Chapter 8

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Tw: death, swearing, insanity, murder, and manipulation

Third person POV

All of the people in this new nation were miserable. Tommy was an insane and cruel leader. If anyone did anything slightly wrong the punishments would be harsh. They couldn't speak out against Tommy because of his punishments. He wouldn't hesitate to kill any and all of them if it meant that Dream didn't know what he was doing. This made Tommy exceptionally dangerous. He had also started doing experiments on people. They weren't the kind that you would see in science fiction where the scientists would create a monster, although many people wish it was. Tommy would experiment with death. Specifically how long or how much something would take to kill someone. Tommy would lock people in rooms and raise or lower the temperature to see how much it would take to kill a person. Other times how would see how many times he could impale someone before they die. Dream had also given Tommy the powers to the revive book as a way to thank him. The gods had tried to interfere with several times and they almost succeeded. The only reason that they didn't succeed was because they can't kill Tommy without upsetting Dream and they really don't want to do that. The SMP was still bright and lively but the sounds of screams echoed through the world. Dream had no idea what was happening and Tommy just told him that the screams were screams of joy and fun. Dream didn't entirely believe him but he brushed it off. Dream fully believed that Tommy would never lie to him which brings us to now.

"Tommy are you sure that the screams outside are of happiness? The people seem to be in pain." Dream whispers. "Yeah I'm sure." Tommy says. Dream sighs but doesn't push Tommy to talk further. Tommy stared out the windows and watched as the people tried and failed to defend themselves against the mobs. Tommy giggled maniacally as he watched several people die. "Hey dad do you want to watch a movie?" Tommy asks suddenly. "Uhhhh sure." Dream says quietly. They walk down to the living room and Tommy turns on the T.V. The movie starts and Dream leans into Tommy. "Hey Toms do you think that you are a good ruler?" Dream asks. "I think that without you I would be a lot worse but you've been here to guide me." Tommy answers quietly. Tommy sees a smile flicker on Dreams face. "Hey can I maybe go outside?" Dream asks. "No. Absolutely fucking not." Tommy says suddenly. Dream winces at the sudden change of voice and Tommy take immediate notice. "Sorry I didn't mean to be so harsh it's just that I'm scared of losing you. There are a few dangerous people who are mad at Wilbur for giving up L'manburg to you. I don't know what they would do but it wouldn't be good. I'm sorry and I will try to not do that again." Tommy says. Dream smiles at the apology because it sounds very genuine "it's alright Toms. Let's just continue watching the movie." Dream says. They both relax into the calm atmosphere that was broken by all of the screams from outside. Tommy groans and hugs his dad "I'll be right back." Dream nods and sits up. Tommy walked over to a switch on the wall that immediately covered the room in water. The water muffled the sounds so they would sound a lot quieter. The sound did screams faded out and the sound of people calling for each other in fear also disappeared. Tommy smiled and walked back to Dream. "Ok dad we can continue what we were doing." Tommy says quietly. Dream smiles and they both fall asleep on the couch.

Dream awoke in his bed the next day. He groaned and sat up. Didn't I fall asleep on the couch? How'd I get here? Dream wonders before sighing Tommy probably brought me here. He said that he had a few things to do today. Dream realizes. Suddenly the sound of the floor creaking startled him. "Uhhhh hello? Is there someone there?" Dream asks. "Oh my gods. Dream! Oh thank the gods! Your alright!" Someone says. "Karl? What are you doing here?" Dream asks "I mean I'm glad to see someone other than Tommy but I don't know why you of all people would come to see me." A laugh was heard from someone else. "Karl's not alone I'm also here!" Someone else says. "what are both of you doing here? Are you here to kill me? I don't want to die yet." Dream mutters. Karl and Quackity both look at Dream with sadness in their eyes. They couldn't believe what Tommy had done to him."We have some things to tell you but first we need to know what you think about Tommy's new nation." Karl says. "I... I don't know what to think. He keeps on telling me that the screams are of joy but they-they sound like the people are in pain." Dream says carefully. "Yeah Tommy has been lying to you. So basically Tommy turned you against everyone by lying to and manipulating you. Sapnap and George didn't join Wilbur until way after Tommy told you that they did. They actually wanted to check on you but Tommy attacked them. They came back with Wilbur but Tommy attacked again and took Fundy and killed him. He killed Fundy in a very brutal and cruel way. He also ate his arms and legs. Then they came back for Fundy and instead they also lost George. Tommy then lied to them about George and Fundys death and they trapped them underneath L'manburg. Tommy was the one to blow up L'manburg and he killed everyone who tried to save you. He's been lying to you this whole time." Quackity explains. "Holy shit. I need to talk with Tommy." Dream mutters "I really need to escape. Will you two help me confront him and then help me escape?" "Of course Dream. We wanted to help you escape! That's the entire reason we came here to tell you all of this." Karl says happily. "Thank you all so much for telling me this. I really needed to hear this. Now come on we have to confront Tommy." Dream says as they all start the walk down.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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