leah put her hand on top of mine and replied. "She's my date." Keira did definitely not expect that answer and looked a tiny bit shocked. "Your date? Like, a real date?" She asked again while pointing at her and me. "Yes her real date." This time it was my turn to answer. Keira turned to Lucy and whispered something to her. Lucy nodded while holding back a laugh. I did absolutely not know what they were on about but I didn't care anyway.


The whole evening went smoothless and I actually quite enjoyed it. The food was delicious and not as expensive as I thought it would be. Leah drank two glasses of wine while I refused as I would have to drive us home. We laughed, I learned a bit more about their team and was even invited to their next training session by Keira. Just after we payed the bill, Keira asked another question. "So I just have to ask this now. Are you two like together or is this just a date because you didn't want to come alone Leah?" I was completely overwhelmed by that question and looked to Leah. "Well to be honest, this is just a date but I really like you y/n. Like really really like you." I still have no idea if it was the alcohol that gave her the courage to say that or if she just wanted to say it. I was speechless and abruptly stood up. "I think we have to go home now. Leah clearly isn't thinking straight." I took Leah's hand and said goodbye to Keira and Lucy. When we both sat in the car, I turned to Leah. "What was that? You only drank two glasses of wine, how are you drunk already?"

"Oh I'm not. I think the alcohol just gave me the last push. But what I said in there was true y/n."

She put her hands on mine and looked in my eyes. The look in her eyes gave me all the informations I needed.  Without a second thought I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers. She didn't pull away and I felt the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. This was all I ever wanted and now it finally happened. I was over the moon when we broke apart and was probably smiling like an idiot. "Let's talk about this at home, shall we?"

All I could do was nod, still not believing what just happened. I kissed Leah because she likes me. Leah likes me!

I hope you liked the one shot. Requests in the comments :)

Don't forget to eat, drink, sleep, etc. <3

Ily byeee <3

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