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I was woken up by someone nudging me. It made me jump awake though I didn't jump far as I was wearing my seat belt.

"Woah it's okay it's just us. We're at my house" I looked around seeing Lizzie and Scarlett. We were by this big house with a fountain out front. It looks amazing. How can she afford this?

"I'm sorry for falling asleep" I got out the car and we walked to the house.

"It's okay you looked like you needed sleep" Scarlett opened the door and I was met with amazing house, the walls were white and some were light blue. The rooms were massive and so spacious. I felt like I was in a dream.

"Your house is awesome" I walked in being careful not to touch anything, I was scared to break something. I heard the women laugh.

"Thank you, are you hungry it's almost lunch time" I was hesitant but nodded. I hadn't eaten for 2 days. I was lead to the kitchen and sat on a chair at the kitchen island.

"What would you like sweetie?" I get a choice?

"Um sandwich" I kept looking down in my lap and played with my fingers.

"What kind darling? It's okay you can have anything" I looked up to see the women looking at me with such soft expressions. I felt better.

"Turkey please" I said just above a whisper I was surprised they heard me. But a few seconds later I had my sandwich.

I ate quickly before they could take it away. It was delicious. The sandwiches at the orphanage never tasted this good.

"Was it good?" I heard Lizzie chuckle.

"Very thank you so much" I wiped my mouth of crumbs and went to wash my dish. As I got to the sink Scarlett stopped me.

"What are you doing hun?" She looked confused which confused me.

"Um cleaning my mess" she took the plate from me and placed it on the sink.

"You don't need to do that you're a guest"

I went back to my seat still confused but I wasn't going to argue.

"So y/n how old are you?" Scarlett asked.


"Why didn't you want to go back to the orphanage?" I stayed silent and looked back to my lap.

"That's okay hun I'm gonna call them now to let them know you're okay" Scarlett grabbed her phone and stepped into the living room.

"Are you okay sweetie?" I nodded. I couldn't speak I was worrying about the phone call. I was stuck in my head til I felt a hand on my back. I whined and Lizzie moved her hand quickly but the pain stayed.

"Y/n why is your back wet?" The blood went through both layers. I felt something on my leg.

"It's not" I quickly stood up to go to the bathroom and sort the blood out. But before I could move Lizzie got up too and then Scarlett walked back in.

"Y/n are you okay?" Lizzie's voice spoke.

"Fine just gotta go to the bathroom" I moved but then Scarlett's voice broke through.

"Why is there blood on the floor?" I froze. My blood ran down my leg.

"Y/n are you bleeding?"

"Y/n what happened?"

I couldn't answer. I just kept looking down. What do I say? They will definitely send me back. I felt someone grab my hand and move me. I looked up and saw Scarlett taking me to the bathroom with Lizzie behind me.

Once we got to the bathroom it was just me and Scarlett. I kept looking down.

"Hon can I look at your back? Lizzie said it was wet and then there was blood on the floor. Please let me help you" her voice was soft and she was so concerned. It made me want to cry even more. I heard the door open and Lizzie came in holding clothes.

"We just want to help sweetie" Lizzie gave me a sad smile. I took a deep breath and turned around slowly.

I gently pulled my hoodie and shirt off which both were soaked in blood. I kept the clothes close to cover my arms and focused on not crying. I heard both women gasp.

"We're going to clean the wounds darling, it will sting but it will help okay?" I just nodded.

First they took off the bandage I had put on myself. Scarlett then wet a cloth and gently wiped away the blood new and old. I tried not to make a noise.

"This is antiseptic it'll make sure it doesn't get infected it will hurt I'm sorry honey" Lizzie spoke while rubbing my arm. Once the rag touched my back I whimpered loudly and the tears finally fell. I could hear Lizzie shushing me gently. Once Scarlett finished applying the liquid she wrapped my back with bandages.

"All done darling. Here's some clothes they may not fit I'm sorry" both women turned around so I could change, which I was thankful for. I put on the hoodie which was a little too big but I liked it. Scarlett took my clothes to wash them. I couldn't look at either of them.

We walked to the living room. I stood by the sofa not wanting to sit.

"Sit down sweetie it's okay" I slowly walked to them and sat between them.

"Please talk to us" Scarlett spoke first.

"What did the orphanage say?" I kept looking at my lap.

"I spoke to Mr Lotta I think" the name rang in my ears and I squeezed my hands shut digging my nails into my palm. "He said how much he missed you and wanted you back. I told him I'm keeping you for a few days and we'll see if you want to go back" I started shaking.

"Hey y/n it's okay what's going on talk to us" their voices calm me down.

"He's lying" I shakily speak.

"Tell us what happened" Both women held one of my hands.

"He hurt me I can't go back please don't make me he wanted me gone" both woman held me. I tensed up but slowly relaxed.

"We are so sorry you had to go through that"

"You're safe here"

I held them back and felt them squeeze me tight. "Thank you"

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