Chapter 10

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Tw: possessive behavior, manipulation, swearing, and abuse

Third person POV

Dream sighed as he stood up. The sound of his bones popping slightly startled him. Dream groaned in annoyance at the fact that he couldn't see. He put his hand on the wall and guided himself. He made sure to stay away from anywhere Tommy would be. He finally managed to get away from anywhere Tommy would be. He started running, putting as much distance between him and the corrupt ruler as possible. He ran until he felt a cool breeze coming from the outside. He could hear commotion but decided to ignore it. He had to get as far away from the castle and Tommy. He ran down the stairs and away from the commotion. He could hear talking and people panicking but he ran. He has no idea where he's going because he can't see. He continues running until he hears mud. He realized that he hadn't put on shoes in his rush. That was apparently a good call because now his footprints were faint and barely visible. At least that's what Dream was assuming as he couldn't see anything. He continued running through the trees. He had no idea where he was going so he just had to continue running straight. Dream felt the wind rush through his hair and over his skin as he ran. He managed to make it a good ways away from the nation before he finally slowed down. His breathing was heavy as he leaned against a tree. He gathered himself as he stood up. It had just now occurred to him that he had no idea where he was. Dream groaned in annoyance but continued moving.

After several long days and nights of being relentlessly hunted by mobs Dream finally found a village. He had found it through a wandering trader. Generally speaking the wandering traders just kinda appeared. This one happened to actually be from a village so she lead Dream back to her village. She obviously felt pity for him because he was blind and dirty and stumbling around. She lead Dream back to her parents house where they gladly took him in. Dream helped out around the houses and the village when he could. He quickly learned the villagers language and he became hailed as a hero. He taught the villagers how to make weapons and how to defend themselves. He also helped them fight off any mobs that would threaten their village. Dream helped them advance their farming techniques and they were incredibly grateful. They built many things including security, more iron golems, and they made weapons and armor. Dream was happy and proud of the villagers. They were able to defend themselves and Dream was proud that they would be able to defend themselves from anything. The only thing that the villagers might not be able to defend themselves against would be people from places like the SMP. Dream wasn't super worried about it though. He was sure that Tommy wouldn't find him here.

Dream awoke to the sounds of screaming. That alone was a very unpleasant wake up call. However Dream knew that the villagers wouldn't be screaming unless something was terribly wrong. Dream stood up and started towards the door. Suddenly the door was slammed open and he heard the screaming increase in volume. "Dream we have to hide you. Someone named Tommy's here for you." The villager panted. Dream hugs the villager "will you be alright if I go?" Dream asks. "Yeah. Once Tommy knows that your not here he'll leave." The villager reassured. "Alright. Just help me get to the edge of the village." Dream says. "At least take a horse with you. It's the least we could do after you taught us everything." The villager says, taking Dream by the arm. "No I can't. You need the horses more than I do." Dream says simply. "We insist. Please. Tommy has a horse as well. He wont be able to catch you if you also have a horse... Probably." The villager says. Dream hesitates for a moment "fine." "Thank you so much. Also don't chose the one named dinnerbone please." The villager mutters. "Why shouldn't I chose dinnerbone?" Dream asks. "Uhhh for some reason he appears to be upside down." The villager says. "Oh. Alright then I won't be choosing him." Dream mutters. Dream chooses a horse and runs away from the village. He goes from village to village teaching them, helping them, getting attacked, and running away. It was going well until one day Tommy appeared in his village unannounced.

"Dad! After years of searching I finally found you!" Tommy says excitedly. Dream tenses at the sound of Tommy's voice. "How did you find me?" Dream demands. "Oh well you forgot to take away my admin powers. I thought that was to obvious and you had taken them away but then I learned that you hadn't taken them away!" Tommy exclaims "so I just teleported to you." Dream flinches at his fatal mistake. He had forgotten that he had given Tommy admin powers. Tommy wraps his arms around Dream and smiles. He had finally found his dad. No one could take Dream from him again. Dream flinched at the contact "hey uhm what are you going to do to me? I ran away." Dream mutters. "Oh nothing much I'm just going to make sure that you never leave ever again. But first I need to get us back to our nation!" Tommy says giggling maniacally. Dream tried to run but fails when Tommy teleported the two of them back to the nation. The sound of screams suddenly filled Dreams ears. That was one of the many many things he hadn't missed about this entire thing. He despised how everyone sounded like they were in pain. He immediately covered his ears at the loud sounds. Tommy pulls Dreams hands away from his ears. "I love you dad but you ran away from my love. Now I need to make sure that you can never run away from me ever again!" Tommy yells. Dream flinches at how loud Tommy was and Tommy hugs him. "I don't like hurting or scaring you but you leave me no choice." Tommy says sadly. Dream flinches and tries to run away but he gets grabbed by Tommy. "You can't fucking escape me. You can't leave me!" Tommy screams. Dream cry's, or tries to, his tear ducts had been severely damaged when Wilbur had attacked him. Tommy grins in a maniacal fashion and raises an axe above his head...

Dream woke up in a soft bed. He's been living with Tommy for his entire life, his son had helped him through his darkest moments. He can't remember to much about his past but he believes what his son told him. Something felt wrong whenever Tommy told his story's but Dream just brushed it off. Tommy would never lie to him. He heard his door creak open "hey dad!" Tommy says. "Hey Toms!" Dream says as he hugs Tommy. "Come on dad. I have a busy day planned for us today." Tommy giggles. Dream sits up and Tommy helps him to his wheelchair. Dream didn't remember why his legs didn't work but Tommy said that they were injured in a war. Dream hoped that he would get his memories back. Tommy pushes Dream around in his wheelchair and he smiles. Dream never got his memories back and he believed everything Tommy said. He stayed under Tommy's manipulation for the rest of his life.

Hello humans! I am so sorry but this is the end of the book. I'm sorry if you wanted it to be longer but I really needed to wrap this up. Remember that you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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