Home (Leah Williamson)

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If you asked random people what they call home, most of them would answer with 'the house I grew up in' or 'my house'. Well, I wouldn't. My home isn't a place, it's not a feeling. My home is a person. My home is my girlfriend. And there are many reasons why but here are some scenarios to describe it to you:


I jumped out of my seat, celebrating Arsenal's 4:1 win against Chelsea. Everyone around me was yelling, singing, waving their jerseys around. I was totally happy for my sister, Katie for Leah and just for the entire club. Although Leah and I only talked when I accompanied my sister to training sessions or matches, I developed a massive crush on her. She made me feel truly happy, she understood my humor, she gave the best hugs, she was simply beautiful and she played incredibly well. How could I not have a crush on her? 

I rushed to my sister and engulfed her in the biggest hug. "You were great on the pitch! Congrats Katie!" She kissed my forehead and thanked me. "You should come more often, I think I play better when you're watching." I grinned, knowing that this was her way of saying she liked it when I came to her games. "Hey McCabe, great game!" My sister and I turned around to see Leah walking towards us. Oh crap, there goes my confidence. "Oh hi McCabe 2.0. Long time no see." She hugged me tight and I could've sworn I heard her whisper "I missed you". Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. 

"Yeah I had so much to do these past couple weeks but now I'm here. That's what counts right?"

"Yeah absolutely." That sentence was followed by a long awkward silence. Leah looked like she was about to say something but didn't know how to. After a few seconds, she asked. "Ehm y/n could I just talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah sure why not." I looked at Katie and she understood, saying bye to Leah and walking off to her other teammates. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked her, fidgeting with my rings to calm down a bit. "I wanted to ask you something. Have been wanting for a while actually." I nodded, signaling her to continue. "I wanted to ask you out. Like on a date. Only you and me. Maybe this Thursday?" I was completely taken aback by this question and had to process the fact that Leah Williamson just asked me on on a date before answering her. "Yes! I would love to Leah." She told me that she would text me the details and left with a big smile on her lips. I was still standing at the exact same spot, trying to process everything and mentally preparing myself for the date in four days.


Leah and I just had our first date and were on our way back to her apartment. She told me I could stay at hers till tonight and I was excited. I've had a crush on her for way too long and when she asked me out, I was completely flabbergasted. Of course I said yes 'cause let's be honest, who would say no to Leah Williamson? Exactly, no one.

We were walking down the streets, stopping here and there to look at flowers, cute graffitis on the walls or just dogs walking past us. I was loving it, especially the short moments when our hands would brush against each other, which made my heart skip a beat. That's why my heart lost it when she took my hand into hers and intertwined our fingers. She did it so casually and yet to me, it was such a big gesture. She looked at me, searching for any sign of uncomfortableness in my expression. That was when a smile crept crept across my face, a smile that surely couldn't be missed. A wide heartwarming smile spread across her face while she squeezed my hand. This girl is going to be the death of me.


I was sick. Like sick sick. I had to throw up every two hours, had a high fever, my body ached, I had no energy and basically just laid in my bed, alone, not being able to sleep nor to move. I wanted to see Leah so bad but I didn't want her to catch my flu so we didn't see each other for the last five days. Way too long if you ask me. I wanted to call her or even just text her but I knew that being on my phone would only worsen my already bad headache. I heard the ping of my phone at least ten times each day and I knew that it was her, I simply couldn't pick it up and answer. I felt so incredibly bad because of it and already planned to make it up to her.

I just came back from the bathroom when I heard a knock on my door. I was already up so I went to the door and opened it. "Mom I already told you I can't-" I stopped mid-sentence when I realized that it wasn't my mom who stood in front of me but my girlfriend. "Leah what are you doing here? You can't get sick, you have that big match tomorr-" She cut me off by hugging me tight. I heard her mumble something but couldn't quite understand it. "What?"

"Fuck the match. I wanna see my favorite person. It's just one match and maybe I won't catch the flu, how would we know if we don't try?" She grinned at me at I couldn't help but smile back. She came in and laid down in my bed, opening her arms for me to cuddle her. I made myself comfortable, my head on her chest and her arms closed around my waist. It was the best I felt these last days. "I love you so so much Lee."

She pressed a kiss on my temple. "I love you even more."


Fall was by far my favorite season. The whole world was covered in orange, yellow and red leaves, it wasn't too hot nor too cold, it often rains which meant movie nights and lots of cuddles with Leah.

I just came home from a long walk and all I wanted was too cuddle with my girlfriend. I took of my coat, my shoes and immediately ran into the living room. "Leah?" I said out loud when I saw the empty room in front of me. Wasn't she supposed to be home? No answer, so I went looking for her. Bathroom, empty. Kitchen, no one. Bedroom, nothing. I had one last chance. I knocked on the office door and got a quiet 'come in' as an answer. I opened the door and saw Leah working on the computer. "Whatcha working on babe?" I put my arms around her neck from behind and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Nothing important. When did you come home?" She was still focused on the screen in front of her but turned her chair a bit in my direction. "Just a minute ago." I sat down on the chair behind hers and sighed. "What's up darling?"

"Nothing, I just thought we could cuddle but if you have work to do-" I was cut off by Leah turning around and looking at me lovingly. "I'd love to cuddle with you y/n." She turned the computer off, stood up and took my hands in hers. "But you-"

"No buts. You are my girlfriend, you deserve my attention so you get my attention love." I felt the blood rushing into my cheeks. How in the world did I deserve such a caring girlfriend? We sat down on the couch and she ran her hand through my hair. "I love you so much Leah."

"Y'know what? I think I love you even more."

"That's not even possible Lee."

"Oh trust me it is babe." She laughed and my heart skipped a beat. Her laugh was literally her cutest feature. Every time I heard it, I fell in love with her all over again.

The evening ended with the both of us falling asleep.

Sooo this is the first part. I hope you liked it and if you have any requests/ideas, let me know :)

Don't forget to eat, drink, sleep, etc. <3

Byeee <3

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