Chapter 7

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Tw: mentions of explosions, swearing, manipulation, lying, mentions of death, possessive behavior, fire, and torture.

Third person POV

Tommy walked back into his house. "Hey dad I'm home!" Tommy yells. "Hey Toms." Dreams says "did you hear that huge bang? It came from L'manburg. I wonder what happened." Dream says quietly. "Oh uh the people of L'manburg decided that they didn't like how L'manburg looked so they blew it up. They are going to rebuild L'manburg the way that they want it." Tommy says. "Oh I was hoping L'manburg had been completely destroyed. I want to bring peace back." Dream whispers. "Well I think that they realized what you were trying to do. While I was out Wilbur asked if you would be willing to unite the SMP once and for all." Tommy says. Dream smiles "of course I would be willing to do that." "Alrighty then! Let's go and tell everyone. We can help rebuild the SMP!" Tommy says excitedly. "I still can't believe that they agreed to that! This feels like a dream. I've been trying for years and I honestly can't believe it." Dream says happily. "Yeah I'm so happy for you. I know that you've been trying to do this for years." Tommy says. Dream nods happily. "Let's get ready. We have a lot of work to do!" Tommy says.

After they had both gotten dressed and everything they started the long trek to what remained of L'manburg. "I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this for years." Dream says as he walks next to Tommy. "I'm happy for you dad. You seem super happy!" Tommy says, keeping his hand on Dreams shoulder. The smell of smoke, burnt flesh, and death filled the air, as well as the sound of screaming, sobbing, and fire. Dreams smile quickly turned into a frown. "Is everyone alright? Why are people screaming? Why does it smell like burning flesh?" Dream asks. "What do you mean? Also how the fuck do you know what burning flesh smells like?" Tommy demands. "Oh the Nether almost constantly smells like burning flesh and George once set himself on fire." Dream says quietly. "I'm so sorry that must have been traumatizing." Tommy says. "You haven't answered my questions yet. Why does it smell like burning flesh?" Dream demands. "Uhhhh when L'manburg blew up a few Karen's didn't listen to Wilbur so they got blown up. That's also why there is screaming." Tommy explains. "I don't think that they can be classified as Karen's atoms. I wouldn't want my home being blown up even if I was told about it." Dream says quietly. "That's fair. I guess I would be pissed if my leaders decided to blow up my house as well." Tommy says with a quick shrug. "Ok so where are we going to start?" Dream asks. "Well I was thinking that maybe we could start by filling in the ground? It got pretty destroyed and I don't think that we can build anything on the ground when it's like this." Tommy says. "Oh ok! I can use my admin powers and just fill it in if you want." Dream says. "Only if you want to. I don't want to force you to do anything that you don't want to do." Tommy says. "Oh no! You've done so much for me and I want to repay the favor. You've helped me so much and honestly I think that you were the only thing keeping me alive. Plus this is my land. I should be the one to fix it." Dream says. "Ok but if it hurts you to much then I want you to stop." Tommy says. Unlike what most people would assume, Tommy actually wasn't using Dream for his powers. He genuinely cared for the man and would do anything to make sure that Dream needed him. "Don't worry Toms. I will stop if it gets to much." Dream says. Suddenly the entire world shook and it kind of glitched a little. Everything became blurry and when everything went back to normal the giant hole in the ground was completely filled. "Wow. That was impressive. Are you alright? That was a lot to do. If you are at all hurt please tell me." Tommy says. Dream smiles "don't worry Toms. I'm fine. I just haven't done that for a while so I'm a little dizzy." Dream says. "Sit the actual fuck down. You need to rest. Stay right here and I'll get you some water and food." Tommy says as he runs off.

Tommy returned a few seconds later to see Dream standing over a chest. "What are you doing dad?" Tommy asks. "I'm just giving you the materials to rebuild. I feel badly that I can't help. I know that you'll have a bunch of other people helping but I still feel guilty. It could have been a lot quicker with my powers but since I can't see I'm a little useless." Dream says sadly. "Don't fucking say that. You are amazing and just because you are blind doesn't mean that you are useless. You've done so much. You have written books while blind, you helped come up with some amazing ideas for building, and you can still fight just as well as when you could when you could see. You are amazing because you are you. Your powers don't make you as amazing of a person as you are now. Don't ever say that about yourself again. I love you." Tommy says. Dream smiles at Tommy's words "thank you so much Toms. I really needed that. I'm sorry if the chest is a little disorganized. I don't have anything that will help me know what I put in there or where I put those things." Dream says. "It's fine dad. Here's your water and some food. You rest up. We have a long day ahead of us. I will be building while you rest. Don't worry about me. I love you." Tommy says while leading Dream over to a small shaded spot. It was so small that mobs wouldn't be able to spawn in near Dream. "I'll see you soon dad. Also thanks for all of the cobblestone. It's my favorite type of stone!" Tommy says picking all of the items up. "Of course! I knew it was your favorite." Dream says as Tommy walks away.

The next few days were spent building. Tommy didn't actually have any help because everyone that had survived the explosion were injured super badly. Anyone who survived either couldn't walk, couldn't pick things up, couldn't see, or couldn't move at all. Tommy created a large housing system for everyone. His explosions hadn't just effected L'manburg. He had blown up everywhere that had people. He then forced everyone into where L'manburg used to be. The housing system was basically just one huge house. It was actually pretty empty. It had a bunch of beds, furnaces, and chests. Basically it just had all the necessities. Tommy had also locked Techno away in a bedrock prison. He couldn't beat Techno in a fight and he couldn't kill Techno so he had to lock him away. The other buildings in the new nation were large cobblestone towers, streets, a hospital, and a mine. It also had some joking statues that general people would put like a statue of a dick, some memes, some fake houses, some shops, and a main Nether portal. Most of the houses were made to fool Dream. Tommy didn't want to lie to Dream but he also knew that Dream wouldn't approve of what he was doing. Normally if Dream didn't approve Tommy wouldn't do it but these people had hurt Dream. They needed to pay! Also Dream had been wanting peace for a really long time so his smile made it worth lying to him. One major building was a prison. It wasn't big or anything but it had been made so when people disobeyed, hurt Dream, or stepped out of line they could be punished. Tommy had fully embraced his insanity and he wouldn't hold back. If someone were to break the smallest rule they would get sent to prison and be beaten half to death. Tommy didn't care about anything but Dream. He would kill people if they hurt his father. The final building was his and Dreams house. This building was fairly big. It had a built in healing room, a big kitchen, two large bedrooms with king sized beds, several pools, a storage room, an armory, and several other rooms. A huge cobblestone spire rose from the top of the house. The armory had top notch security. It was surrounded with metal doors and bedrock walls, guards, and potions of poisonous that would immediately attack the person if they didn't know the password. Tommy had specially designed the room so that it wouldn't attack Dream. Tommy was happy and Dream finally got the life he had wanted for so long. Or so be thought...

Hello humans! How are you? What is your favorite show? Mine is the Owl house but the remake of She-ra is a close second. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3.

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