Chapter 4

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Tw: possessive behavior, blood, sharp weapons, murder, death, panic attack, implied drugs, and swearing

Third person POV

Tommy woke up before Dream. He carried Dream upstairs to his bed and laid Dream down. He smiled at the image of his sleeping father. He hugged Dream quickly before leaving the room. Tommy sighed as he didn't like leaving Dream alone but he couldn't let Dream know what he was doing. He didn't know if he would be able to live if he knew that Dream was afraid of him. Tommy walked down the stairs quietly. He didn't want Fundy to hear him coming. Tommy frowns at the sound of crying. He knew that it wasn't Fundy because the iron he had poured into Fundy's eyes had burned out the tear ducts. The sound grew louder as Tommy crept down the stairs. He peeked into the room and saw Wilbur and the others. Wilbur was kneeling next to Fundy, sobbing. Tommy frowned as his eyes darted around the room. His eyes landed on a window that had been shattered. Tommy sighed and assessed the situation. Wilbur was on the floor next to a dying Fundy. George and Sapnap were standing next to Wilbur trying to comfort him. Tommy could hear Tubbo but he wasn't anywhere in sight. "How could Tommy do this to someone? Poor Fundy didn't deserve this." George says quietly to Sapnap. "I wonder where Tommy is right now. We have to arrest him." Sapnap says. "We have to be careful." George says gesturing to Fundy and Sapnaps lost arm. Sapnap flinches at seemingly nothing but Tommy knew better. Tommy could tell that Sapnap was terrified of him. All of the people here were. Tommy slowly stepped out to attack but quickly recoiled at the sound of footsteps. Tommy backed up to where he was before. Tubbo came into view holding a map that Tommy would recognize anywhere. It was his plan to attack L'manburg. He growled and quietly stepped out from his hiding spot. The four people didn't notice him because they were so focused on the map.

Tommy quickly grabbed the map before running up the stairs. Yelling and shouting followed him but he closed the door and grabbed his axe. By now the axe was stained a deep red from all of the blood. The group of four burst out of the basement but immediately backed away when they saw Tommy. His appearance hadn't changed much but his clothes were stained red with blood. He also had a few more scratches from Fundys claws. "If you want to leave with your lives then I would suggest you run. However you've fucked up to many times. You won't be safe but just know that you will pay for this." Tommy smirks. "You can't do anything to us! We know your plans of attack!" Tubbo yelled. Tommy laughed "well I know that you have Micheal and Ranboo. It would be a shame if something were to happen to them." Tubbo gasped in fear "you wouldn't fucking dare." "Oh I would. Sapnap has Karl and Quackity. I've already killed Fundy but there's still Phil. George honestly doesn't hold much value to me since I don't know who he cares about besides Dream and Sapnap." Tommy says "if you all want to leave with your lives I am giving you a chance but your life will be like a living hell." Tommy then grabs George and holds his axe to his arm "or do you want to see George being torn apart but by bit?" Tommy asks. Sapnap stares at George and George sighs and shakes his head. They all run but Sapnap looks back once more. They hear an ear piercing scream from George as they run off into the woods.

Tommy walks up the stairs to check on Dream. Wilbur had taken Fundys body with him, most likely to give Fundy a funeral. He heard crying and choked sobs coming from Dreams room. Tommy quickly ran up into Dreams room. Dream was sitting on the bed sobbing and having a panic attack. "Dad! What happened? Why are you crying?" Tommy asks. "I had a nightmare and you were dead. When I woke up you weren't anywhere. I was so scared that something had happened." Dream sobs. Tommy pulls Dream into an embrace "don't worry. I won't ever leave you. They will never get you. You're safe with me." Tommy whispers. They stand up and Tommy helps Dream down the stairs. "What do you want for lunch dad?" Tommy asks. "I don't really care. Just a sandwich would be good." Dream says. Tommy smiles and grabs the materials. He pauses as his mind starts racing. He has an idea. He knows that it's not right but he doesn't care. If it meant that Dream couldn't leave him. He grabbed a small container containing a salt like substance. He put it on Dreams sandwich. This won't kill him but I just need to use it so then I can surgically remove his legs so he can't run from me. Tommy smiles maniacally and hugs Dream. "Here's your sandwich dad!" Tommy says. Dream takes a bite of the sandwich and says "this tastes...weird." Tommy blinks "is it bad? Do you want something else?" "No it's really good. It just tastes different. Did you add something to it?" Dream asks. "No. I didn't add anything to it." Tommy says. After Dream finishes his sandwich he tries to get up. He starts panicking and Tommy notices. "Dad are you ok?" Tommy asks. "I can't get up. My legs won't move." Dream yelps in panic. "Oh don't worry dad. It's because of your meds. Remember I said that one of the side effects were that you might not have control over your limbs." Tommy says. Dream calms down "oh yeah. Sorry I forgot." Tommy smiles and hugs Dream "it's no problem. We all forget things sometimes." Tommy says. Dream nods and leans into Tommy "I'm so glad that I have you. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You are everything to me. I don't think I would be able to live without you." Dream says. Tommy blinks and his thoughts are all over the place. He needs me! I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him! He can't live without me! He can't leave me! I love him. Tommy sighs and hugs his dad. A green flash lights up the room and a tall man with an XD mask appears.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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