Chapter 6

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Tw: explosions, gaslighting, manipulation, murder, poison, weapons, and swearing

Third person POV

Today was the day that he would put his plan into action. Tommy had been planning this for months. Ever since that initial attack he had been bent on revenge. He had managed to scare the people of L'manburg because they believed that he had 'killed' god. In all reality Tommy had just stabbed XD and knocked him out. If a weapon is enchanted with unbreaking the gods themselves can't break the weapon. So when a god gets stabbed by an unbreaking weapon they pass out. Tommy had learned that when he eavesdropped on Philza and Technoblade. He used this to his advantage so the gods wouldn't interfere with his plan.  L'manburg had closed it's walls because of Tommy. Though they quickly got suspicious when Tommy didn't make any moves. They didn't open their walls for another few months. Eventually they got curious and decided to open their walls. They thought that Tommy might have been pulling some sick joke on them. Unfortunately for them that wasn't true. Tommy had just been waiting for the walls of L'manburg to open again. Once they opened he put his plan into action. "Dream I'm going out. I'll be back before dinner!" Tommy yelled. "Alright Toms! I love you! Be safe!" Dream yelled back.

Tommy walked out the door with all of the materials he needed. Everything was set in place to do the most amount of damage possible. Tommy had TNT all underneath every building. Once he set off one TNT the rest would blow up. He had also placed a bunch of TNT around L'manburg so the people wouldn't be able to run away from the explosion. He wanted everyone to experience his power. The TNT wouldn't kill everyone but it would cause them severe pain and extreme damage to basically everyone. Tommy was going to make L'manburg suffer. He wanted to maximize the amount of damage done.  He heard footsteps coming towards his house. Tubbo came into view. "Hey Tommy. We were looking for you." Tubbo says. "We?" Tommy asks.  "Yeah we." Tubbo says as the other people came out behind him. "Hello Sapnap, Wilbur. How are you?" Tommy asks. "What's up with you? Are you planning something?" Wilbur demands. "Of course not!" Tommy says, sounding shocked and hurt. "What do you mean? You literally killed Fundy and George. You've been doing some fucked up shit." Tubbo exclaims. "Hmmm? Fundy and George aren't dead. What are you talking about?" Tommy asks. "We literally saw Fundy's dead body and you took George." Wilbur mutters. "George and Fundy aren't dead. You all are crazy." Tommy says. "What?" Sapnap asks. "You haven't realized? It's all just one big prank." Tommy says "sorry if I scared you." Everyone blinked then breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank the GODS." Tubbo says happily. "So where are Fundy and George?" Wilbur asks eagerly. "Oh uh follow me." Tommy smiles.

Tommy lead the way back to L'manburg. "Why are we at L'manburg? They aren't here." Tubbo says. "They are, we just have a hidden prank house." Tommy says. "So you were all in on this?" Sapnap asks. "Yep!" Tommy says. "Now that you mansion it I think I saw Fundy a few times." Wilbur mutters. "I think I did to! I also think I saw George a few times." Sapnap says. "Oh I told them to not be seen but it's fine." Tommy says. "Alright so where is the house?" Tubbo asks. "It's just over here." Tommy says as he leads them to the center of L'manburg. "This is it!" Tommy says pointing to a small trapdoor. Tommy went down the passage first to demonstrate that it was safe. Tubbo followed, then Wilbur, then Sapnap. Tommy smiled "this is where they lived. I have to go do some things so I'm going to leave. You can explore as much as you want." Tommy says as he starts to climb up the ladder. Suddenly there was a scream from the room. "Tommy why the fuck is there a skeleton here?" Tubbo demanded. "Yeah I kinda lied. I wasn't pranking you. Fundy and George are actually dead and I am planning on destroying L'manburg." Tommy says "also you three will be trapped here so uhhh yeah have fun." Tommy says before placing bedrock all on the top of the bunker. Tommy then ran to a huge ladder that went very far up. The ladder went up to the hight limit and it had a bunch of TNT at the top. The TNT was in huge stacks all on top of the buildings. The TNT also had all major paths mapped out. Tommy took hit TNT and lit the first TNT which had a stone block under it so the TNT would actually blowup the other TNTs. Every few blocks there was a TNT with stone under it so that every single TNT would blow up. Tommy light the TNT then jumped down and landed in water.

After several hours all of the TNT finally blew up. He could hear screams of pain from everyone. Tommy walked through his destruction with a sadistic smile on his face. He walked down to the bunker that he had trapped the group of people in. He dug down and found a singular dirt block that he then broke. He placed water and swim into the room. "Heyyyyyyy! I'm back." Tommy says. Everyone looked at him with anger. "What the fuck did you do?" Wilbur demanded. "Oh I just blew up your country. Nothing to big!" Tommy exclaims. Wilbur starts sobbing and Tubbo goes to comfort him. "Your a monster Tommy. How could you do this?" Sapnap demanded. "Oh it's not that bad. You are going to suffer a much worse fate!" Tommy says before lunging at Sapnap.

Finally Tommy had taken care of the three people in the bunker. He had stabbed them with poison inflicted weapons, burned them, and cut off a few limbs. It would take a while for them to die and Tommy was proud of his work. Sobs could be heard from the people in the bunker as the poison continued to burn their wounds. Tommy smiled as he walked back towards his and Dreams house with pride. He had taken down L'manburg. Now all that was left to do was to make his own country with Dream. He couldn't wait for the beginning of his new country.

Hello humans! How are you? This is NOT the final part. I have some other parts for this planned so if you thought that this was the end you were very very wrong. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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