Chapter 9

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Tw: murder, swearing, manipulation, and blood

Third person

Dream followed Karl down the stairs towards Tommy. Quackity was behind Dream making sure that he doesn't fall. Dream still couldn't really wrap his head around why Tommy would do this. From what he could gather Tommy was either being very jealous or was being overprotective. He hoped that he would be able to talk with him and get a better understanding. Dream suddenly tripped on the stairs. He feels Quackity grab him from behind. "You alright Dream?" Quackity asks. "Yeah it just startled me a little." Dream answered. He feels Quackity grab himself and carry him all the way down the stairs. Once Quackity did put Dream down they were at Tommy's office. Dream walks in accompanied by Quackity and Karl. "You ready Dream?" Quackity asks. Dream takes a deep breath and nods. "Alright. TOMMY INNIT WE KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING DID!" Quackity screams as he kicks down the door.

Tommy looks up from work as he sees his door being splintered into pieces. "Tommy we need to talk." Dream says. Quackity, who just kicked down Tommy's door, and Karl were standing next to him. "What do you need to talk about dad? Can we do it alone? Without them?" Tommy asks, saying the world them as if it were a disease. "No. They stay." Dream says. Tommy sighs but relents "fine. They can stay. What do you need to talk about?" Tommy demands. "What have you really been doing? I know that you've been lying to me. I know that you turned Sapnap and George against me, you killed Fundy and George, you blew up L'manburg, and you continuously lied and manipulated me." Dream yells . Tommy groans "can you blame me? Your venerable. Plus your MY dad. No one else can have you." "Toms this is unhealthy. You need a break. I'm going to be leaving with Quackity and Karl until you get your shit together." Dream states. "NO! NO ONE WILL TAKE YOU. YOU ARE MY DAD AND YOU CAN'T LIVE WITH ME! Please dad, I don't want to lose you." Tommy says quietly. Dream can hear a Tommy's voice waver and the two fiancés can see Tommy's eyes full with tears. They all would have felt bad for him if he hadn't done so many awful things. "Tommy we are taking Dream. Your obviously not sane." Quackity says as he reaches for Dream "we will come back once you have gotten better." Karl and Quackity watched as tears fell down Tommy's face. His bright blue eyes were glossy with tears and a little bloodshot, his cheeks and nose red and hot, his arms went to his face to wipe off his tears. For the first time in a long time Quackity and Karl saw a younger boy. Someone who was abandoned and abused. A minor who had no parents so he clung to the first adult that seemed to care about him. For the first time since Sapnap died they didn't just see someone who had killed many innocent people. They saw the young Tommy Innit from before Wilbur had gotten obsessed with his nation. The happy Tommy that would play pranks on everyone and make flower crowns. They saw the young Tommy, the Tommy that everyone missed. "Tommy I'm really sorry. You need to change. I can get you help but this is not healthy." Dream says quietly walking towards him.

Once Dream finally got to Tommy he put his arm around Tommy. "I love you son. No matter what." He muttered. Suddenly Tommy grabbed Dreams arm. He held something in his hand and he put it in Dreams mask. Dream immediately whipped it out and ran. Both Quackity and Karl could see how he stumbled and how woozy he looked even with his mask on. Quackity ran to him and let Dream lean on his shoulder. He picked Dream up and ran out the door with Karl. They could hear Tommy's screams and footsteps as they ran towards the door. They ran out the door and towards their house. They could still hear Tommy so Karl and Quackity both made a wrong turn. Unfortunately for them they didn't have this particular part of town memorized. They ran in random directions with Tommy following them. Eventually the two of them turned into an alleyway and looked up. They had run into a dead end. Suddenly Karl fell over, knocked out. Tommy then jumped on Quackity. He made sure to not land on Dream and instead he just rammed Quackitys head into the wall. Quackity groans and falls to the ground, his body goes limp and he's obviously dead. Tommy takes Dreams arm and holds him up. Dream was a little taller than Tommy which made it difficult to support him. Especially because Tommy was also dragging Karl.

Finally Tommy decided that dragging Karl all the way back to the prison was to much work so he smashed Karl's head into the concrete. Karl also died from the giant gash on his head. Tommy smiled sadistically at the blood that spread all over the concrete. He continues walking with Dream until they reach the castle. By the time they reach the castle Tommy was exhausted and Dream was starting to wake up. Tommy quickly brought Dream into his room and started petting his hair. Tommy smiled down at Dream as he started to wake up. "What the heck. Where am I? Toms? Quackity? Karl?" Dream calls. Tommy scowls at hearing Dream say Quackity and Karl's names. "Oh thank the gods dad. Your alright," Tommy muttered "you had a nightmare and wouldn't wake up." Tommy feigns worry. "Oh. I'm happy that it was just a nightmare." Dream says. He groans and lays back down, "I'm gonna sleep a little more. I feel like I got hit by a train, a truck, seven plains, and an absolute fuck ton of cars. I hope you understand Toms." Dream says. "Of course. I have work I have to do. Love you!" Tommy says walking out of the room. Dream sighs and sits up. He knew that Tommy was lying so he was going to plan his great escape.

Hello humans. How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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