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I woke up to the door unlocking. I quickly stood up ready to face him, but it wasn't Mr lotta. It was Ryan. One of the children I'd care for.

"Y/n come on it morning time" he left as quick as he came. Why did he open the door? That wasn't like him. I cautiously walked up the stairs but Mr lotta wasn't there. I walked to my room to change and to clean myself up before facing the children.

I inspected my wounds in the bathroom mirror.
My face has a black eye, bruised and busted lip and a split eyebrow.
My chest was covered with foot marks and bruises.
My back, which I was fearful to look at, was the worst. I had deep wounds, it's like I had been sliced with a knife. The cuts were still open but the bleeding had stopped, until I removed my shirt, which was coated in blood, it started dropping out blood.

I took out some bandage pads and tried placing them on my cuts but it's hard to reach your back so I only got some that were near my sides. I put on a shirt then my hoodie to add some more protection to hopefully stop the blood.

I splashed water on my face to wash away the dried blood before adding some plasters to my eyebrow. I added some makeup to my eye to cover the bruise. Mr lotta hated seeing them it made him more angry and told me to always hide them. Once I finished I went to see the kids. They all had a routine and followed it everyday so they knew what to do every morning evening and night.

I stepped into the main room, which was also the dinning hall, I saw Mr Lotta. He was taking to a young couple. That's why Ryan came to get me, adoption day. Even though Ryan was young he knew I wanted to be adopted but I was never there when parents came to see the kids. Thanks to Mr Lotta.

As I was walking in he saw me and I saw the rage in his eyes. The couple walked through the door to see the younger children, once the door closed he came charging at me. I turned to the main hallway but he quickly grabbed me as I entered. He dragged me to his office.

"I am sick and tired of you, you are done" looking up I saw him pull a knife from his back pocket. I had never been more scared in my life. He kept walking towards me until his face was inches from mine. I couldn't die here. Without thinking I punched him as hard as I could causing him to fall next to me dropping the knife. Seeing what happened I ran.

I ran towards the main doors, knowing they would be unlocked because it was adoption day. I pulled the door open hearing his voice screaming behind me. Without looking back I ran out the door slamming it shut.

I kept running and running. I couldn't hear Mr Lotta anymore, I couldn't feel my legs, my eyes stung from crying and I could barely breathe. I ran into a park and finally collapsed on the grass. I couldn't breathe and couldn't stop crying. My mind kept racing with thoughts about him and what happened. I actually left.

But what if he comes after me? What happens then? He'll kill me. Should I call the police? But they won't believe me they'll think I'm lying because I'm a teenager who's just mad at authority.

"Hey hey it's okay can you hear me? Just breathe slow" I looked up and saw two women. A brunette and a blonde. Why do they look familiar? They helped me sit up and had their hands on my shoulder. I flinched which made them remove their hands.

"We won't hurt you it's okay just breathe" I tried breathing like they told me, nice and slow deep breaths. I wiped my eyes and could finally breathe again.

"There you go it's okay. What happened sweetie?" The brunette spoke softly. But I couldn't tell her they'd send me back. I can't go back.

"N-nothing I-I'm ok" I tried standing but my legs didn't work so I sat back down.

"You aren't ok hun, are your parents around can we call them?"

"NO" I screamed. "No please don't call him" they both looked at each other confused and concerned.

"Okay we won't call anyone but tell us what happened?" I need to tell them something.

"I'm an orphan, I ran away" I felt a hand on my shoulder again, I tensed up but slowly relaxed.

"Honey you should go back it's not safe to be out alone, your friends probably miss you" I felt my tears creep back. They want to send me back. No I can't.

I started moving backwards "no I don't want to go back I can't" my breathing picked up again.

"Okay okay hey it's okay we won't send you back" I looked up at the blonde with teary eyes.


"We'll call the orphanage to let them know you're safe that's it, okay? But we can't leave you here alone so how about you come with us back to my house?" I agreed as quick as I could. I needed to get away from here fast and anywhere has to be better than there.

"Let's go my car is around the corner" they stood up and the blonde held her hand out to help me up. The swift movement caused me to flinch and cover my head. I slowly lowered my hand to see her looking at me with a loving soft expression. I took her hand slowly.

"You're safe. It's okay" I was limping slightly, I had forgotten how injured I was. I tried my best to walk normally but my back was throbbing.

"I'm Elizabeth but call me Lizzie and that's Scarlett. What's your name hon?" We reached Scarlett's car, Lizzie opened the door for me and helped me in. The leather seat against my back caused me to whimper.

"I'm y/n" I tried to keep my voice steady. I buckled my seat belt as Lizzie got into the passenger seat. When her and Scarlett were buckled the car started moving.

I finally felt free. As I stared out the window, seeing all the buildings move by gave me a sense of relief. But what happens now? Where will I go? I guess I need to enjoy this freedom as much as I can.

The drive was peaceful which caused my eyes to feel heavy. The faint sound of the radio slowly disappeared as I drifted off in the back seat of a strangers car yet I felt safe.

Adopted by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now