We need to talk. (Ona Batlle)

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Request by @ruby64893 without a specific prompt. Hope you like it ;)

I was in a happy relationship with Ona. Or at least I thought so. During the last 2 weeks, she became more and more distant, spent more time with her friends and cancelled most of our already planned dates. She was acting totally weird and I just didn't know why.


I came home after a walk, expecting my girlfriend to greet me. "Ona?" I shouted but all I got in return was complete silence. I took my shoes off and went looking of her. She wasn't in the living room nor in the bedroom. When I came into the kitchen, I noticed a small piece of paper lying on the table. My heart dropped as the worst case scenario made its way into my mind. Did she leave me? Did she break up with me with a fucking note? I picked it up and began to read it. 

Hi babe,

don't worry 'bout me I'm out with the girls. I'll be back before midnight.

Love u xxx

I let the note fall to the ground and released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. The reaction I had due to this note let me realize that our relationship was definitely not the same anymore. I needed to talk to her about that. I took my phone and my lock screen lit up. It was a picture of me and Ona, kissing in front of the Eiffel tower from our trip to Paris. I smiled sadly as I looked at myself in the picture. I was absolutely happy in that picture and you could almost feel it through the display. It was only 6 pm which meant that she would be back in approximately 6 hours. I couldn't wait that long, I had to sort this out as soon as possible. I didn't know when she left but hopefully she wasn't too drunk by now. My finger was hovering over the call button. Should I really call her just for that? Maybe I should just wait. No! We had to sort this out and if we didn't do it now, we would probably never do it. I tapped on the screen and put the phone up to my ear. It rang five times before I heard someone answer. "Hello?"

"Hi, ehm, you aren't my girlfriend so why do you have her phone?"

"Oh it was laying on the floor so I picked it up. What's your girlfriends name?"


"Hey, anyone here called Ona?" Even though she distanced herself from the phoneI could still hear her shout pretty loud. A few seconds later I finally heard Ona's voice. "Yes?"

"Ona. Where are you?" I asked and tried my best not to sound too controlling.

"I left you a note didn't I?"

"Yeah but you didn't clarify where you went."

"Oh well I'm in a club with the girls." I rolled my eyes at her response. I had figured that out by the time a stranger answered my call.

"Can you come home please? We need to talk."

"You sound serious. Did I do something?"

"Yeah, no. I don't know, that's what I wanted to talk about."

"Can't we do that over the phone? I'm having fun here."

"Ona are you drunk?"

"Nope I was about to start drinking when you called."

"Ok then I don't see why you could not come home."


"Now." And with that I hung up. If she didn't show up in our apartment in the next thirty minutes, I was going to sleep at Mapi's house.


23 minutes later

I sat on the couch, my leg was bouncing up and down. Suddenly I heard the door open. I shot up from where I sat but decided to wait for her. So I stood there for a good 2 minutes until Ona finally entered the living room. "So what was so important?"

"We need to talk. About our relationship."

The moment I mentioned our relationship, Ona's expression changed. She came in looking a bit annoyed but now the only visible emotions in her face were worry and a bit of fear. "Ok.." her voice didn't sound as confident and loud as always. We sat down and I took a deep breath. "Ona, I love you. But we're in a relationship and that means that we have to tell each other how we feel. And right now, I feel like you don't want to be with me anymore. You cancel all of our dates, you only hang out with your friend, you come home late and I don't even see you in our apartment anymore. If you don't love me anymore, I don't want you to feel like you have to stay with me just because you don't want to hurt me. And-"

"Stop y/n, stop! You're rambling and you only do that when you're extremely nervous or extremely angry." She took my hands in hers and stroked my the back of it with her thumb. "I am so sorry y/n. I just had such a great time with the girls and I didn't even realize that I neglected you that much. I didn't want to cancel our dates but I always thought that they would think that I didn't want to hang out with them. I thought you would understand but now I feel incredibly stupid for doing that. You didn't have to understand, I just had to realize that you're the one that always makes me smile, that stayed by my side during though times and not them. You are my everything y/n and I will never ever do something like this again, I promise." She looked in my eyes and searched for any signs that I didn't believe her. She didn't find any and that was because I believed her. She was a people-pleaser and hated to say no to her friends. "I get it. But please never cancel our weekly movie night again." She chuckled at my response. "Never y/n. How about I make it up to you now?"

My face lit up and I grabbed the tv remote. "Ok Maze Runner marathon it is." I said while cuddling into her arms. "Anything you want mi amor." The movie began and I watched it with the biggest smile. Ona and I talked about it without having an argument and now we were watching my favorite movies together. I loved her with my whole heart.

A bit shorter but I hope you still liked it. I'm trying my best to write something rn but my mental health is completely fucked up so you may have to wait a bit for the next one shot sry :(

Don't forget to eat, drink, sleep, etc. <3

Ily byeee <3

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