Happier (Viv Miedema)

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This was requested by hannah2512 with the prompts 29, 43 and 45. I hope you'll enjoy reading it :)

Watching your team mate aka biggest crush ever fall in love with someone else hurts. It hurts a lot. You can't talk to her, look at her, think about her without having the thought that you'll be a better choice. You would spend every minute of your life with her, listen to her when she needs it and do everything you can to make her happy. But she didn't choose you. She chose another person. And you have to accept that.


"Hey y/n!" Beth came towards me, a big smile on her lips. "Hey Meado! I missed you!" I hugged her tight and that when I noticed that she was accompanied by Viv. My brain instantly shut off and I couldn't take my eyes away form her. She was just.. perfect. "You can let me go now y'know?"

Embarrassed, I let go of Beth who looked at me weirdly. "She's behind me, isn't she?" I only nodded still focused on Viv who was now talking to Lisa. (let's just pretend she's still there for this part) "Ok look, I know you got a big crush and that stuff but you have to stop staring, it's getting creepier every second." In exactly that moment, Viv turned around and I was met with the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. "Oh hey y/l/n. I didn't even see you there." Ouch, so I was invisible for her? And all that just because of Lisa. Don't get me wrong, she's nice and all but she's always talking with Viv and I can't stand that. "Hi." I couldn't continue my sentence so Beth did it for me. "Let's go inside shall we?" She practically pushed me through the door to help me escape that awkward situation. "Thanks. What would I do without you?"

"Definitely not survive one day, that's for sure." We laughed when Viv walked past us to get to the changing room. "Oh damn it. I just make everything worse Beth. That was so embarrassing!"

"A little but don't worry, she's not the one to judge, you know that." That was true. We entered the changing room, late as almost always and quickly went to our places. Not even five minutes later, we all stood on the pitch, waiting for instructions. Viv was next to me which made me quite nervous but I tried my best to concentrate on the training. "You have a cute laugh." I didn't expect that kind of comment from her. "What?"

"I said you have a cute laugh. I heard it earlier and you should do that more often." Those two sentences made my cheeks blush dark red during the entire training session. Maybe I had a chance..


I jogged in the direction of the changing room, completely drenched in sweat due to the exhausting exercises we did today. But I had assembled all of my courage and was going to ask Viv if she would like to go out sometimes. I got this. I opened the door and stopped in my movement. Lisa and Viv were already there, laughing together, Lisa's hand resting on Viv's thigh. I was so stupid. How could I even think that I had a chance with the Vivianne Miedema? I looked to the ground and walked straight to my locker. "y/n! Great training se-"

"Yeah yeah thanks." I didn't want to be in a room with them any longer. I took my stuff and decided to shower at home. I rushed past them, feeling their gazes in my back and left. At home, the first thing I did was take a long shower. That was exactly what I needed right now. I was in the bathroom for over an hour but after that I felt a bit better. I sat on my bed and just as I wanted to take my phone and call Beth because she wasn't home yet, I heard the door open. "The house owner has now arrived. Hello best friend who technically doesn't live here but still sleep, eats, cooks and even showers here." I chuckled at Beth's exact description of our living situation. "Hello house owner. I was worried about you, you're late."

"I just went to the shop to get some things, sorry."

"Never apologize for bringing food Beth, never." I replied while walking into the ditch to help her unpack the groceries. Beth looked at me, the towel that was wrapped around my hair and immediately knew what was going on. "You saw them again, right?" And with that, my good mood was gone. "Yeah." I sat down on a chair while she put the groceries away. "It hurts so much.."

"I know, darling, I know. But you have the choice. Either you get over her or you ask her on a date." I looked up. "I think we both know how that's gonna end. I- you- I- can-." I imitated myself. That happened all the time when I tried to start a conversation with her. "I can help you."

"I honestly don't think you can Beth but thank you." I stood up, went into 'my room' and there myself on the bed. I groaned, remembering that I had to face both Viv and Lisa again tomorrow. I tried to distract myself with my phone but that didn't work. Instead I decided to go to sleep early today. Maybe I'd actually be happy in my dream.


I was lost in my thought during my entire morning routine and the car ride. I could feel that Beth started to worry about me and I did too. When we finally arrived, the first person that we saw was Lisa. Normally, I would've waved at her and asked her how she was but I didn't have the energy to do that in the moment. "Hey Beth! Hey y/n! How are you?" I didn't answer and just walked past her, eyes fixed on the ground. "y/n? Hey?" She ran after me and held my arm. "What's up with you? You've been weird since yesterday."

"How do you do that? "

"Do what? "

"Make her so happy."

She froze, knowing exactly who I meant. "Me, making Viv happy?" She laughed out loud and I just stood there absolutely confused by her reaction.

"You really think- Me?" I just stared at her, not knowing what I should answer. Apparently that was also an answer for her.

"You couldn't be more wrong y/n. Listen, I really shouldn't be telling you this but I think you're just too oblivious. Viv likes you. God, I would almost say she loves you. You're the only topic she ever talks about, she observes you all the time and she literally blushes like hell when she notices you staring at her."

"But- she looks happier though."

"Believe me, she isn't. Please go ask her on a date or anything 'cause I can't stand this any longer." I needed some time to process all of these informations but then I understood. "She likes me? Like, like like? Omg! I need to find her, now!"

"Yes finally! Go, go! She should be on her way in by now." I thanked her and ran towards the building in front of me. I don't think I've ever ran that fast in my life but it was so worth it. "Viv! Wait!" I slowed down and came to a stop a few steps in front of her. "y/n? What's up with you?"

"I had a question." She nodded, signaling me to ask her.

"Are you free this Saturday? Because I'd love to take you out." I couldn't believe that those words just came out of my mouth. "Ye- yeah sure. I- I would love that." I noticed the little stutter in her sentence and it calmed me down a bit. Knowing that she was just as nervous as me right now somehow made me feel better. I smiled my prettiest smile and started to walk to changing room. "Wait." I looked behind me and saw Viv catching up with me. "I'll walk with you."

"I would love that Viv." Useless to say that we were blushing like idiots for the rest of the day.

That was my first time writing for Viv and I actually quite enjoyed it :)

Don't forget to drink, eat, sleep, etc. <3

Ily byeee <3

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