Chapter 3

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Tw: cannibalism, insanity, possessive behavior, manipulation, weapons, and torture

Third person POV

Tommy sighed picking up Fundys legs. A random though struck him. What does human flesh taste like? Should I try it? What's the worst that could happen? Tommy sighed and took the legs and cut off a small chunk of flesh. He bit into it and found that he actually really enjoyed it. Oh my god I am insane. There's no going back now though! Tommy thinks, finally fully embracing his insanity. He picked up the legs and cut them up. He smiled maniacally as he cut the legs into little cubes. He starts the stovetop and adds some butter to the pan. He cooks the legs and serves them on a plate with no flavoring. He gives them to Dream and he eats a little. "Toms this meat tastes weird. Did you use a new type of meat?" Dream asks. "Yeah I got a new type of meat. I'm sorry do you not like it?" Tommy asks. "It's okay. It's not the best though." Dream says. Tommy smiles "would you like something else?" "No it's alright. I can eat it. It's fine." Dream smiles. "Are you sure? I can make you something new." Tommy says. "No no! I'm fine. Don't worry." Dream says. Tommy sighs but relented. They both eat in silence. "Hey dad. I love you." Tommy says. "I love you too Toms." Dream smiles. Tommy makes the decision that Dream would never leave him. It didn't matter if Dream hates it he can't leave Tommy. Tommy would make sure that Dream will NEVER leave him.

Tommy walked downstairs to where Fundy was. He was holding a dull axe. Fundy looked up at Tommy in fear. Tommy smiled maniacally as he put the axe above the fire. The flames licked at the metal of the axe. Tommy smiled as he picked up a small dagger. Tommy stabbed the dagger into Fundys face. He made a short line from the bottom of Fundys forehead to the top of Fundys eyelid. He then picked up a small pot filled with melted iron. He picked up a spoon and poured some into Fundys cut. Fundy scream in agony. Tommy laughed at Fundys screaming and writhing. He poured more into the cut and Fundy screamed even more. Tommy also poured a bunch of it into Fundys eyes. Fundy screamed trying to free his hands to get it out of his eyes. Tommy finally decided that the axe was hit enough. He picked it up from the fire and swung it. It hit Fundys arm. Because the axe was dull it took longer to cut through Fundys arm. It caused more pain and fear. Tommy laughed the entire time while doing that. Fundys screams were incredibly loud. Tommy finally got the arm then looked at Fundy dead into the eyes. "Are you ready for your other arm?" Tommy laughs and laughs at Fundys horrified expression. "You're insane! Dream doesn't deserve you. You are an awful son!" Fundy shrieks. Tommy's laughter gets cut off and he stares at Fundy. "What the fuck did you just say?" Tommy asks. Tommy then raises his axe and swings. The axe got halfway through the arm before it got stuck. Tommy continue ms mercilessly hacking at Fundys arm. Finally the arm fell limp to the floor. Tommy patches Fundy up by pouring hydrogen dioxide directly into the cuts. He laughed as Fundy screamed and screamed in pain. Finally Tommy covered the axe in hydrogen peroxide and hit Fundys side with it. It broke one of Fundys ribs and he sobbed. Tommy laughed once more before collecting Fundys arms and flipping Fundy off.

When Tommy got upstairs he saw Dream in the corner sobbing. Tommy ran over to Dream and hugged him. "What's wrong dad?" Tommy asks. "I heard screaming and I though that you had gotten hurt. I thought Sapnap and George had gotten you." Dream sobs. "Oh no no no dad! I'm fine. I was watching a horror movie and screamed." Tommy says hugging his dad. Dream hugged him back "don't scare me like that again." Tommy smiles and helps his dad up "I won't." Dream and Tommy go over to the couch and sit. They didn't do much but just being in each other's company made Tommy happy. He hugged Dream close as he continued to work on his plan to destroy L'manburg. Dream was humming a song and Tommy brushed his hand through Dream's hair. Fundy's arms lay forgotten in the dining room. Tommy smiled as he finished his plan. He had been working on the plan for about three days. He knew that L'manburg couldn't stay because they hurt his dad. Everyone in L'manburg needed to die. Some people Tommy would save just to torture them and slowly kill them. He had studied each persons weakness. H wines how to mess with their heads and break them. He wanted to break their sanity. Tommy wouldn't allow anyone to get close to his dad. Dream was his dad and no one else could have him. The people who hurt him would pay. They would die slow and painful deaths. Tommy smiled and tightened his grip possessively. Dream smiled and hugged Tommy back, not knowing why Tommy had tightened the hug. If he could see he probably would have been horrified. Tommy was to far gone and he knew it but Dream wouldn't be able to leave him. Tommy knew that this wasn't healthy but he didn't care. Tommy would do whatever it took to keep Dream close to him even if it meant bringing harm to Dream. The only difference between Tommy harming Dream was that Tommy was doing it out of love the other people were doing it out of hate. Tommy scowled as he remembered how they demanded Dream. He would never let them take his dad. "I'll never let them get you dad." Tommy whispers as they both drift into sleep.

Hello humans! How are you? What do you think about this chapter? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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