Forget me (Leah Williamson)

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Being a singer isn't easy. Nobody said it was. Yes, you may have the chance to do what you love every day, which for me is writing songs and singing. But if you don't find the motivation or simply don't have inspiration at the moment, you're in big trouble. Although you don't want to have the inspiration that I had.


I sat on my bed, my finger hovering above the send button. Should I really send this message? I mean my manager Olivia waited for my answer. Closing my eyes, I pressed on send. A few seconds later, my phone lit up with a message from Olivia.

Liv :)

Hey, so I know I've been bugging you with this the passed few weeks but the studio really needs to know if you're working on a song right now. Answer me asap :)

Hi, sry for the wait. I've been working on one for a while now. I finished it today.

Omg really?! That's great! Come to the studio tmr at 8 am and we'll listen to it alright?

I'll be there :) 

The smiley wasn't representing my emotions at all. I was sitting on my bed, blanket covering my shoulders and mascara running down my cheeks. Just thinking about this song brought back old memories. Well not old actually. They were from about two months ago. My girlfriend and I had a serious argument because of the stress she was in. I wanted to help her but she didn't tell me why she was stressed. At the end, she just stormed out of the apartment and shouted "We're done y/n!". After 3 years of being together privately, she just broke up with me over a stupid argument. I still can't believe it. I spent the next days in my room, literally just crying and sleeping the entire time. I didn't have anyone I could call. So I did what a good songwriter would do in that situation. I took a pen, a notebook and wrote down what I was feeling. It turned into an amazing song that I definitely wanted to publish. Many people out there were going through the same pain as I was and I wanted to give them something to rely on. I didn't even think about the fact that my ex would also be able to listen to it but that wasn't important right now. The only thing I should be focussing on now was my career. And that was exactly what I was going to do.


The song was produced, edited and everyone in the studio loved it. Now I just had to wait a couple more minutes and the world was going to be able to hear it. I was releasing it today, at midnight sharp because that was the time I wrote it. The song meant a lot to me and the only thing I wished for right now was for my ex-girlfriend to listen to it and realize how much she hurt me with her actions. A small part of my song was going viral on TikTok which only made my fans want it more. I received tons of messages on instagram, mostly asking when it was finally going to be released but some of them just told me how they reacted to it. But the one person I wanted to read a message from didn't text me. I didn't even know if she still had my number or if she deleted it the day she walked out on me. I didn't want to care but I did and it hurt like a bitch.

00:00. Midnight. My song was now available for everyone to hear. Finally. Maybe she was going to listen to it? She always loved my music and wanted to accompany me to the studio- stop. Now was not the time to think about this. I decided to go to sleep before I continued to overthink everything. Maybe it would be different tomorrow..


The next morning, I woke up at 8 am which was quite late for me. Eyes still half-closed, I grabbed my phone from my nightstand to check my messages. The display lit up and my eyes went wide. I had gotten thousands of messages over night. They definitely seemed to like my song. I opened instagram and scrolled through all of the dm's. Tons of fans texted me saying they loved my new song and that it was even better than they had expected. A smile made its way onto my face and it became even bigger when I saw a message from a particular person. No, not my ex but one of her teammates. She was a professional football player but her team never knew about our relationship, so why would Katie McCabe dm me? With a small frown I clicked on the message.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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