Chapter 2

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Tw: possessive behavior, swearing, breaking and entering, intrusive thoughts, blood, weapons, manipulation, and insanity.

Third person POV

Tommy hugs Dream tighter before laying Dream in his bed. He walked to the living room and started cleaning. He picked up Sapnap's arm and throws it outside. He then proceeded to clean all of the blood off of the couch, carpet, and walls. He then went upstairs to check on Dream. When he arrived Dream was sitting on the bed. "Hello dad! How are you feeling?" Tommy asks. "I don't know. I can't believe Sapnap and George would betray me like that. I trusted them." Dream whispers. Tommy hugs Dream "Don't worry dad. They don't deserve you. You are to good for them." Tommy says rubbing Dreams back. "Yeah. Thanks Toms. I love you." Dream whispers. Tommy hugs Dream a little tighter "I love you to." Dream tries to stand but stumbles a little. Tommy immediately catches him "are you alright dad?" Tommy asks in concern. "I'll be alright it's just that when the L'manburg people were fighting me they got my leg pretty good." Dream says. Tommy scowls and helps his dad up "come on. Let's go and get you to a chair and we can get some food." Dream nods and holds onto Tommy's arm. Those fuckers will pay for what they did to my dad. How dare they hurt him! Tommy thinks. "Hey Toms do you need help with anything?" Dream asks. "No you should just rest. Your legs need to heal." Tommy says. He throws some coal into the furnace and starts cooking. He mad some eggs and bacon for himself and Dream.

Once breakfast was done Tommy went back to planning on how to take on L'manburg. He couldn't just let those fuckers go. They hurt his dad and they needed to pay for that. Dream was far to precious for the L'manburg people to hurt. Tommy sighs as he writes down a few ideas. He smiles at the images his mind conjured up. The people of L'manburg would PAY. He would make sure that all of them would suffer. Tommy was dragged out of his thoughts by the sound of glass shattering. He stood up and ran upstairs. "Dad are yo-" Tommy pauses as he takes in the situation. Wilbur, George, Sapnap, Tubbo, and Fundy were all there. "Alright. Cut the shit. Give me back my dad." Tommy says. "No. George and Sapnap told us that you've been manipulating Dream. You wouldn't even let them see him!" Wilbur yells "I might dislike Dream but no one deserves that." Tommy breaths in sharply "You must have heard wrong. I care about my father and there is no reason for me to do that. Now let my dad go please and no one will get hurt." "Tommy we need to take Dream away. You are a bad influence on him." Tommy's eyes widened in anger. "You will NOT take my dad away from me." Tommy says through gritted teeth. "Dream needs to not be manipulated." Wilbur says. "I'm not fuckin' manipulating him. He's choosing to be here and I care about him. If you fuckin' take him from me then I will kill you." Tommy says. Dream was pulling away from Wilbur, trying to get to Tommy. "See he's trying to come to me. Don't worry dad I won't let them take you." Tommy says softly. Tommy's suddenly lunges at Wilbur and stabs his arm with his pocket knife. Wilbur shrieks in pain and lets Dream go. Everyone ran to Wilbur to check on him while Dream stumbled over to Tommy. "Dad you should go upstairs. I'll take care of them. You might want to cover your ears." Tommy says leading Dream to the stairs. Dream hugs Tommy "be safe Toms. I love you" Dream whispers. Tommy smiles "I will. Love you to." Dream walks up the stairs, using the walls to guide him to the room. Tommy smiles maniacally. He walks back into the room where the group was still standing. They seemed to have recovered from the shock of Tommy's attack. "Alright bitches. You wanted to take my dad away from me and so you will pay. Tommy grabs the axe from the side of the room and grins. The people all look at him with fear. Tommy liked that look in others eyes. It made him feel powerful and feared. "I'll give you all two choices. I can either keep you here and torture you or you all could leave and live to see another day." Tommy says "I'll still kill you all eventually but you might be able to survive for a little longer." Everyone cowered in fear. "You're fucking insane. You aren't a good influence on Dream. He deserves better." Fundy says. Tommy's grin quickly turns into a scowl. He raised his axe and brought it down onto Fundy legs. Fundy screamed in pain and Tommy smiles. He grabbed Fundy and held him away from the group. He made sure that Fundy wouldn't bleed out. "Consider this your warning. If you want to end up like him then you can stay." Tommy laughs. The group runs out of the door and Tommy takes Fundy downstairs.

Tommy ran upstairs to where Dream was after he had finished healing Fundy. He didn't want Fundy to bleed out before the real fun began! "Dad! How are you doing?" Tommy asks. Dream looks towards Tommy's voice and runs towards him. He hugs Tommy tightly and starts crying. "Toms I am so sorry. I couldn't help you and I was weak. I couldn't fight them and I'm so pathetic." Dream sobs. Tommy hugs Dream closer to him "you aren't pathetic. You couldn't help it. We weren't expecting them and you are very brave. I love you and you did what you could. I'm just glad that your safe." Tommy says. Dream didn't realize that Tommy was gripping him harder. How dare they make MY dad feel like that. They made him feel pathetic. I shouldn't have let them go. Tommy was seized with an extreme bloodlust. He wanted to kill those fuckers for making his dad feel like that. "-mmy? Tommy?" Dreams voice snapped him back to reality. "Yeah dad? Sorry I zoned out." Tommy says. "It's fine. I really need you and I'm so happy that your here for me. I feel like your the only person I can trust. I need you." Dream says. Tommy blinks a few times before smiling possessively. He needs me! He needs me! He said it! I'm so fuckin' happy! Tommy's thoughts sang. Tommy smiles and takes Dream by the hand. "Let's go get lunch okay?" Tommy asks. Dream nods and together they descend down the stairs.

Hello humans! How are you? My bed broke but I'm to scared to tell my parents. Anyways remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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