Chapter 1

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Tw:fighting, weapons, severe injuries, swearing, possessive behavior, and manipulation,

Third person POV

Tommy woke up to screaming and crying. He could also hear swords or axes clashing. He ran downstairs to check on his dad only to see Dream outside. He was surrounded by a group of people who Tommy knew all to well. The people surrounding Tommy's dad were the people of L'manburg. He could hear his fathers screams and cry's of pain. Tommy was so incredibly angry with these people. They were harming his father! The person who saved Tommy from near death! This wouldn't fly with Tommy. He ran out of the house with a sword in his hand. Tommy was a formidable opponent because he had been trained by Dream. Apparently the people decided that to they didn't want to deal with Tommy attacking them. They left and Tommy ran over to his dad. "Dad! What the fuck happened?" Tommy asked. "They were mad at me because I didn't want them to make their own country. They don't understand that I just want peace." Dream whispers. Tommy takes his dads arm and helps him up. They walk back into the house together and Tommy starts gathering. He gets healing potions and gauze to clean and bandage the wounds. He healed all of the small wounds and cuts. There were a few large gashes that Tommy needed to heal. Tommy grabbed Dreams arm and starts to bandage the wounds. Finally Tommy addresses his dads eyes. There were several large gashes on Dreams face and the people had managed to get Dream eyes. Dreams eyes had been completely removed and Tommy could see that the gashes all over Dreams face wouldn't ever fully heal. Tommy started bandaging his dads face as Dream sat there. When Tommy finally finished healing Dream he immediately hugged him. He knew that his dad would never be able to see again. He also knew that his dad would need a lot of extra help. What Tommy didn't know was what Dreams dependence on him would do.

A few weeks had gone by and Dream had gotten a little better. He could walk by himself and he could find certain things with no help. However he was still very dependent on Tommy and he needed Tommy to be near him at all times. Tommy was more then happy to help his dad. This dependence on Tommy had given him a taste of power. Tommy had become increasingly possessive over Dream. He wouldn't let anyone see him. He wouldn't even let Dream out of the house. This wouldn't be so bad normally. However Tommy had started manipulating Dream. It had started when Dream asked to hang out with Sapnap and George. Tommy felt incredibly jealous and possessive and had convinced Dream that Sapnap and George were busy. Small things became bigger and Tommy would manipulate Dream to believe that Tommy was his only hope. Tommy would tell Dream things like Sapnap and George don't care about him and that only he can help Dream. Originally Dream didn't believe Tommy but when Sapnap and George wouldn't talk to him anymore he started believing Tommy.

Tommy was planning his revenge on L'manburg when he heard a knock on the door. He went and opened the door only to see Sapnap and George. "What are you two doing here?" Tommy asked in a sugar coated tone. "We want to see Dream! He hasn't been responding to our texts and we are worried about him!" George shrieks. Tommy rolls his eyes "Dream is fine. Goodbye now!" Tommy slams the door in their faces. "Hey Toms. Who was that?" Dream asks. "Oh no one. It was just Wilbur trying to get to you." Tommy says. Dream shrinks in fear and Tommy smiles. He knows that Dream is terrified of Wilbur because Wilbur was the leader of the revolt that blinded him. Tommy walked over to Dream "Don't worry dad! I won't let him get to you." Tommy says smiling manically. Dream relaxes into Tommy's grip. Suddenly they hear a loud shattering sound. Tommy growls, already knowing who it is. Dream flinches at the loud sound. "Dad you should stay here. I'm gonna go check that out." Tommy says. Dream grabs Tommy's arm "be safe. I love you." Dream whispers. Tommy smiles possessively and says "I will." Before leaving the room. Tommy grabs a shovel because he doesn't want to kill Sapnap and George. He needs them alive so that Dream won't get suspicious.

"Tommy you need to give us Dream." Sapnap demanded. "No I don't. He's my dad and I am going to make sure that no one can take him from me." Tommy says. He raises the shovel and hits George over the head. The hits knocks George out. Sapnap stares at Tommy in shock "You're insane!" Tommy laughs maniacally "maybe I am but if it means that dad can't leave me then I will happily admit it." Tommy says "now get the fuck out before I kill you." Tommy reaches for an incredibly sharp axe that's off to his right. Sapnap looks terrified as he backs away slowly. Tommy can't kill Sapnap yet. He needs him for his later plans. But Tommy can threaten Sapnap so that he will leave him and Dream alone. "Tommy this isn't good. We can help you. Dream won't be taken from you but you need help." Tommy glares at Sapnap as he continues rambling. The longer Sapnap rambles the angrier Tommy gets. His mind is screaming at him to just kill Sapnap. Finally Tommy snaps and raised the axe. An ear piercing scream sounded from Sapnap as Tommy stabbed into his shoulder. The axe gets stuck mid way through the shoulder and Tommy pushes the axe downwards. The screams continue even after Tommy had finished. Sapnap's arm was laying limply on the floor and Sapnap was screaming in complete agony. George slowly woke up and Tommy smiled insanely. "This is your last chance bitch. Take your friend and leave or die a horrible death." Tommy says. Sapnap doesn't even think about it. He takes George by the arm and runs. Tommy smiles and walks back to his dad.

Once Tommy arrives back to his dad his smile falls. His dad was curled in a corner shaking. "Dad are you alright?" Tommy asks. Dream immediately lifted his head towards Tommy's voice. "Tommy! Your okay!" Dream sobs in relief. He immediately lunges at Tommy and hugs him. "I thought you died. I heard a scream and I thought someone died. Then I heard someone leaving the house." Dream whispers. Tommy hugs his dad back "don't worry about me. They couldn't get me." Tommy says. "Who was that?" Dream asks suddenly. "It was George and Sapnap. They joined Wilbur and they want to take you away from me." Tommy says. Dream flinches at those words and hugs Tommy tighter. "I don't want to leave you. I can't believe they would betray me like this." Dream sobs out. Tommy rubs Dreams back soothingly "don't worry. They won't get you. They don't see how precious you are. They don't deserve you." Tommy says. Dream nods as he sniffles. Tommy hugs Dream tighter and Dream falls asleep in Tommy's arms. Tommy smiles because he knows that Dream is his...forever.

Hello humans! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Happy New Years! Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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