You don't get to do this (Lucy Bronze)

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Another one with Lucy :)

!TW: Angst but with a happy ending!

Do you know what betrayal feels like? If I were to describe it to you, I would say it stings. Not on the outside of your body but in your heart. You look at that person and think 'how could you do this to me?'. The thought doesn't leave your mind, it makes your head spin and it makes you feel sick. After that comes the realization. You realize that one of your closest friends or whatsoever, just betrayed your trust, that you trusted the wrong person this entire time. And only after all of that, you begin to cry because your mind doesn't know how to deal with all these emotions.


I was coming back from my walk with Narla and spotted Lucy's car in the drive-way. My face instantly lit up with a smile and I ran the last few meters to the door. I was fumbling with my keys, not finding the right one, when Lucy swung the door open. "There's my favorite girl!" I froze in my movements, contemplating wether she meant me or Narla but my question wasn't left unanswered for long. "Oh you went out with Narla, that's why I couldn't find her." She pulled me into a tight embrace and I immediately melted into her touch. "I missed you." I mumbled into the crook of her neck while inhaling her intoxicating smell. "I missed you too. But I'm back now and everything's gonna be fine." She said it like she wanted to comfort me which left me a bit confused. I didn't ask about it though, not wanting to start a whole drama the day she came back from her family. We separated and I walked into our shared house. "It smells good, what did you cook?"

"Spaghetti bolognese." She grinned as I turned around, my smile becoming even bigger.

"Really? Yours is the best! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I sprinted into the kitchen and sat down at the table which Lucy had already set. Five minutes later, we sat in front of each other and ate lunch in complete silence. "So how was your weekend?"

"Good. They said they missed you and I had to explain a million times why you couldn't come."

I smiled at the thought of her parents. They were super nice and every time I went to visit them with Lucy, they wouldn't stop talking about how cute we would be as a couple. It was a bit annoying because we hadn't quite talked about what we were and their whole confirmations only made us avoid that explicit topic even more. Now that I thought about it, I had to bring it up. "Luce, we have to talk." I could see her freeze out of the corner of my eye. She wasn't expecting this now. "Yeah?" I put my fork down and looked at her. "We both knew that we were going to talk about this, we just didn't know who would start the conversation." I clearly noticed in her reaction that she knew what I was talking about. "Ok you wanna talk about it. Let's talk about it." She pushed her plate away and her eyes met mine. They didn't even resemble the eyes that I looked into ten minutes ago. Her warm, golden brown eyes had become cold and the sparks in them were completely gone. "What are we Lucy? I want this to keep going but I need some kind of definition. I have no idea if we're best friends who just act flirty or if we're dating, even though we never went on a date. Some times it feels like you don't even wanna talk with me and the next day you're practically glued to my side. I can't continue like this." It felt good, relieving to tell her how I felt. Her facial expressions didn't change, not even a tiny bit. After a while she finally found the right words to answer. "y/n, I'm gonna be absolutely honest. I don't know what we are either but I like it this way. I like you, I really do but I don't think I'm ready to date anyone right now. You have to understand-"

"Don't worry. I understand." I stood up and stormed in my room without even bothering to look back. I was a bit shocked by how cold my voice had become. I didn't want to say it like this but on the other hand, what she just said hurt. Did she really not like me enough to go on a date? I thought we were more than friends but apparently I was totally wrong. I locked myself in my room for the rest of the day, mostly watching cheesy romances to distract myself from Lucy knocking on my door every thirty minutes.

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